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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. I will be back in Buriram on the 21st August, :D , i am about 4 clicks out on the Surin road, any of you guys fancy a bike ride somewhere and a few beers after. let us know.

    Can your bike keep up ??? :D


    You still got the GSX1000, mate of mine in Non Bua has same bike, old age creeping in, sports bikes now play hel_l with the old back. but still got the fireblade, bringing a few aditions for it this time.

    Also do you know where i can buy an old sports bike, i just want engine case and the bike, take the gutz out of the engine to make it lighter, i want to turn it into a BSB or MOTOGP Replica, HM Plant, Virgin Mobile or a John Reynolds Rizla Suzuki, depending what bike i can get, just to hang on the wall in a new venture wife and i are opening. any breakers about. as got lot of other stuff as well, tommy hill signed fairing, nose cone off Ferrari F1 etc,

    Yep, still got it, should get it back from the paint-shop anytime now :D . Regarding older sports-bikes, my best guess will be to contact one of the shops who import the bikes from over-seas as tractor-parts, to avoid the tax. I know some of them, so lets get together when you come, and find out what the best choice is.

    After one hour on the Gixer, I require three hours of firm massage :o


    An old NC30 would be just the job, ok i will postmark you a phone number and my address in Thailand.

    Actualy I think you know me already, and I know where you live, we met about 4-5 years ago, when David had the Bamboo-bar.


    OK, Now you got me thinking, i was speaking to dave this morning, he is not good, very depressed etc, i will tell you more when i see you. all the best.

  2. Camelot do not get in touch with anyone, via phone or e-mail, if you are a winner, it is up to you to check your numbers, on line or going into a lottery retailer, why do you think they have so many unclaimed millions sat in there account, i am a camelot agent, i win every week, my commision :o , so i can varify this is a scam, bet you its the bl........ Nigerians, thats who normally send this crap

  3. I will be back in Buriram on the 21st August, :D , i am about 4 clicks out on the Surin road, any of you guys fancy a bike ride somewhere and a few beers after. let us know.

    Can your bike keep up ??? :D


    You still got the GSX1000, mate of mine in Non Bua has same bike, old age creeping in, sports bikes now play hel_l with the old back. but still got the fireblade, bringing a few aditions for it this time.

    Also do you know where i can buy an old sports bike, i just want engine case and the bike, take the gutz out of the engine to make it lighter, i want to turn it into a BSB or MOTOGP Replica, HM Plant, Virgin Mobile or a John Reynolds Rizla Suzuki, depending what bike i can get, just to hang on the wall in a new venture wife and i are opening. any breakers about. as got lot of other stuff as well, tommy hill signed fairing, nose cone off Ferrari F1 etc,

    Yep, still got it, should get it back from the paint-shop anytime now :D . Regarding older sports-bikes, my best guess will be to contact one of the shops who import the bikes from over-seas as tractor-parts, to avoid the tax. I know some of them, so lets get together when you come, and find out what the best choice is.

    After one hour on the Gixer, I require three hours of firm massage :o


    An old NC30 would be just the job, ok i will postmark you a phone number and my address in Thailand.

  4. I will be back in Buriram on the 21st August, :D , i am about 4 clicks out on the Surin road, any of you guys fancy a bike ride somewhere and a few beers after. let us know.

    Can your bike keep up ??? :o


    You still got the GSX1000, mate of mine in Non Bua has same bike, old age creeping in, sports bikes now play hel_l with the old back. but still got the fireblade, bringing a few aditions for it this time.

    Also do you know where i can buy an old sports bike, i just want engine case and the bike, take the gutz out of the engine to make it lighter, i want to turn it into a BSB or MOTOGP Replica, HM Plant, Virgin Mobile or a John Reynolds Rizla Suzuki, depending what bike i can get, just to hang on the wall in a new venture wife and i are opening. any breakers about. as got lot of other stuff as well, tommy hill signed fairing, nose cone off Ferrari F1 etc,

  5. I will be back in Buriram on the 21st August, :o, i am about 4 clicks out on the Surin road, any of you guys fancy a bike ride somewhere and a few beers after. let us know.

