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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. I was told about this about 10 months ago, by a ferrang teacher in Buriram, who was hoping to get a job there, he was saying it was to be built this year sometime, good news. he is working at an international school in Ratchaburi, and comes home to Buriram some weekends, he was hoping to relocate once this is up and running. thats all i now about it.

    any more info would be good, as i have a child that i want to put in a good school once i relocate.

  2. I did have the same problem with my wife, she has lived here in the UK with me for 10 years, did not touch a drop to drink, maybe the odd glass of claret, we live in a small town in Wales, my wife was the only thai in the town, up to about 4 years ago, then her cousen turns up one day, no where to go, left her ferrang husband, so we put her in a flat of ours, then the problem starts, wife starts visiting her, drinking bottles of tequilla etc & gambling, now this was happening every week, bottles of wine etc, i to have two daughters the one 15 who thinks her mothers behavior was disgusting, and a daughter of 5, now there are approx 7 thai ladys in the town and are all mates, the other ferrang husbands were getting the same problem, just because of this one relative, who is a bad influence.

    She has now moved away, found a new ferrang (bless his soul) and everything is back to normal, my wife never drinks anymore, just the odd glass of wine if we go out for a meal.

    Your wife may have the same problem, mixing with friend's who are a bad influance.

  3. Thanks guys, great replies, very helpfull, where would we be without this brilliant site, Thaivisa.

    I have plenty of storage places, as we have a couple of empty properties in buriram, so no problem there, also built the main house in 2000, some rooms in the house are furnished, but have a lot of stuff to get to thailand, after reading these posts i am going to bring all tools etc, also at the sales today in the UK, the price of top quality kitchens are so cheap, this is one room we have never done, as i want a western kitchen, it is quite big, about 28 foot long by 15 foot wide, i can get all units, not including worktops for about 5 gran, including an island with built in frige and cooker, top quality, so thinking of bringing a complete kitchen to thailand. as it will be flatpacked, my wife has been in the UK for 10 years so should not be a problem. Thanks guys for your response.

    Happy new year everybody.

  4. We are in the shipping business and have handled lots of inbound shipments in the past. The issue is rather complex and needs careful preparation.

    If you arelegally married to your wife, she is NOT considere a returning Thai, as Thai customs assume that YOU bought the goods and hence they have to be taxed.

    There is much more to it, pm me ifyou like, we have offices in Bangkok and Pattaya.


    Iam Legally married to my wife, in the UK we got married, she still has a thai passport with indefinate stay visa, and in her maden name, also in march 2007 is one year untill she was last in thailand.

    Also, can my wife still use her Thai passport for visits to the UK, after shipping items, as us both will have to go back and forth as our 0ne Daugter (Thai) my stepdaughter is in boarding school, do the thais put a black mark in the passport ?.

  5. 30 December 2006


    I too have done the same. A few years ago I moved from California to Sa Kaeo here in Thailand. You are correct about the wife being allowed to bring all of her acquired household goods back to Thailand duty free, just once.

    Before I had made the move I was advised to ship just as much as possible. This is good advice. I loaded a container with absolutely everything I owned except for my car and my electric golf cart.

    My container took just about 30 days to make the trip to my front door here in Sa Kaeo. The container was never even opened by customs. I did submit a COMPLETE list of contents of all that I shipped to my shipping agent. In retrospect, I should have got a 40-foot container and gone out and bought still more stuff to take to Thailand.

    If you like I will P.M. you a complete list of what I shipped.

    This is good to know! What was the cost to ship the container from the States? Was the the cost based on weight or container size? Any additional costs when you picked up your container at Thai port?

    I do know that if you ship a container, they go on the size not weight, as used to ship 40 footers from Thailand to UK, goods to sell retail in my shops, but now want to ship personal effects, the reply on this post has helped me a lot, and that is great news to know the seal has not been broken on the container (not opened) thanks guys.

  6. Hi guys, i think i am right but would like confirmation off you guys, hoping to make the big move in 2007, if everything go's to plan, Wife and i want to ship a 20 foot container to Thailand from UK, we understand if a thai national is returning to her homeland, there is no duty to pay on Personal and household goods, (shipping must be done in her name) we will not be bringing any electrical items, as already have in the house in Buriram, just Oriental furniture, Leather sofas etc, some of the furniture was purchased at the Rosewood Room in Pattaya about 15 years ago, so coming home, i understand that electrical appliances sometimes are highly taxed, as a mate got taxed 50,000 baht for a washing machine.

    Also has anyone got details of packer and agent in UK, and can ship and deliver items straight to house in Buriram, somebody that has done this, advice please,

    thanks guys...........

  7. I tried this in my house, walls are like steel, so hard, the only way i achived this was to plug and use a screw, but the drills kept getting red hot and blunt, so last time i came to thailand used an SDS HAMMER DRILL, went in the wall like butter, no problem, also to stop the wall chipping i put a load of masking tape where i was going to drill, also that made a starting point for the drill.

