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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. How do I go about getting my MP involved?

    Just find out who your local MP is and ring there office and make an appointment, they will sort this out, i had to use them once and the matter was sorted within a week.

    I sent my wifes passport in for an indefinate stay visa, before all these new stupid rules, they sat on this passport for 6 months, we had a flight booked in 2 weeks, they still had the passport, rang my local MP, had the passport back within a week with visa and letter of apologie.

    This damm government, all its after is your hard earned Money.

  2. I have been married to my Thai wife for 11 years, we live in a small town in wales, population 5000, my wife is well known in the community, one of those places where eveyone knows everyone, we have our own business and property in UK and Thailand, she is respected by the locals and never had a fall out with anyone, she is well liked, now and again i have the odd ferrang ask me to take them to Thailand, i used to, but not anymore, my wife was the first Thai living here, now there are about 10, she is now having problems of Jealousy etc, not off the Ferangs, but off the thais who have moved here, she now does not bother with them, what annoys me is the wife has helped these out with visa issues, Ni numbers etc, the one Thai is 46, just got married to my mate, over the hill bargirl who has worked the bars for years, knows all the scams, and now trying to rip him off, i have told him beware, but he is green, been to thailand twice and met this lady.

    Not discriminating bargirls, but there is good and bad.

    I have had people ask me about my wife, i tell them the best thing i have ever done, and we are happy togeather,

  3. A mate of mine overstayed 4 years +, the immigration finally caught up with him and he was put in the detention centre in Bangkok, untill he or someone could find the 25,000 baht fine/ticket home, he fled to Hong Kong but apparantly he is now back in Thailand doing he same as before, Crazy.

  4. Also let down this side of the water, only televised on Santana Sports, pay to view, another Rip off. something like this should be televised worldwide.

    This channel pissed me off bigtime!!!!!!Their advertising for this was ambigious to say the least.They said one must pay 9.99 and then you were also subscribed to thier channels,so here is me thinking well i all-ready subscribe so i will see the fight.This was further reinforced because up until 12.00 at night the channel it was showing was still unscrambled.I was watching a film on another channel and turned back at 1 excited at the prospect of the fight,well it was only then that the channel HAD ben scrambled anfd further offering you no options to subscribe,wanke_rs!!!!!!!!!.Anyhow saw the fight next day and Joe as usual was the compsenate professional.This guy really does not get the plaudits he deserves.So now over to the hitman you can do it Ricky!!!!!!!!!

    Same here, really pi........ off, not to worry, we have some good boxers now in the UK, some good guys in Calzaghis stable, Price, etc, pity poor old Howard could not see this fight, as he was a world champion once, he was a nice guy, Howard Winstone, knew him well, but i must not go on about the welsh boys, Hitman hatton, now he is something else as well. good luck to all of them.

  5. Do you want the embroidery on the baseball caps, if so, 6th floor, MBK centre opposite my Dentists, they design all embroidery work, also do all sorts of baseball caps.

    Dentist address is X5, 6TH FLOOR, mbk centre, the place is dead opposite.

    I have used these people and they were the cheapest i found, maybe not anymore, as two years ago i last used them, they will wholesale and send overseas.

  6. What about Andy/Sandy the English ladyboy? Actually a very nice (and straight!) bloke.

    What about the bicycle rider with the flashing bicycle and top hat?

    What about the adult Thai dressed as a boy scout always hanging around Carrefour?

    The others are the Soi 8 lady with the white face (obviously mentally challenged) and the other Soi 8 mainstay Thai male with a mohawk and recently tattoos on his face?

    Then there's farangs on choppers with tattoos on their face, arms, and neck. Aside from the face, this is becoming more and more common.

    There's a German with 2 big dogs near my condo who is covered everywhere but his face in tattoos.

    Ive just had a thought, do you think these characters, such as the zulu chief,zz tops dad, parrot face and superman etc see each other do they think they are normal ? :o

    We could make a Movie

  7. This is another new thing i have heard about yesterday, i had the pension guy to see my parents as i think they were not getting the quota owed to them, there is a new thing called Pension Credit, this is if you have not paid into a private pension, so they will bump your pension up, if you have paid into a Private Pension it works the other way, they will give you a bonus for saving, my mother and father both have private pensions so can now get this bonus every month. not sure of figures yet.

    So guys if some of you are over 65 and getting OAPension and have paid into a private pension, this may be worth looking at as well,

  8. Last time I was in Buriram, I wanted to get the girlfriend and family to start taking care of the yard a little better.

    I looked around a bit for some garden tools, but wasn't able to locate some western type garden weapons, like a full bladed shovel (they only have the sliver kind), big rakes, garden hoe and few other items. Anyone know what stores sell these items?

    Home Mart just pass taveeks had a few western tools, but I have discovered Thais do not like using them.

    I must mention hardware store in Krasang, granted it is about 20 minutes from Buriram it will be worth the drive. the owners son, Ting speaks excellent English and can help with sound advice on any project u may be planning. He believe it or not even service after the sale. Ting's number is 044 691001. make sure he is in when go.

    Is it the Thai chinese family, who have the cement works and builders merchant, if so ask them if you can go fishing, they have superb fishing lakes, behind there banana plantation and cement works, i know the daughter quite well, nice people, the daughter dug 3 or 4 lakes a few years back just for ferrangs to go fishing, my best mate from Krasang was involved in this.

  9. Take the punt and build the house yourself. Don't listen to the know it alls who probably never worked with a Thai in their life. They tell you Thai people will rip you off they are no where near as bad as many Farang make out. Well not unless you are totally stupid and got money coming out your ears.........then plenty farang who will rip you off without having a Thai do it LOL

    I have been involved in renovations and building for more than a few years in Thailand (no i don't want to build your house) and the fun you get from doing it is second to none.

