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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. Its got to be the Iron Buffalo, bought it a few years ago for the family.
    Thaicoon - Did you buy it in your or wife's name?

    When wife & I got married 3 years ago, we too felt that this would be the most ueful present for the family,


    let this be a warning to all of you who want to help the family.

    We got one of wife's brother's to buy it as he knew better than us what to buy.

    He moved it a year ago from family house to keep at his house nearby and none of the others in the family were getting any benefit from it. When we asked him why, he blandly stated because it was his as he bought it in his name (with our money!!). We had worked out a scheme for whoever used it put a little into a kitty which could later be divide between the 4 more needy brothers & sisters of which he is one. As in his name, there is nothing that we can do.

    We have lost nothing as we gave it as a present but we feel angry that he has basicaly stolen the other 3s share in it.

    If any of you buy for the family, I suggest that you make sure that it is done so in YOUR name and at the same time,if necessary, work out a SIMPLE scheme so ALL benefit.

    Brother-in-law's attitude has been my income has increased from B120 per day to B500 (now increased to B600 as petrol has gone up!!) per day and "I am not going to share any of it"!!!

    Please be careful.

    Bought in wifes name about 9 years ago, one of the best things i have bought, it is still in very good nick and they use on a daily basis, i use it sometimes to pull a trailer, you should see the Thai's laugh when they see a ferang driving it, well funny,

    just my one brother in law uses it, so no big deal.

    This is what i would like to buy for the family, so i could get my own back, and have a joke with them when they are driving around thailand.


  2. Wish I'd bought a few Million bahts worth of Gold 12 - 15 years ago, would have made a very nice profit selling it at todays price in Thailand.

    bought a 10 baht gold chain in 1997 for 38000b ,sold it last year for 103500b last year ,bought gold in uk lost fortunes .

    Wife also bought that year, i think it was about 4000 baht a baht, i also wish i had bought more, damm good investment, most thais buy and sell in a few weeks and make nothing, to make money you have to keep as a nesteg. well done.

  3. Neeranman:

    Have you met Thaicoon : in my opinion provocative comments like calling people a mug is out of order .

    Which unfortunately prompted a retort from Thaicoon.

    Andrew Hicks has started a debatable Topic here lets keep it on track and stop being personnel. Go PM if you want to pursue it together but I think it is not becoming of this Forum.

    MacB, no I haven't, and you are right.

    If I was out of order(OK, I was out of order, or got my facts mixed up) I apologise.



    As i say i am not a mug, i just like helping the family from time to time, they have all been good to myself and i trust them 100%, my wife has been with me for 12 years and we have 2 daughters, yes, when i first met them they were very poor, i bought some land, now they are a thai middle class family, doing ok, if you try to help people it will bring you good karma, i am well respected in the Village, and my respect also go's out to them 100%, and the other locals

    I apologise about the little comments i have left, hope you accept, but you did touch a nurve.

  4. Nothing crazy about those prices, land is forever so it's just a question of how long term you are planning for. :o Just saw less than 6 rai in Pattaya sell for 301 million this morning at the weekly LED auction.


    Crikey, that is some sort of doe for 6 rai, i remember about 15 years ago in pattaya you could buy a nice condo for about 400 quid, and land cheap, how times change, it is now getting like this in the sticks, i went to look at a property by speed in Buriram last week, the Chinese/Thai wanted 25 Million Baht, to much for what i wanted it for, and to big, it was the old 20 bar, so still looking.

  5. There certainly are plenty of rental homes, rental apartments and hotels that are available in Buriram City, as well as other "towns" in Buriram province. The key is to take a trustworthy Thai to read the signs which are in Thai. I have seen acceptable apartments in Buriram and rental homes which other Farang reside and I was aware of vacancies since my wife explained the signs which were posted in Thai. On our short block of rental and owned units in Satuk there are 6 empty "attached homes" available for rent on one block. Before I committed to a rental place in Issan (or California) I would go at least three times to see the place and get a feel for the "noise factor" and in Thailand the "smell factor". Are you next to a Thai boxing school that only is open in the evening, building used for religious purposes with a loud public address system or (not joking) a pig farm on a street that would appear to only have homes? Does you nearby neighbor have geese, cattle or other livestock which were out at another location during the daylight hours you first looked at the possible rental? It certainly is possible to lease a rental unit of fair size unfurnished for 1800 baht on up per month in Buriram. 5000 baht will rent darn nice THREE BEDROOM, two bathroom house in Buriram. Perhaps some of the expats who patronize the Bamboo Bar or Book and Bed can give you suggestions. The Thai Chinese Family which own at least Three furniture stores in Buriram such as "Koncept" and the furniture store across from Bamboo Bar have built HUNDREDS of "attached homes", shop houses and single dwellings all over Buriram and Satuk. They might have an empty place or two to rent.