  6. I see these post about a rai in Buriram or some other place in Issan going for 2-300,000 THB. Since a rai is actually less than a half an acre. 2.5 rai =1 acre. that would mean the per acre price is 750,000 THB. That is about 23,000 USD per acre for farmland in Issan! Ridiculous to me, but then that's me.

    Correct, 1 acre 2.5 rai, its the old story as long as there are westerners wanting to buy, expect the price to be high, we bought most of our land 12 years ago, then about 10,000 a rai, at that time there were not many of us buying land in Buriram, people thought we were mad, but what i have done helped my thai family out no end, they now live quite well, also i was buying all the old Guiens and wheels up, to ship back to UK, the Thais used to laugh at me, Buying a Guien for 500 baht, and a wheel for 50 baht, look at the price of them now thats if you can get em.

  7. Price gone up to 550,000, they have seen a ferrang, get someone else to ask, someone the seller does not know, i also am 4 Kms outside buriram, 5 months ago bought 2 rai building land, not rice paddy, for 220,000 baht, about 100 yards off the main Buriram - Surin road, electric water all on site.

    Farm land is about max 30 to 40,000 per rai. on main highway it would be worth maybe 400,000, also further out of town you go cheaper the land.

    Who ever is selling is seeing baht signs.

    I am getting to Buriram on the 21st August, if you want to pop around my place i will show you our land and tell you what we have paid, this will give you a good idea, of what to buy and what to pay, as i am about the same distance outside the city.

  8. Did you ship this stuff in your wifes name, also did you pay for door to door service from china to your address in thailand, the shipping company should of sorted all this out, you are now getting me paranoid as i am shipping a 40 foot container from UK in the near future, all going to be done in wifes name, no mention of me or ferrang.

    Did the shipping company have a copy of your wifes passport ?. as this should of been all they should of had.

  9. I have asked about this last week, as at the moment i am self employed, the Government have told me i have to pay into the system for 44 years ?, i have been self employed since the age of 18, 25 years, when i do move to LOS i can still pay voluntary contributions at 7.20 per week, then get a full pension.

    But the way the UK is going, will there be any money left in the pot. who knows.

  10. Sounds lovely. You can add me and my lady to the party. You are one lucky SOB to be in a paradise like Surin Beach. It is my favorite beach in Phuket. Are you a new pub? I do not recall ever seeing a Farang Connection in Phuket. Anyhoooo and 2 to the list!

    Surin, Noth/East Thailand not Phuket.


    Count us in now confirmed, Ian & Sa, Buriram

  11. Temple on the hill ?, Everytime i have been there, i have never showed my passport, there use to be an old Helicopter on the hill, but i think that has now gone, it is an amazing place, little bit of a walk from the carpark, there used to be a sort of taxi that would take you to the end of road, maybe still there, not been in a while, amazing views looking down on Cambodia, go and see the caves. have a good day.

  12. Many thanks guys for all the info etc, wife has now got a flight this week with Thai, for herself and the daughter 1500 quid, crazy price, but in a case of emergency you gotta pay, i just hope it is not to late, as her father is getting worse by the day, a sad time i think.

    Your answers much appreciated. Thanks

  13. Thanks guys, got onto e-bookers had a flight with C/Pacific, LHR-Hkong-Bkk, as the guy was booking it, it was taken, only 0ne flight available on the 25th, Air France to Bangkok, at 1926.00 GBP, for my wife and 5 year old, i am going to try thai tomorrow telling them it is an emergency also try online, crazy prices.

  14. Has anyone got any ideas, phone numbers etc. wife has had a call this morning, no hopes for her father, he has asked to see her and his grandaughter, i rang west east travel, they told me had a flight this wed, they told me they would send me an e-ticket, paid by card, come back to work to check e-mails, no e-mail off them, rang them up, they have her down for the 25th August. this company has gone down hill in my books.