    If you are told it's going to cost 1.5 million baht to build then add 20%. At some stage near the end you will get the Thai in charge coming up to you to say he doesn't have enough tiles or needs more wood. Pay them too much at once and don't expect them to turn up on the Monday. If you can accept that then you are half way there already.

    It's not that they are ripping you off it's basically they have no idea how to plan a job out. They cut the biggest piece of wood they can find with no thought of what comes next. So be prepared for a few headaches.

    However the joy you can get from doing it on your own is second to none. So what if it costs you a couple of hundred thousand baht more than you expected......still a dam_n site cheaper than buying someone elses that you end up changing the hel_l out of anyway.

    You can get drawings fairly cheaply. My friend is an Engineer and he is building his own 4 bedroom house somehwere south of Hua hin. He has spent hours on end checking and improving the drawings and has now started. He bought them of the shelf from an architect for around 30,000 baht and paid another 20,000 to have him make the changes he wanted.

    I was out for a few beers with him last night and he is already pulling his hair out but loving every minute of it.

    All you need is one decent Thai guy with building experince.....not as difficult to find as some would have you believe.

    Go for it mate you're only old once LOl

    Nicely said, I agree all the way on this one, get a decent thai builder, you are almost there.

  10. I agree good price from your location description BUY IT

    Hi Mac,

    That land is a good deal, i also think he should snap it up quick, do not mention Ferrang thow, as the price will go up.

    Do you know where i planted the eucas, the land next door has come up for sale, bank sign on the plot, 2 rai, last Monday it was 510,000, wed, it went down to 400,000, wife rang the bank and gave them a firm offer, today new sign up 510,000 is this bank crazy or what, the way these people work sometimes are beyond me.



    These two plots are only 4 clicks outside Buriram on a concrete road, i paid 200,000 for the one plot 16 months ago,

    My advise is to buy the land, or tell me where and i will buy it :o

  11. If you build or remodel, be prepared to be overcharged every step of the way and expect nothing but inferior workmanship.

    The integrity of the workmen I have been involved with is appaling.

    Same in most countrys, not just Thailand, there are cowboys in the UK overcharging,

    I have built 2 houses in Esarn, Workmanship superb and not overcharged, rule no1 is make sure you get a reputable builder and ask to see some of his projects, (Ferang houses), even ask the owner if they are happy with the finished product and time scale, this will put your mind at rest, good luck.

    Yes but in the uk you have recourse to the law, which you definitely, positively DO NOT here, as I found out after three lying robbing bastard builders and a dozen incompetent cover Thai arse lawyers here. Christ.l

    Sorry about the problems you have had, but i am just quoting you can have the same problems with builders in the UK, law or no law, i know in thailand there is no such comeback if you are stung, but there is one way of dealing with it or them later :o.

  12. If you build or remodel, be prepared to be overcharged every step of the way and expect nothing but inferior workmanship.

    The integrity of the workmen I have been involved with is appaling.

    Same in most countrys, not just Thailand, there are cowboys in the UK overcharging,

    I have built 2 houses in Esarn, Workmanship superb and not overcharged, rule no1 is make sure you get a reputable builder and ask to see some of his projects, (Ferang houses), even ask the owner if they are happy with the finished product and time scale, this will put your mind at rest, good luck.

  13. There is an old wives tale, to get chrome and S/S Bolts looking new again, never tried it, but apparantly it works, they also use it as a chrome cleaner,

    I think you can purchase in Thailand, VINEGAR.

    fill a jar up with vinegar, put your bolts etc in the jar, seal the top and give it a good shake, leave 24 hours and the bolts will come out like new, just wipe them over with a clean rag, vinegar gets rid of rust, oxidisation etc.

    Vinegar has a lot of uses, weed killer, ants etc.

    Give it a go

    I read this in a car/Bike restorers book on tips.


    Yep 900 fireblade, going to put nitros on it :o

  14. I really am fond of the buells. The harley sound a lot more go and they are by my standards cheap. I picked up the 95 Mint condition 13,000 Miles with extras For $ 2300.00 Us

    Lot of bike for the money, they look superb, mate in Non Bua Lamphu, has just bought one, he is having extra work done on it, it will be a beast.

    sorry guys for going a bit off topic.

  15. Under the enacted regulations, pensioners living in certain overseas countries (E.g. USA) will receive the annual pension increases, whereas others

    (e.g. Thailand and South Africa) have their pension rate frozen when they take up residence in that country. There appears to be no rhyme or reason to it, but that's the way it is.

    Interesting choice of words there.

    How many members are recognised as resident in Thailand

    very few I suspect.

    A year by year retirement visa is not a residence permit. :o

    Probably you are like me, not resident ANYWHERE?

    Not in Thailand and no longer in the UK either.

    We have paid our dues, we save the UK government the cost of health care,

    and the get treated like sh1t with our pensions frozen at retirement......... :D :D

    I do know a couple of pensioners who get there central heating allowance whilst living in Thailand, nice one, i laugh about this i say to them it should be air conditioning alowance :D , you cannot blame them, they have paid into the system so why not, this is a good topic and has also put my mind at rest about pension for myself and the wife, Thanks Guys.......keep em coming

  16. Thanks again for the input. After I posted the reply I saw the error.(ie1150) I have two Buells in the usa a 95 and a 99 Thunderbolt both 1200's so maybe my finger stuck for a reason . :o I will contact a few members in the next few days. I went to a honda dealer and they did not indicate any tank bags were available but since arriving I have learned not to give up with 1 reply from 1 Honda shop.

    I will watch this site for any new posts.

    Today a Ride to the mountains.

    Buel Thunderbolt, nice machine,

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