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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. Thaicoon for the Rocket 3 with a few extras 1.2 million. About what youd pay for an average Harley D over here and I know which I'd rather be seen on. Roll on May.

    Got 4 bikes now, could sell the 4 for a Triumph rocket, or what the hel_l, go for one. you only live once, so enjoy.

  2. I love fishing. Been a passion of mine since I was a kid, and would love to try out some of the rivers in Isaan. So have anyone tried it?

    I have seen a local or two with fishing rods, so I guess it is possible..

    I guess my much better looking and intelligent half would think her farang has completely lost it if I try, but bringing my ultra light rod next time I come over. The thing fits in my suitcase, so no problem.

    So if you see a bunch of people having a ball watching the ting tong farang trying to catch fish, stroll over and have a chat. Might be a beer in it for you :-)

    I'll be somewhere north of Buri Ram in mid April.

    Nice fishing park in Krasang, chinese/thai lady owns it, if you want more info e-mail [email protected] he is a mate of mine and set it all up for the owner, it is a good place, also i have 3 lakes outside Buriram. if you wanted to do some fishing.

    Krasang is Half way from Buriram to Surin.

  3. Good news i will be leaving blighty to start a new life in Thailand, maybe in about 9 months time, as lot of legal issues to sort out, My thai wife and i have sold our Business today for half a mil, we have everything set up in Thailand, car, house, land etc, one problem, i just want to know what visa should i apply for, is it the 3 months one, then renewable to a 12 months marriage visa ?, then got to show 40,000 baht coming into a thai account, i have a thai account which has quite a bit in, will this do, if not will the 40,000 baht have to come from my country, UK, and do the embassy have to give you a letter for immigration.

    Also does the 40,000 baht have to be paid into an account every month for 12 months,

    I have one problem i am only 42, so cannot get retirement visa.

    Replies please, just to put my brain at rest,

    Thanks Guys................... :o

  4. I have just spoken to several Thai friends in the farming community in Khon Kaen and they have all just informed me that these little piggies of yours should be no more than 500 THB or so a piece. They would like to offer you 30,000 for a quick sale after first having a look see at their quality. Price to include delivery.

    PM me if you want to sell.

    Hi Casanundra

    As a pig raiser I can tell you that piglets (weaners) of 30 days (they weigh 6-10kg) were selling last year at Bt1,000 but are now going for Bt500. Isan999 's pigs are worth the 70,000 baht he originally wanted when he posted in the Farming Forum (under "Pigs"). As I've told him, I'm way too far from him to be interested myself but would certainly buy them at his new offer of 50,000 baht were I closer. You can see my analysis of their worth in my reply to him in that forum - I suggested he might be better off trying the Issan Forum since folks down his way who have not previously raised pigs may well be interested. His price is a steal. He is not selling weaners - he is selling growers and finishers.



    I have made him an offer, the offer still stands, now it is up to my thai family they maybe have been in touch all ready. they are all good weights, and i think worth the money i have offered. maybe my thai family will check em out wed.

  5. I hope to do the big move this year, asap, had a good offer on my Business in the UK yesterday, looks good, just got to think about it for a couple of days, as it is the biggest desision i have ever made, i am so anti UK at the moment, all this red tape etc, i work every morning at 5 am to 7 pm at night i get home, my family are suffering as just got no time for the youngest daughter, time i get home she is going to bed, this is no quality of life, i want to spend more time with my family and relocate to Thailand, we have everything set up there, so that is one good thing. also i would like to learn the village kids english in my spare time and do something for the community.

    There is only one problem i can see when moving to Thailand, VISA, as i am only 42 and got no income coming in once i sell, i am going to build another house in the UK and rent out. so it will cover the 40,000 baht.

    In the UK you are working for the tax man, not yourself any more.

    I also use to import furniture and carvings from Hang Dong, this was 12 years ago, now everybody has got on the bandwagon, so stopped , but still have all my contacts. which may come in handy.

  6. I sent a mobile, Blackberry, from the UK to my mate in Krassang, sent international signed for, it was sent sometime in July 2006, he received it on 2nd Jan, we both thought it had been nicked, could not beleive it, i put a claim into the post office and had refund and value of item.

    When i did the tracking, it said still in UK. so i do not think the fault was in thailand. i send packages out quite regular, and posting from the UK, it normally takes 5 days, which is good.

  7. Hi

    I want to wire about 10,000 sterling from my UK bank account to Thailand. Over the past 3 months the value of the Baht against the pound has changed by almost 15%.

    Is the value of the Baht likely to drop in the near future? Is it worth hanging on and sending this money at a later date? Some people are talking about the baht crashing. Exchange rate and economics are over my head


    I also have some cash to send, for land we have just bought, so watch the exchange every day, it is about 68 this morning, heck i remember when it went as low as 34 to the pound, about 10 years ago, then crept up to 90, thats when i built my house, i notice it is starting to creep back down again, it makes a hel_l of a differance when you are sending large amounts of cash over, i have americam mates of mine who get money over on a regular basis, it has hit some big time, US Dollar and the baht not good, one guy is down 10,000 baht a month.

