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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. Hi,

    We have had several monkeys both marmosetts, Tamarins, Squirrel, nightmonkeys, etc and now very well of how it is to have monkeys both for breeding within EAZA programmes as well as pets.

    Cappuchines are fantastic pets/companions!

    So my questions wasn´t bout that. Is it legal? Where does it state it is not legal? I hardly believe it is illegal for any of the guys who has them as coconut pickers.

    So, does anyone now?

    Please do not get me wrong, but i was told this by a guy i knew who rescued two monkeys, he let these go in the wild and they still live behind his home. also they have had young, which is a nice story. he actually told me it was illegal to keep them, that is one of the reasons he let them free.

    maybe it is a certain breed of monkey ?, it would be nice to find out for sure.

  2. I use to ship all this sort of stuff to the UK, Pictures, frames, woodcarings, furniture etc, best place to start, is Hang dong, just outside Chaing Mai, you will get everything around this area, they will even make things to order, try this guy, he is a mate of mine, he has a shop and factory, good stuff, also he will give you contacts. I will postmark you details, in the Handicraft centre there is a shipping office that will sort shipping etc out for you, girls name is Noi.

  3. Could any one let me know how they work out the tax on land purchases

    My wife paid 70 000 baht (more like I did) for a one rai block on a main road ,8 k from Burriram and paid 41 543 baht tax at the land office

    I understand there is a transfer fee of 2% and stamp duty of .5% but the rest dont make sense to me

    there is a price listed on the bin of 813 739 baht and she says that says its for the Pramuen price ,sorry can someone let me know what that is ,wife tells me something about the value of the land in the future

    :o Falang Falang

    Boy oh Boy, 41,000 baht tax, my wife went to land office 4 weeks ago in Buriram, on 3 rai 4 clicks out she paid 7000 baht tax, I think she paid about 220,000 baht for the land, i hope your wife has not bought kings land, have you seen the chanote, red stamp ect,

    My friend bought some land on the prackonchi road, by kradong, his wife did the deal, he is now worried as he has no Chanote, and the seller is making excuses, i always make sure we see chanote etc before purchasing, not sure what she means by pramuen land.

    Anyhow do not worry and good luck.

    This may be of use.

    Land Title Deeds and Taxes

    What are the different types of title deeds to land in Thailand?

    Chanot (Nor Sor 4): This type of title deed, registered at the Land Department in the province in which the land is located, grants the holder of the documents full rights over the land. It is therefore the strongest type of title deed. The title deed contains a legal description of the land boundary markers that are carefully ascertained and referenced by satellite images.

    Nor Sor 3 Gor: This land title designates ownership of land with fairly certain boundaries, however it is not yet a full land title (chanot). A final official measuring is required by the land department along with the placing of official markers. This type of land title may be sold, transferred, or mortgaged. If the owner of the land files a request with the Land Department, surveyors from the land department will measure the land, the title may be changed to Chanot.

    Nor Sor 3: Although ownership of the land covered in this title is relatively ascertained, the Land Department has never measured or recognized the boundaries. Therefore boundary markers are normally placed by property owners rather than government authorities. Accordingly, the main risk is whether the boundaries and size of the land is accurate.

    Possessory Right: This is normally an inherited land right proven by tax payments at the local administrative office. It is one of the weakest types of land rights.

    Sor Por Kor 4-01: This is an agricultural title deed, usually found in rural areas. Government land is transferred for agricultural purposes to needy families. Residence is allowed on a portion of the land. It is difficult for a non-Thai to obtain an interest in this type of land deed.

    How do land mortgages work in Thailand?

    Land mortgages in Thailand must be made in writing and registered with the Land Department of Thailand. Mortgages do not include the buildings built on the land after the mortgage date unless they were agreed upon before the mortgage documents were signed. In addition, buildings and other immovable structures may be mortgaged separately and should be registered with the Land Department or local Amphur (province). The fee for registering a mortgage is 1% of the amount declared in the mortgage agreement.

    What types of taxes must be paid when purchasing land or property in Thailand?