    When i booked this morning i told them she had to go this Tues or Wed as emergency, i have been using this company for 10 years, never again, anyone got any ideas, as the wife has to get to Thailand asap

    Many thanks

  15. As Mike says, take all paperwork to Thai Embassy, I rang my consulate office and they sent me relavent paperwork to fill in, then i made an appointment at the Thai Embassy, they were very helpfull, Embassy is at queens gate, London, if you have to stay a night, the hotel next door, Queens gate hotel, i can recomened 100%, and they do good deals.

  16. One thing i have been doing, for my two neices, any birthday or special ocasion, i have been giving them 1000 baht each, also every time my wife and i leave to come back to UK, may give them 1500 each, the oldest neice has just started law school, so needed a motorbike, i was so pleased to know that she went into a bike shop in Buriram and paid cash fo a new honda, everything i have given them they have put in there bank accounts, that make me feel proud, as they have not wasted the money. as most teenagers would of.

  17. The father in law is very ill, he needs operation, cancer, i have told the wife whatever the cost i will pay, he has his thai card, but i would prefer he went into a private hospital, he is been pig headed at the moment, as he does not want the op, Dr has given him 5 months to live, so we are going to do our best for him and hope he can stay on this earth for a few months longer.

  18. Wifes family run the farm, 100 rai, we get our 40 % share of rice each year, wifes oldest sister has a annex in our house and looks after the house whilst we are in the UK, she keep the place like a new pin, we pay her 2000 baht a month, so she is quite happy, most of this go's on cards, she is 45 and single, does not drink, other sister has openend a village shop, and brother in law is head man of the village, wifes mother died about 10 years ago, wifes father lives in a bungalow with 6 rai known as the embassy,which we bought, he has plenty of room for his chickens and cattle, but unortunate he is now very ill, and in hospital, good age for a thai at 74, so i think we all will have to fly out very soon, they are a very good family and i am proud to be a part of them, love em to bits, and if they ever need help, i would help them out no problem, they have done me a few favours in the 12 years i have known them. we are the lucky guys.

  19. Not sure why you are stating 65,000/month which is the requirement for retirement. The rules for marriage is now 40,000 baht income combined. That is, your income plus the wife's income needs to be 40,000 baht/month. Guess lop will be along to spell out about whether you can just transfer the income in from an account abroad.

    Ok, thanks guys, a mate has returned from Thailand last night told me it was now 65,000

    I will be receiving rentable income from UK, but i would like that to stay in the UK, also when we start our new venture we will be getting an income from that.

    These questions are just to put the mind at rest.


  20. Sorry guys to bring this question up again,

    I am in the prosess of selling my Business,i am 43, Married to a thai for 10 years, got one stepdaughter, one daughter aged 5 Thai/Ferrang, got all property, land etc in Thailand, all in wifes name.

    We are going to open a Business in her home town, i want to leave my money in the UK, as got a nice sum in a thai bank acount allready, had it there for 10 years plus.

    The question i am asking is,

    Can you confirm the new monthy Income is 65,000 Baht, will i need this paid into my thai bank account each month to show immigration?, also do they check where the money comes from, does it have to be paid from overseas, or can i just transfer 65,000 baht from one bank account to another, say BB -SCB. will this work..............

    I am thinking this will be one way of getting around the visa issue, i hope to live off the money earned from our new venture. i can then leave my cash in the UK. where it will be safe.

    I am a bit concerned about this new ruling, this is just to put my mind at rest. and to plan for the future.

    Thanks Guys.....

  21. Whats wrong with the welsh, all you racist b......ds, why you in thailand.

    See most of you have shut the f...... up now you know the poor guy has died...........

    just to mention nothing wrong with sheep, we shag em you EAT EM....... :o good job i have a sence of humour been Welsh.

    Great Welshmen - Barry John; JPR; errr, errr

    And if we were racists, what would we be doing in Thailand?

    And the lamb and mutton I eat comes from Oz and the Land of the Long White Cloud, so it's untouched by human hand.

    But really, the guy himself may have been a pillock, but what about the so-called intelligentsia who published this in (dis)reputable newspapers? They were either pee'ing themselves or will be out on the next boat with wads of green stuff clutched in their hot and stickies. Even bigger pillocks.

    Another great Rugby player, Gareth Edwards, who is 60 today,

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