  8. Anyone know how I can find an up to date train timetable, to look at times trains go to Buriram from BK ?

    Also anyone tried it before is it bearable ?

    Cheers and Merry Christmas :o

    Hi Simon mate,

    Postmark ferrangconnection, i think martin has a timetable, it was on thai visa somewhere, but cannot find.,

    merry xmas

  9. Anyone fattening pigs commercially here in Thailand?

    Not yet, but I spent today clearing a small area of land that will probably support 20 pigs or so. I'm thinking of using the dung and urine as fertilzer for the "beer garden".

    A great way to use the dung is put it in the fish pond as fish food. We have two fish ponds and the fish grow like h***

    I will start a sort of banking in pigs, give one female pig to a family, when the pig is adult and has pigs of her own they give me 2 pigs back. That way that (poor) family has a way of income and I have a 100% return on investment, it helps both sides.


    What a brilliant idea you have, my wife and i started doing pigs, not to many, they all went towards wedding partys, and celebrations in the village, we did not mind helping everyone out, but next year when we move full time to Thailand, we are going to start a pig farm, the way we are thinking of doing it, is like free range, we have 7 Rai of rough land with a shallow pool and woodland, we are going to build shelters etc and just let them roam free, we will still feed them regular as well, what you think, we are not bothered getting them fat quick like the thais, when i first visited the wifes village 12 years ago, all the pigs then were running around wild, but now all in concrete pens.

    Free range taste better, i may even start making sausages as i am bringing a sausage machine with me from UK, pork and garlic bangers, also pork burgers, the wife makes the burgers now, with minced pork, onion, garlic, soy sauce and a little fish sauce, mix all togeather and fry, boy are they good, the soy sauce and fish sauce helps the meat to stay togeather when cooking, and gives a nice flavour.

  10. I had a Mia Noi, for 3 years, untill last May, when the wife found a dvd of me and her at a mates wedding in khon Kaen, h e l l the wife was not happy, but we still togeather, and she has given me another chance, bless her, i love her to bits, but always been a sucker for a good looking lady, never again, i have learnt my lesson. now the wife wants another little one, which will make us stronger togeather.

    I would not advise having a Mia Noi, beleive me.

    I have been a lucky b a s t a r d.

  11. Just wondering any of you guys bought property in Cambodia, i understand a ferrang can own, is this right, i have 2 mates who have bought there, but unable to contact them at the moment, anyone know of current prices of land, shophouses etc, as i am thinking of buying for the future, i know this post is not thai related, but as some of you guys know, i am only 42 and i will have visa problems when i move to thailand full time, so was thinking of building or buying in Cambodia and spending 3 months there now and again, i hear the property is cheap. what you guys think.

  12. Try this guy, he has most solar lights and will deliver, if you send him an e-mail he will contact you asap, good guy, and he does some nice lights, here is his link


    good luck, tell him i recomended him if you want.

    What is asap here in Thailand? I sent him first email 12 days ago and the second 2 days ago.

    Is he so busy or out of business already?


    Weird, every time i have sent this guy an e-mail, he replies straight away, as you say has he gone out of business or something, is there a phone no, on the website, if so give it a go. all the best

  13. Can anyone tell me if the SCB, has a website for property, where i can search whats available, i know they have property portfolios in there branches, i have bought property off them before, i am looking for a shophouse in Buriram, in town centre, but no lease, we want to buy freehold, all the new ones by the new night market are Government owned with a 20 year lease, other banks have a search engine for property, but cannot find one for SCB.

  14. I have been toying with the idea of installing solar power panels on my house roof for two reasons, practical (reduce monthly EGAT energy bill) and environmentally friendly.

    I've done pretty exhaustive search on the net and have found very little specific for Thailand, Sources of engingeering companies here, installation, costs etc other than statements that Thailand is an ideal place to use solar power. I have found that EGAT does have a solar model house right here in CM, and that Mr. Taksin's gov't was very keen on the idea and even granted low cost loans to individuals who installed.

    I've gone to the local EGAT office to inquire and they looked at me as if I were from Mars. At the time my house was being built, I asked the developer about this, but he could not provide any info and showed no interest. I was lucky that he happily installed 3 phase power.

    Is there any knowledge or expertise out there that might offer guidance, paid of course.

    Try this guy, he has some good products, and gives good asdvice, here is the link


  15. Thaicoon, can you give us the name of the fellow's chrome shop and a phone number? I've got a complete exhaust system I'd like re-chromed. Thanks.

    Moo the mechanic that does all my bikes, he is in Krasang, he used to get stuff chromed in Korat, but there are better places in Sikku, so i am going to get the number for you, give me a couple of days, this is where this bike was done, sorry it as my old bike i had some of chrome done in Korat, the guy in Sikku is a lot better, and prepares it 100%, as it should be done.