    The transferring fee, withholding tax and the stamp duty or Specific Business Tax (SBT) must all be paid by either the buyer or seller when a property is purchased. Although Sale and Purchase agreements differ, the buyer is typically responsible for the transfer fee, while the seller pays the stamp duty or specific business tax and the withholding tax.

    Transferring Fee: 2% of the registered value of the property; paid at the Land Office on the day of transfer of ownership

    Stamp duty: .5% of the appraised value of the property or the purchasing price, whichever is higher

    Specific Business Tax (SBT): 3.3% of the appraised or actual price of the property, whichever is higher; Imposed only if the property is transferred less than five years after its purchase (If the SBT is levied, stamp duty will not have to be paid.)

    If you intend to hire a local law firm, be sure that the local law firm you contact does not have a pre-existing working relationship with the seller and/or Land Department officials. Such law firms may be biased in their assessment. In most Western countries, it would be deemed a serious conflict of interest and breach of ethics for the same company to act as a real estate broker and an attorney for the same client. However, in Thailand, certain companies marketing to non-Thais do exactly that. Alternatively, Bangkok-based law firms can be retained to travel to the provinces to execute the land deal. You may feel more confident that the Bangkok-based law firm will operate independently and 100% in your interests.

  4. Mac,

    I will also be looking for international school for my Daughter in the future, as you know she is coming up Six and go's to School in the UK.

    You have met my eldest Daughter, Thai adopted daughter, she is 16 and go's to Boarding school in the UK, that costs me 1 million baht a year, she travels every day, she does not board, go's to school 6 days per week, she loves it, the school is situated about 15 miles from our home, when she first came to the UK at the age of Six she could not speak a word of English, she now speaks Thai, English, French a little German and is learning spanish, i am really proud of her. it costs me a bit of cash, but the end of the day it is worth it, money well spent.

    I think if you have children, there is nothing better than a good Education, also i think if they have been to a private school they have a lot better start in life. and a good future.

    All the best to you all....

  5. Came thru on the 17th Sept.............Bensons are available but have the "cancer" photos on the packs and they are limiting them (or were then) to 2 cartons a person.

    No Lamberts though at that time.

    Could do with a more current update myself, if anyone knows the position as of now.

    I flew back on the 6th Sept, no Bensons, and they limited myself, but got the oldest daughter and the wife to buy 2 outers, so got my 6 outers, also could not find any golden virginia.

  6. Good on you gary, nothing worse than animals been mistreated. you have a friend for life.

    One morning about 4am i heard scratching downstairs, opened the door and there was a pup curled up on the doorstep, this was a village dog, thai dog, he was in a heck of a mess, covered in ticks, bleeding etc, so i took him in, cleaned him up, down to vets etc, he is now 5 years old, when in Thailand he follows me everywhere, they know who is good to them, the sharpai and the thai dog are good mates

    last year i noticed a big lump on the back of my Chinese Sharpai, it was moving, took it to the vets, he sliced it open, a blow fly had laid its eggs under the skin, it also was full of maggots, dog is ok now.

  7. I was helping clear some land in Buriram, i came across a fantastic spider, never seen before, this was the size of a tarantuala, a red and black body, same sort of colours as the mexican red knee, i will post a video i took later today.

    Looking forward to the video. As you can probably tell I have a certain fascination and interest in creepy crawly things. Wife gets pretty worked up when I bring one in the house though. She hates em!!!

    :o Works well to clear out the house if I want some privacy!

    Jimmy, Same here, i love em, having breakfast one morning, windows open, next thing had a mate land on the side plate, he was a cracker, every move i was making his yellow eyes would follow, a real character, a Preying Mantis, about 4 to 5 inches long, one of my favourite insects in Thailand, the other been a firefly.

  8. They scammed me and the eldest Daughter, had to pay 1400 Baht, we purchased our tickets in August, late booking, on the return to the UK the check in girl with Thai, told us you have to go and pay airport tax, i argued with her, and she insisted she was right, so was sent to a room laid out like a bank, paid the taxes, then had to go back and pick up our boarding pass, which she insisted on keeping, no one even checked this tax receipt, like the old days.