    Thanks for this reply.i wll take on board your observations and hopefully find a place to stay.Could stay at the hotel that the Bamboo bar has opened for 6000 a month which is good price but i want a house or bungalow so as i can buy things ready for when i get our own house.


    As you know i have a place that is empty, with storage, if you did not want to rent, there is plenty of room there for storage, and it will be safe.

    if you were thinking of staying at Wellas hotel, the Siam, good freind of mine, mention my name and you may get a bit of discount, she is in partnership with Mo the bookshop. nice place, she took us around about 3 weeks ago.

  6. Last week i visited my Wifes uncle and aunt, they have a lot of land boardering the main Buriram - Surin road, i gave them both 200 baht as a jesture of goodwilll, they were so happy, next day another relative told my wife they were so happy as i had just paid there electric, they were due to be cut off, they had no money, but got land worth 80 million baht, live in a traditional thai stilt house which is falling apart, they live very poor and day by day, but are rich in assets.

    I know these people are very lucky to have assets, a lot of thai farmers now have nothing, lots of land gone to the chinese money lender etc. for loans and high interest they cannot pay.

    By and large most indigenous Thais (with valuable property... not relatively low value property... still plenty of the latter about) have sold out a long time ago. I'd be happy to facilitate if they wanted a medium interest loan (say, 20 mill on that 80 mill chanote at 1.5% per month) to speed up the process. Would have to see the location and chanote though (so as to line up a possible long term renter or perhaps a buyer) as a lot of folks just make up values for their land. I'll even print out an extra page for the contract saying "this is the worst financial decision you could probably make... why can't you think long term for a change?" but it won't make a bit of difference. All they see is *big bag of cash! big bag of cash! must have big bag of cash!*


    This is property that has been in there family for years, passed down etc, i could not beleive how much it is worth, but it is true, they have over 100 rai on the main surin buriram road, just outside the city, that is why the price is so high, land on the highway is for sale at between 500 and i million a rai, crazy. they are both in there 70s, money to them has no real value, what would they do with it, i could not see a rice farmer moving into a life of luxury they would rather live day by day as they have done for years.

  7. Poor as <deleted>, if your trying to work it out....

    <deleted> all the poor cos you are rich and have so much...

    Maths = Work it out so you feel rich....





    ps. I am poor...giz a quid :D

    Ask a rich Tycoon who makes his cash from selling fake fotball shirts by the container. :o

    Yes i have bought a lot of land etc, not for myself but my wife, who is as straight as a dye, and the kids will benifit in the future, also i have sent containers back to the UK, with handicrafts from Hang Don, and yes i was selling footie shirts, why not ,made in the same place as the real mccoy, get your facts right mate,

    You want one, Number 13 with <deleted> on the back, :D

  8. Last week i visited my Wifes uncle and aunt, they have a lot of land boardering the main Buriram - Surin road, i gave them both 200 baht as a jesture of goodwilll, they were so happy, next day another relative told my wife they were so happy as i had just paid there electric, they were due to be cut off, they had no money, but got land worth 80 million baht, live in a traditional thai stilt house which is falling apart, they live very poor and day by day, but are rich in assets.

    I know these people are very lucky to have assets, a lot of thai farmers now have nothing, lots of land gone to the chinese money lender etc. for loans and high interest they cannot pay.

    Unbelievable - how stingy can you get - must be Chinese immigrants.

    What a mug.

    Thai, through and through, no family just my wife & sister, whos the mug mate........... :o, maybe you could do with the 400 baht.

  9. Ok, I have to start by saying that my G/f and I live in Bangkok, but we do have an old house and some land near Roi-et, so I think this qualifies me to ask a question.

    After some members saying on another post, saying that the Issan forum is a bit slow at the moment, and boy's need their toy's I would like to ask all you rice/fish farmers, house builders etc........ What is your most exciting tool, or piece of equipment?

    I'm afraid all i have to offer (because I live in BKK) is a small box of tools, although I do own a very fine mastic gun :o



    Its got to be the Iron Buffalo, bought it a few years ago for the family.