    USD1 USD : 1 33.98 35.41

    USD5 USD : 5-20 34.36 35.41

    USD50 USD : 50-100 34.84 35.49 35.01 35.11 35.31

    GBP United Kingdom 66.70 68.53 67.43000 67.60250 68.27250

    EUR Euro Zone 45.69 46.75 45.89750 46.00250 46.50500

    JPY Japan (:100) 29.32 30.34 29.73375 29.80375 30.23125

    HKD Hong Kong 4.40 4.57 4.46750 4.48250 4.53250

    MYR Malaysia: 10, 50, 100 9.27 10.34 Unquote Unquote Unquote

    SGD Singapore 22.68 23.35 22.84750 22.91000 23.22375

    BND Brunei 22.19 23.25 - - -

    CNY China 3.83 4.93 Unquote Unquote Unquote

    IDR Indonesia (:1000) 2.69 4.33 3.35665 3.40045 4.31400

    INR India : 50-1000 0.67875 0.87750 - - 0.84750

    KRW Korea 0.0292 0.0393 - - -

    PHP Philippines 0.53 0.79 - - 0.74000

    TWD Taiwan 0.86 1.13 - - -

    AUD Australia 26.85 27.77 27.12000 27.19750 27.65000

    NZD New Zealand 23.90 24.91 23.97750 24.05000 24.43500

    CHF Switzerland 28.09 28.90 28.41250 28.48500 28.87250

    DKK Denmark 5.92 6.25 6.13500 6.15250 6.24000

    NOK Norway 5.46 5.73 5.60250 5.62000 5.70375

    SEK Sweden 4.75 5.02 4.91875 4.93000 5.00250

    CAD Canada 29.16 30.12 29.54250 29.61500 30.06500

    AED United Arab Emirate 7.76 9.92 - - -

    BHD Bahrain 63.03 94.29 - - -

    JOD Jordan - - - - -

    KWD Kuwait - - - - -

    OMR Oman 63.26 92.37 - - -

    QAR Qatar 7.69 10.01 - - -

    SAR Saudi Arabia 7.71 9.95 - - -

  8. Sorry for boring any camera Gurus, but I have just bought a Canon powershot.

    I understand pixels but it has another setting for compression.

    What is compression and how does it work?

    Please forgive my ignorance oh great ones.

    And thanks for any info.

    What powershot is it, i have the A640 10 million m/Pix, as an everyday camera, brilliant bit of kit.

  9. I ran into this amazing French photographer, Yannick Beunard.

    His images are fun, amazing and bring a smile to your face.

    Have a look:



    True, nice images, but not a true photographer in my eye, most have been manipulated using photoshop or something, but done very well, i am a strong believer in the picture you take is the right one, i do not believe in altering images, it,s cheating in my book. i have an EOS D1, A 350D, also a canon A640 as a camera just to put in the pocket, i mostly use the first two cameras in manual mode, the only one i use in auto is the a640. all the pics i take are as i have taken them, i used to use slide but now gone onto digital, as it is so handy.

  10. I am bringing two out to Thailand, sticking them in the container, but taking them apart first, wheels bodyparts etc, one is a 4 x 4 Honda farm atv 450cc the other is a yamaha Banshee racing quad, for me to have some fun on, the chinese ones are ok, but not as good as the top makers, cheap chains, sprockets, etc. will not stand up to everyday use like a Honda or yami. i also want the honda for our farm.

  11. farangland gave you the means to live in paradise, best not to bite the hand that feeds! :o

    Ferrangland ?, Talking about the UK now, it is still a Beautifull country, the only problem we have and is the same in most ferrang countrys i understand, is the idiots running them and all the stupid rules and red tape, also winter sucks, to much taxes and paying for dossers and people on benifits, which half of them, there is nothing wrong with, the decent hard working guy they screw with taxes.

    The only means i have had to live in Paradise was not from the UK , But due to B L O O D Y hard graft, in the UK,

    Your quote would be right if you were a civil servent or worked for the government

  12. Why not try something like this, if not available in thailand, i am sure you would be able to get one made, for little money.


    the umbrella is about 3 metres. and swings both ways, you only need to get a frame made and a secure base you can bolt to the ground. there are some good thai guys who could knock this up for peanuts, and it would be stronger. heck you could put a nice bamboo roof on the umbrella part once you have had the framework made. i reckon 1500 baht, you could get some guy to make it. then paten it..........

  13. Got fined 100 baht for speeding, i was doing 140 kms,also in the fast lane, on the road from Khon Kaen to Korat, so quite good i thought, touch wood the cops have been fine with me, i did get stopped in Buriram on the bike one day, for no helmet, the cops pulled us over, parked the bike by all the others they had stopped, i thought s h i t, long walk to the cop shop, had a chat and a bit of a joke, he asked me why i was not wearing a helmet, i told him could not get my size in thailand :o , they both laughed and told me to go to the shop down the road and get 2 chaings, so i got 3 and we all had a drink on the roadside, and i rode home, a couple of days later the 2 cops came around the house for a drink, brilliant, imagine this in the uk.