  16. Thanks for the help mrbojangles and i do Wish your mrs luck with the test.

    Cheers buddy, same to your better half as well :o

    If you were Bosnian or east european, they would let you in, with a crate of Vodka, 5000 Fags, and a bloddy big handout off Mr Blair. Proud to be British, not any more.

    More stupid rules, the country has gone to the dogs, i did not know it had changed again, my wife is starting the esol english course after xmas, my fault as i say, should of got her uk passport 7 years ago, better late than never, once we have got all this sorted, moving to Thailand.

    All the best to you and the Mrs.

  17. ESOL is a English as a second language course. I think she can qualify for it free, if lived here for more than 12 months. So you might have to pay. And yes, some colleges do it, you'll have to check your local one's. But make sure they have the citizenship material on the course or it doesn't qualify.

    The citizen test. You buy the book (approx £10) she studies it and takes the test (£34) at a test centre.

    I've only found this stuff out today as well, so someone might have better info. Wish my mrs luck as well, withh this stupid change ILR :o

    I do not think you need this test, only when appying for British citizenship after 3 years, i think you can get an indefinate stay visa after you have been here for 6 months on a fiancee visa and got married. not sure of other visas.

    you must have lived in the uk, for 3 years or more to do the life in the UK test, my wife and thai stepdaughter have lived in the UK for 10 years, they both could of had a british passport after 3 years of being here, i did not bother, i must admit i should of, as now my daughter is 15 and go's to boarding school she needs a british passport, so now my wife has to sit this test, or alternative is to do an ESOL English Course,with certificate, on the application form you have to tick the one which is relavent, i believe the english course is easier than the test, that is my wifes opinion, these new laws came out in nov 2005, you can buy a practice cd off the net, here is the link. it has practice questions to give you some idea what its about,


    My wife can speak english perfect, and read a little, but she has to do the test as my daughter is under 16, if my daughter was doing it i think she would fly through, as she can speak, Thai, English, french and german.

    Good luck,

  18. if it had been in thai wifes name for 18 months and she had licence, no duty to pay, thai returning to Thailand,

    Are you aware of anyone actually achieving this route?

    No, it does sound a bit iffey, but this is what the Consulates office in UK will tell you, i bet you there will be money transactions somewhere, and not the UK,

  19. My self i would not risk it, as the tax would be high in Thailand, i asked about this bringing a sports car from UK, if it had been in thai wifes name for 18 months and she had licence, no duty to pay, thai returning to Thailand,

    I know a guy that buys bikes from Japan, he brings them in no problem, but first takes them to bits and ships them as parts,then rebuilds them in his shop, and sold on with invoice, then up to the customer to register them, there are a lot of bike shops that do this. but with a car a bit more hassle and expect to pay lots of baht.

    Why not go to one of the auctions at the port, where you can buy seized cars at discount price, there was a post about this on thai visa.

  20. Thaicoon!

    that is awesome! is that a vfr swing arm mated to a Steed or is it the Bros swinger? Big job? looks worth the trouble!!

    Its based on a 400 steed, got to get some airrush work on it now, any ideas.

    here is a pic of the other side.

    Notice the wooden grips and upside down forks, love this, as forks used to be.


  21. Well thought I was going to Nung Bua Lampho, but it was Non Sang instead. From Udon 2313, only dicey part is the new construction area just before you get to Nung Bua Lampho, but it's not that bad.

    Turn left at the red light. 2146 after you make the left in town, that will take you to Non Sang. Great road little traffic nice curves. We made a left on 2109 and saw a sign that said 74 KMS to Khan Kean.

    Thats where we met up with new Motorcycle Club, The White Devils just getting started so I think seven member with my joining. Great bunch of guys lots of kidding round and they know bikes.

    Ended up at a lake by Non Sang where they were having a celebration with long boat racing. lots of music and just friendly poeple. They guys were standing about and drinking beer in front of one the food stands and the opearator came out moved her bike and sit a mat in the shade for us.

    If you get a chance to ride with these guys I think you will have fun

    Took the same route back to Udon, a I had some business to take care of.

    Actual ride time round trip four hours.

    noticed if you just want to get out and about, there is excellent riding in the area.

    White devils, i am a member, Brett, Dave, kringle and myself started it, good bunch of guys, myself and baldy dave had the patches sewn onto the vests down in pattaya, bike week in feb.

  22. Does anyone know of a company doing Chrome Plate for Motorcycle parts? I'm based in Pattaya and I'm restoring an old bike as a bit of a hobby and would like to chrome plate some parts. Any help would be appreciated.

    I have just had 2 bikes rechromed, top class guy, i think he is in Korat, i will find out tomorrow and post, also i will post a pic of the custom chopper he has chromed for me, and not expensive, this guy also did the wheels. would post now but using daughters pc.

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