  10. Last week i visited my Wifes uncle and aunt, they have a lot of land boardering the main Buriram - Surin road, i gave them both 200 baht as a jesture of goodwilll, they were so happy, next day another relative told my wife they were so happy as i had just paid there electric, they were due to be cut off, they had no money, but got land worth 80 million baht, live in a traditional thai stilt house which is falling apart, they live very poor and day by day, but are rich in assets.

    I know these people are very lucky to have assets, a lot of thai farmers now have nothing, lots of land gone to the chinese money lender etc. for loans and high interest they cannot pay.

  11. post-41989-1189345304_thumb.jpg
    Price asked is 520 000 THB for everything or only 400K for the land. As you can tell from my post, as far as liking the possibility to increase the family's land holding is concerned, I am fairly enthused, however, I don't want my pants pulled down over the price.

    About 6 months ago my Thai wife purchased 10 Rai in Lat Yao province (Nakhon Sawan).

    The price was 200,000 Baht. It's about 4 Km outside the closest village.

    The land is level, and would be about 2 Km from the nearest surface water (swamp)

    and there are no rocks at all. Just a few coconut palms and mango trees near the boundary.

    There are no buildings on the land.

    It has electricity and scheme water nearby.

    The title is "sor por khor".

    Mum has planted Casava and it's doing well.

    Hope this helps.

    I have been looking at buying some land for use as a rubber plantation, with some intercropping in the first years as the trees mature.

    I have looked at two plots with some interest in buriram province.

    One is 11 rai, and as you can see from the photo (11 rai S, if it actually did attach) it has not been tended to for years and the trees are underdeveloped for their age as the area is chocked with weeds. I suspect the whole area would have to be ripped up and we would have to start from scratch. The owner is asking 650,000 THB, or 59K/rai.

    The second is 25 rai, and has been very well tended (see photo 25 rai S). It is constantly worked, intercropped with man sampalang and the trees are 2 - years old I believe. The asking price is 1,500,000 THB, or 60k/rai.

    So obviously the second is better for the price, though larger than I want. Does anyone have an opinion on these parcels and prices? I have been told that the 'land' is overpriced but i do nto know if that refers to raw land with no work invested in it or if (say the 25 rai plot) is actually properly priced given the work into it and the development stage of the trees.

    Thanks in advance for any comments. (lookin at the preview looks like maybe the pics are not titled but it is easy to see which land is which)



    Price, it all depends on what part of Buriram Province, if in the sticks i think 59 and 60 a rai is a little steep, i actually got through to the wife, told her what was the point in having baron land full of weeds, lets put it to some use, i have just planted 6000 euca trees last week, on land we had that was baron, 4kms outside Buriram , just full of weeds, got a tractor to clear and plough, then we planted, paid 1 baht for 3 euca saplings, grade 155, wife and i are planting another 5 rai next year and the year after, this way we will have a rotating crop, when it comes to cutting, if any of you guys have more info on euca please advise, oil etc, we have planted these to sell as pulp, or poles for scaffolding which i believe sell at 120 baht a pole.

    It is the old Thai story, once someone does something, they copy, now half the village wants to grow euca.

  12. I don't have any idea what kind of rule that person was thinking of. The requirement is 40k family income.

    Now if you are age 50 or older you can use retirement and 800k in bank account.

    If child enters as a foreign national student and you enter to accompany her there is an option of 500k in bank account.

    If you are over age 50 there is also an option to live with child that does not require funds.

    I am 43, had over 1 million baht in a SCB account for about 12 years, If over 50 ok,

    My Daughter is Thai / Ferrang, with uk and thai passport, so she will be entitled to stay in Thailand.

    I have the problem, under 50, so got to show the 40k per month.

    this is correct.........? thanks guys

  13. Its looking like this in any case will be scraped and everyone will have to produce the 40k/month with letter from Embassy - that was what I was told last month in Phuket. Upside is no need to tie up dead money in the bank here - downside is pain in the b*tt extra paper chase!

    Wow, seems a friend living near by will be in trouble then.

    He's 43 years young, sold his business, married a Thai lady and built a house.

    He used the 400k rule until now.

    He keeps his money abroad, very wise decision....once you transfer millions here can you you take them with you???, that's a good question...

    His embassy tells him they can not issue a statement concerning his foreign investment and possible income derived from that investment....

    So although he has many millions he will have problems showing 40k/month income....

    More and more farangs living here in trouble.....

    Interesting, I will be in the same boat....., Once sold the Business in the UK moving to Thailand with Thai wife and the one Daughter, i have been told if you are married to a Thai with a thai/ferrang child, you do not need the 40,000 per month income, just money in the bank, i was told this last week whilst in Thailand, is it right, as hearing so many stories.