    The other two passangers, my wife and yougest daughter, check in girl said they are ok, but she tried charging 7 days overstay for my other daughter which is 5, my wife told her she was wrong, and there was a little shouting in Thai, i think this girl had a bee in her boonet and was trying to show her authority, my wife asked the immigration officer about the overstay, my wife was right.

    Sometimes these officials i think are Jealous when they see our wives and girlfriends with an indefinate stay visa for the UK.

  9. Thanks for the replies. Pretty sure it's a cobra - much too thick for the usual snakes we get around the garden. Too far from the house to lug the speakers to scare it away with some heavy bass. Planning to take a non aggressive approach & try to persuade it to leave. Will leave lawn mower running next to the pile, & use a very long poled rake to try & flatten the heap.

    What's the deal with the diesel? is it the smell or am I supposed to throw a lit rag on to it?

    Just poor some around the bin, it is the smell, you can buy Snake repelent, but not sure if available in Thailand, do a search.

  10. I had this problem with Cobras in my garden, got a big pile of rocks to build a pond, they have made home there, now vacated, how long, do not know.

    4 options.

    Mothballs ( if available in Thailand ) or get someone to bring you a box from the uk, they work.



    Plant Lemongrass Snakes hate this stuff, i was told this by a Thai but never tried it, also Vinegar works with ants so you could try that.

  11. When in Thailand i drawer money from my UK Lloyds TSB Card or Nationwide, i get the thai exchange rate on that day, not the UK baht rate, which is always about 8 to 10 baht lower, Lloyds do charge a small fee, or another option, open a nationwide account before coming over, they charge zero, or just bring cash, i do not like travellers cheques.

  12. You guys who buy land, copy and paste this for future ref.

    2.5 Rai = 1 Acre

    1 Rai = 1,600 Square Metres

    1 Rai = 4 Ngan

    1 Ngan = 100 Square Wah

    1 Rai = 400 Square Wah o 4 Ngan

    1 Square Wah = 4 Square Metres

    Also when buying land make sure you get to see the marker posts, measure in metres to the next one, you can then check exactly what you are buying. these are marked on the chanote.

  13. Brought 1500 quid into Thailand of the new 20 pound notes 4 weeks ago, changed some in Airport, and the rest at the SCB Bank in Buriram, no problem at all, did not even check them, maybe i look honest :o .

  14. Last week i visited my Wifes uncle and aunt, they have a lot of land boardering the main Buriram - Surin road, i gave them both 200 baht as a jesture of goodwilll, they were so happy, next day another relative told my wife they were so happy as i had just paid there electric, they were due to be cut off, they had no money, but got land worth 80 million baht, live in a traditional thai stilt house which is falling apart, they live very poor and day by day, but are rich in assets.

    I know these people are very lucky to have assets, a lot of thai farmers now have nothing, lots of land gone to the chinese money lender etc. for loans and high interest they cannot pay.

    They are poor their land is worth nothing if they really own it. The only person who will buy the land for 8 million baht is some farang who reads Thai Visa and has a Thai wife.

    Show me what Thai will buy his land for anything

    They have had an offer on this land about 3 years ago, not a ferang, not a true thai, a chinese/thai, as most know these are the guys with the money, the family do own the land i have actually seen the Chanote, and its worth 80 million not 8,

    This is so expensive as it is on the main highway, if it was 1 KM down a track it would be worth 100,000 per rai, as the saying go's Location, Location, a chinese/thai i know from Buriram, has just bought 3 Rai on the main highway to Prackonchi, he paid 4 million Baht.

  15. Can somebody recommend a decent business hotel in Ho Chi Men City (near city centere)

    I have looked at the online booking sites and some of the hotels are pushing 200$ USD

    In bangkok - I can get a ###### nice modern hotel for about 2k bah.

    can I do the same in HCM? If so where?

    Try the Saigon Hotel, not far from the river, good hotel with nice bar upstairs on the roof, it was very good value about 4 years ago. worth a try.

    just got the link off google. here go's


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