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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. My wife has been in the UK 10 years, and my stepdaughter has been here 9 years, i could of applied for there british nationality after 3 years, i am just in the process of doing it, i am 7 years late, last Nov there were new rules out, they both have to take a test now at a test centre or enroll in a english ESOL Course, the test is the life in the uk test, once she passes this she can get citezenship and apply for british passport, time go's by so quick i just forgot all about this, now we are hoping to go to live in Thailand maybe next year or year after, so i want her to have a british passport, as we are tending to travel quite a bit.

    The test is hard, i think so, stupid questions, more history than anything else, you can buy a test cd on the net, here is the link.


    All the best.

  2. My wife (from Nongbualamphu) and I are planning to move/retire from Berlin to Thailand..... having considered Isaan and Chiang Mai, we are now seriously looking at the area between Chonburi and Rayong. I know that´s a large area, but I would be very grateful for any suggestions from knowledgable TV members on which places they would recommend (or advise against....) moving to in this area. We are not interested in bars or explicit tourist places - looking more for a quiet area and a moderately-priced house to rent - but not too far from the action, when the need calls!!!!!!!! We will be in Thailand for 3 weeks from the middle of November. Many thanks in advance...... :o

    I have a place in Buriram, went up to Nong bua lam Phu, in may to my mates wedding, got a few mates up that way, it is a really nice part of Thailand, those lakes etc are superb, reminds me a bit of Wales.

  3. Im loving my life at the moment and a year and a half ago I wouldnt of dreamed of it ending up the way it has. I married my Thai girlfriend in the summer and we had our first child 3 weeks ago and im really enjoying myself. I live in Korat town and I pretty much spend all my time with the family. I work from home so I can do as I please, if i want the day off I can if I dont want to work for a week I dont have to all i have to do is look after the wife and child, although I think its the wife looking after me and the child. I havent even been out for a beer since ive been here as there does not seem to be anyone around my own age, the nearest I got was at the mall when i spotted a pub downstairs so I sent the misses to do some shopping and i spent an hour in there. But as much as I love my life here at the moment I know it cant last forever as im 24 and I would like to go back to the UK in a few years or when I can convince the wife that its a nice place. I dont fancy doing visa runs for the next 40 years.

    My Thai wife has been in the UK now for coming up 11 years, as you say the UK is a really nice place, it is a Beautifull country, amazing in the summer, not so good in the dreaded months of Nov through to Feb (cold and dreary), i love going to the pub on a nice summers evening and having a couple of pints of the old rev james, one thing i will miss, the only problem with the country is the people running it, if you employ people and have a Business the Government just screw you, it does not matter what party gets in, i think they are all tarred with the same brush, and the country is changing for the worse not better, i am not political, my Wife now wants to leave, she has also had enough of the place, i am 42, selling or leasing my Business and moving to Land of smiles full time, as i say in a previous post, i am going to put a few eggs in the basket in thailand, and have a better quality of life.

    Another thing i would like to do to keep me busy is to build a custom trike, or a Cobra replica, i have built a cobra before, it will be the case of getting parts shipped over from the uk. and got a couple of guys interested in this project as well.

  4. With a dremel tool couldn't you open a dental clinic?....start a dental school thread and I'm sure that taxexile will be glad to give some pointers.


    Now there's a thought . . . :o

    When I said JCB, I meant one of these babies:



    Not seen you for a while, i will also be back soon, hey, i could use that JCB, got a few things to do, as you know, when i return got enough to do to keep me busy, with the house and garden, also got umpteen projects ahead of me, got that 6 rai to turn into a resort, ( The Embassy ), and also that fishing park i want to open, so when i actually come there full time, i am going to be busy, i will get geoff to give me a hand, i do not want to end up on the beer every day, i have seen one guy return to the uk with nothing, due to drinking, and he had a good little business in Buriram, i will not mention names, but it grows in thailand, and he opened it.

    If you see Geoff give him my best

    Someone is opening a fishing lake and restaurant halfway between Huairat and Burriram??


    Its been on he cards since i bought the place 8 years ago, i have 2 ideal spots, just off the buriram-surin highway, Lourens knows the place well and a lot of guys from buriram, know the embassy, i called it this as it has a front entrance like the dreaded place in Bangers, and has the sign on the gate (british Embassy visa section) had no que's there yet, you may see my father in law there wearing his welsh dragon shorts and his national lottery rollover baseball cap. better uniform as well

    Go check it out, village is Ban Kok Yai, ask for Ians place.

  5. I use to use it, but had a virus come down one day, so decided to ditch it, not used it since, i think it is owned by E-bay now, so maybe better than when it was first introduced, may give it another go, also i still have some credit with them.

  6. With a dremel tool couldn't you open a dental clinic?....start a dental school thread and I'm sure that taxexile will be glad to give some pointers.


