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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Just returned to Thailand on the 1st (Sunday night), using the Thai Pass system. No problem Suvanabhumi end, apart from a queue at the desks, backing up to the escalators. The Emirates desk jockey in UK wasn't clued up with the TP, and kept demanding to see our ASQ hotel booking, vax certs and insurance before issuing our tickets.. Had to call his supervisor to confirm the updated system, as they did not have a scanner to check the Thai Pass QR code. Hopefully, this has been updated asap since.. Might be useful to print out the docs required, or at least screen-shot everything you have on the phone before checking in, as finnicky apps like the Mor Phrom suddenly don't work when you really need to show them also.. ????
  2. Um, I complain all the time anyway. ???? If you don't you never get anything. Just got back from a month in the UK. -No masks, fear-mongering, virtue-signaling sanctimonious prats, etc. so you'll have to excuse me.
  3. Arrogance < just better informed. Thais live in a superstitious world full of irrational fear of intangibles. Ghosts, spirits, rain, etc. ???? Actual / real threats like cancer, head trauma, dangerous driving, diabetes etc are totally ignored by a media and Govt fixated on creating fear and conformance. Thais still think the Omicron variant is akin to necrotizing Ebola, <deleted>. Why would you care what they think? They don't, period.
  4. Yes, but these people (average age 80+) are mostly dying with Covid from complications attributed to basically old age. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/averageageofthosewhohaddiedwithcovid19
  5. Just spent a month in the UK. -England now fully mask / fear-free, and Scotland to follow. People getting on with their lives again, and for the most part seems like Covid never happened, other than the faded distancing stickers still in shops and banks, etc.. Surprising what a little press / media freedom can do for a country. -Boris and his Govt getting caught out and reported for breaking all their own rules, and thus having to repeal them . Makes one wonder if they were just arbitrary in the first place, tbh? Now back to Facemask Central SEA. ???? Whoopty-doo.
  6. Yep. I remember driving up an empty Expressway years ago at Songkran. It was eerie, tbh. ???? Zombie Holocaust type scenario.
  7. "In about one month".. Bizarre statement, and not a little sinister. Sounds like a threat, tbh.
  8. Covid is tapering off into endemic status. We quickly need another totem for fear and loathing.
  9. Look at who gets the timber concessions. Anyway, who needs trees when you can have shiny "fancy lamps"?
  10. No. They were all deemed to be "dictators" and "extremists" as they wanted to trade oil (and other commodities) in other currencies than the USD, and not be controlled by debt. Yet, countries like Saudi Arabia, with horrendous human rights, and the very antithesis of any "democracy" is perfectly okay.
  11. Exactly. Where was all the self-righteous outrage and virtue signalling when the sovereign invasions and regime-changes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. happened? Mainstream media called it "liberation" and no one blinked an eye.
  12. Nope. The Thai work force (especially contractors), school teachers, schoolchildren, etc have to be ATK-tested every week, (or every three days for the big corporations here).
  13. It's "hot season" again in Thailand (and Hong Kong). Viruses and bacteria mutate every time there is a change of weather, temperature and humidity. Hence the spike in "cases".
  14. Yep. The CCP now fully in control, and orchestrating a dystopian "zero-covid" policy. Funny how Western countries don't seem very alarmed about this "new variant".
  15. The UK had to set an example, because it's Government, led by lying Boris got caught out flagrantly breaking all their own Covid rules and restrictions. The critical press caused a public backlash that forced Boris to then cancel those same restrictions. Makes you wonder if all those laws that could be instantly repealed for political reasons weren't just stupid and arbitrary in the first place.? Still, that's what is achievable when you have a free(ish) press and independent media.
  16. I imagine a lot of people, foreign or Thai have had it already without realizing, due to mild or no symptoms. The 3-day or weekly ATK testing requirements are mostly just there for people working here or schoolchildren.
  17. Ending of Covid restrictions started with Boris in the UK, basically because him and Cabinet of hypocrites got caught out flouting every rule they had imposed on the nation. So it was basically 'political' to end these restrictions, which begs a question; were they totally arbitrary in the first place? And then you have Thailand's bunch of military cronies.. Hanging on to any little bit of power they can, because they lack the education, intelligence and vision to take the country forwards. Snouts too deep in the trough to see over it.
  18. Fun fact (off topic slightly) : Discarded fishing nets are by far the biggest plastic polluter in the world's oceans. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/06/dumped-fishing-gear-is-biggest-plastic-polluter-in-ocean-finds-report
  19. Rattling sabres to up the ante for a bigger payoff. If SPRC shuts down, a lot of downstream industries (plastics and petrochem) will be severely impacted also.
  20. Where did I "invoke the flu"? ???? You have a thing about "internet friends".. Do you have any tangible friends you can talk to.?
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