  14. I think there are a lot of ferrang in Nonbualamphu, maybe more than Buriram, when i visited my mate, more or less every house we passed was ferrang, but most away in other countrys, in his village there were about 20, also a few japanese. you do have a Beautifull part of the world up there, as i have said before.

    Macb started this Buriram forum, and it is good, weather report interesting etc, why do you not start a new topic, under Nonbualamphu, and see how many guys reply.

  15. I Know a few who live in Nonbualamphu, one is a member of this forum but not seen him on here for a while, Rigger, also a guy called gary who rents out log cabins at his home, Dave who does motorcycle tours. all from this area.

  16. Well as I can see it was worth reviving this Topic : Thanks guys keep it coming in great stuff:

    Thaiccoon Yep I did do the Jade Factory shop but managed not to but something was a narrow escape lol I got a mote from UK arriving tomorrow for a longf stay so you will get meet him as well if its okay I will bring Lee and my missus and daughter once your ensconced and free in the village: You need to get over to mine as well.


    I have sent you a pm with my mobile number :


    No problem, more the merrier, look forward to it, your wife knows where i am situated, did you understand my welsh instructions, no, not follow that sheep.

  17. The temple is called Wat Laan Kuat - Billion Bottle Temple, and is in the centre of Khun Han, just a couple of 100 meters west of the big roundabout.

    For those interested in more info/pictures ..............just send me a pm.


    Many thanks, I will take a trip there next week on the bike, be a nice ride out, post some pics, i think other thaivisa members would like to see them, i have pics somewhere but taken on 35mil not digital, i think i am right but the roof is something else also, a lot of work and skill gone into it.

  18. A few years ago i went to a temple by Si Sa ket, the temple was amazing, as it had been built with green and brown bottles, with like a moat around it, i cannot remember where it was exactly, as i was not the one driving, anyone know. as would like to take a trip there on the bike one day.


    Nonbualamphu, this is also a most beautifull part of Thailand, reminds me of Wales but even better, heve you been to the rocket festivel there, which happens in may, crazy, i have a few mates who live in Nonbua, a couple do motorcycle tours around the area.

    Yes I've been to that temple too. It's not that far from Khun Han. Gets a bit hot on the bare feet in the sun stepping on those bottles though. Any idea how many bottles it took to build it?

    And i thought Monks did not drink, crikey there must be 1000s of bottles, amazing place, do you know the name of the temple, as may go for another vist this time, i have a mate in sesaket, but not sure if he is home, as he is working on the new ship outside Venice, the New Queen Victoria.

  19. I have decided revive this Topic :

    There are a lot of Farangs in Thailand that are members of this Forum and also I am sure have visited a lot of places with photo evidence and verbal trip reports to support there visit:

    This Topic is in no way meant to discredit the link in Farang Connection Web site which is very informative, but there are places that I am sure you have visited that folks want to know about.

    May be you have created an album with photos in the Gallery then put he link here with a Narrative if you like :

    A couple of years ago I did 2 week tour of Chang mai/rai areas with a friend and his wife : We covered a lot of kilometres in this time :

    The wife and I travelled up to Petchabun the night before then we all set off the next morning. Heading for Chang mai taking a westerly route over the mountains, a few nights spent in Chang mai before moving on to Chang Rai then up to the border: mes sai (The border town was not very interesting so it was move on next day to the Golden Triangle from here we took a boat into Loas with no passport Control for some shopping at a little mkt . We ended up going back to Chang mai wonderful City in my opinion, we visited the hill tribes water falls Wats, on the way home we stopped at pitchanaluk to visit a Wat then back to Petch before the journey back to Huairat a great trip, if you have not been to this area I recommned it


    Mai sai, did you go to the Jade factory ?, interesting but expensive, also Mac, you should of gone to Mae Hong Son, another amazing little place, and gone to see the long neck tribe right on the burma border, i went here about 11 years ago, heck of a place to get to then, boat up the pie river then 4x4 through the jungle, may of all changed now, i will go back and see one day.

    May see you next week.........

  20. A few years ago i went to a temple by Si Sa ket, the temple was amazing, as it had been built with green and brown bottles, with like a moat around it, i cannot remember where it was exactly, as i was not the one driving, anyone know. as would like to take a trip there on the bike one day.


    Nonbualamphu, this is also a most beautifull part of Thailand, reminds me of Wales but even better, heve you been to the rocket festivel there, which happens in may, crazy, i have a few mates who live in Nonbua, a couple do motorcycle tours around the area.

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