    But sometimes they do like a backhander, my nephew is joining the force next year, the family have to put up 50,000 baht to get him in.

  14. Mac,

    Congratulations to yourself and the wife, they soon grow up, she will be writing on this forum before you know it, well done. and a very cute liitle girl. nice one.

    Hope you both have a lot of joy and happiness from her. :D

    Jasmine :o to Thailand

    All our best

    Ian, Sa, Thiwaporn & Saffron.

  15. I am sure I read somewhere on the Forum about a motorcyle meet / show in Ubon in the near future. I had a look around (and yes, did use the search facility) but couldn't turn up any info :o

    A heads up would be appreciated if anyone knows about this event :D

    where in buriram are you from ?, i have 4 bikes in the house, i cannot wait to get back there and fire em up, They have just been all built to show quality, the one was featured in a well known thai magazine, if you guys get the dates for this show postmark me, as i hope to be there shortly

    Hi Thaicoon.

    Up until late December we where living in town (soi 2 Jira rd) But have since moved out into the country (my wifes take on living less than 2 klms from the cbd !!!!) into the new stage of the estate on the newish bypass road.

    I don't have any motorcycles as yet, hence the post. Now we are almost settled in, its time to move on to my next project, getting a bike for a bit of cruising around. Going to this bike show is the starting point, having a look and hopefully getting to talk to some bike owners.

    I am on the surin road about 4 clicks out of town, when you get a bike let us know, what are you looking for ?, i will be back in buriram soon.

  16. I am sure I read somewhere on the Forum about a motorcyle meet / show in Ubon in the near future. I had a look around (and yes, did use the search facility) but couldn't turn up any info :o

    A heads up would be appreciated if anyone knows about this event :D

    where in buriram are you from ?, i have 4 bikes in the house, i cannot wait to get back there and fire em up, They have just been all built to show quality, the one was featured in a well known thai magazine, if you guys get the dates for this show postmark me, as i hope to be there shortly

  17. When we built our place 8 years ago, i was lucky, wifes family built it so got everything at a good price and the build was done 100%, top quality, looked at a few ferrang houses around isarn, some built very very well, others need knocking down and starting again, when getting a builder ask him if you can look at something he has built before, another ferang house, and get feedback from the owner, that will put your mind at rest, or another thing,if you see a nice ferrang house in your district, knock the door and ask who built it.

    Wifes family are building houses in Siracha at the moment,

  18. British Airways, The rip off British - Airline, says it all. like the b l o o d y Airport, Heathrow. what a shambles that place is.

    There are still about 1000 cases in the baggage hall, all piled up waiting to be returned to BRITISH AIRWAYS PASSANGERS,

    They could not give a damm.

    The name stinks.

  19. i have just bought for my House a full western kitchen in the UK, we are shipping it out

    this is my plan too. I plan on stocking up on good flat pack shelving etc for garages, laundry storage too from Ikea or similar places & sending over in a container when we finally make the move. Some of the availablitiy, esp in Issan of certain things is so dire I figure it will be cheaper in the long run to just ship it over as well as our decent bed, sofas & some good quality furniture too.

    Hubby also has a lot fo tools he wont part with & claims to not be able to get in thailand for the same price (tools can be cheap in UK when bought in sales etc) so we are going to need a really big ship :o

    Thaicoon, Will your transport company arrange all customs & excise & deliver to the door??

    Hi Boo,

    yes, been in touch with them, they will do everything, just got to make a list, when shipping goods they have to be 2nd hand otherwise there will be duty to pay, wife can get one Container sent over duty free, when doing a list just write description, as if the container is delivered to your door, the shipping agent takes care of all paperwork, i have been advised to fill a 40 footer up, with everything, going to bring a sit down mower as well.

    it will be sometime this year hopefully. just bought the kitchen, saved a fortune in the Jan sales. also saved a load on a gas hob 5 burner, with Wok burner, but when buying these you need to make sure they have the LPG Conversion kit included. bought on e-bay for 99.00 GBP

  20. This is our house, finished it in Jan 2005 Banglamung



    Very nice, i love the spanish style arches,nice touch, this is what we are building at the back of my house, a covered walkway 2 story going into the garage, with open arches on ground floor and window style on second floor then i am going to postmark rayban, for some details on his pool, as he has had a nice pool built.

    as i say nice house, congratulations.

    Hi Thaicoon

    Thanks very much, I used to live in Tenerife for 16 years while I was working overseas and married but I got divorced twice and lost two houses as well. This one I had built is my dream home and I hope is staying with me and my new model.

    I just love they way the spanish style is. I am building number two next door a single story with the high ceiling and the hard wood. This is the website for you guys and girls too look at. Duncan the developer has been in Thailand for 16 years and Norway for 11 years building he knows what he is doing and 5 star quality.

    The kitchen is for my beloved and the Bar is off limits for my beloved.



    house 2 design

    Good site, this is the kitchen i am putting in my place, all ready to come over,


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