    Now there's a thought . . . :o

    When I said JCB, I meant one of these babies:



    Not seen you for a while, i will also be back soon, hey, i could use that JCB, got a few things to do, as you know, when i return got enough to do to keep me busy, with the house and garden, also got umpteen projects ahead of me, got that 6 rai to turn into a resort, ( The Embassy ), and also that fishing park i want to open, so when i actually come there full time, i am going to be busy, i will get geoff to give me a hand, i do not want to end up on the beer every day, i have seen one guy return to the uk with nothing, due to drinking, and he had a good little business in Buriram, i will not mention names, but it grows in thailand, and he opened it.

    If you see Geoff give him my best

  7. was the old helicopter still up there ?, when i first went there, they had tiger skins for sale on the border, sick, but thats life, also ivory walking sticks, bear skins from the sun bear, been there about 3 times since, the latest was about 2 years ago, no signs of skins been sold, which is good news, but it is a great place to visit.



    Check my other pic's at www.gandajones.co.uk

  8. Hi Guys, as some of you know i have a place in Buriram, i am looking for an old friend of mine who use to live in my town in Wales, i have not seen him for 8 years as he has moved around in Thailand, i have heard on the grapevine he now lives in Satuk, just a stone's throw away from Buriram, i will be back in Thailand in Feb, i was wondering if there are any of you guys on the forum who live in Satuk and know this guy and maybe give me his details to go and look him up, his name is Frank Ellis, he would be in his 70s, i would love to see him as he is a bit of a character, thanks......

    Hi Thaicoon

    Frank does indeed live in Satuk I saw him recently (Nov 05) whilst on my most recent trip, If you go to Satuk and find 711 immediately opposite in the market is a bar with an outside table where the farangs gather each late afternoon evening, most nights you will find him there 5-6 o'clockish.

    TBWG :o

    hi satuk, I am Frank's daughter Gillian. I am trying to contact him as he has been ill and none of the family have heard from him for some time. please could you contact me and let me know when you last saw or heard from my dad as we are very worried about him. You can email me direct on [email protected]. I would appreciate any news at all.

    Many thanks. Gill.

    Hi Gill, long time, i have not seen frank, been to satuk a couple of times looking, there has one person he has been in contact with, that is parksey, i will forward him your details, i know he was not well but do not think anything to worry about, i will try and find out something today and let you know, phone number or something, all the best, and do not worry, I A N

  9. Myself and a mate, made a prototype caravan up in Chaing-mai about 7 years ago, we were going to put it on the market for 200,000 baht, with air con the lot, 3 berth, it attached to the rear of a 4x4, with a part going over the roof, made the 4x4 look like a motorhome, also you could park up, jack it up and drive off leaving it . no interest at all.

  10. post-18138-1162795092_thumb.jpgWent to a funeral upcountry earlier this year. They got on the turps for 4 days with the body in the house ( 35 degrees ).

    There was a procession through the village and across the rice fields where they had a stack of wood. The coffin was placed on the stack, there was a ceremony, a few rounds of gun fire and some fireworks and the coffin was burned.

    So if you are wondering how you are going " out ", this is it!

    Would put more pics on but only know how to put one.

    I have been to a few funerals like this, no good very depressing, but these are dying out now, as most funerals are done at the temple, cremation.

  11. My second PC has been on holiday, for about 12 months, got it back last week, i cannot remember my password to log on, the windows on this PC is XP, i have lots of pic's documents etc which are important to me, is there any way i can reset the administators password to log back on, had all passwords written down but they went as well when the PC was taken, and that little book has been destroyed, any ideas or any software i can use..

    I can only log on as a guest, which is useless.

    Any ideas.


    Downloaded software of the net, restored all passwords on other computer, dangerous bit of software in the wrong hands.

  12. My second PC has been on holiday, for about 12 months, got it back last week, i cannot remember my password to log on, the windows on this PC is XP, i have lots of pic's documents etc which are important to me, is there any way i can reset the administators password to log back on, had all passwords written down but they went as well when the PC was taken, and that little book has been destroyed, any ideas or any software i can use..

    I can only log on as a guest, which is useless.

    Any ideas.

  13. Here u are mate


    Hi Ray,

    Sorry i could not make the ride, i would of loved to of come, but in dreaded UK at the moment, what is the web address for gtriders. as your previous links have not worked

    Thanks marco, there are some good sites, just bought CBR900 from Udon, i think you may know the bike.

  14. I like the drag stars but Mia Mee Baht :o

    Actually there is a brand new 750 Honda sitting at PP motors in Udon I would kill for but they had it for for 470K didn't sale so the rumor is is now it's 560K . I do mean new. I watched them take the platic wrap off it a rare find, but not iexpensive.

    A rare find indeed, bet you he has put the price up hoping a ferrang will buy, the black fireblade came from udon, it is tuned to .........., the guy who owned it used to be a racing mechanic with red bull, so the bikes the biz. here are the other two bikes, the gold one is just been rebuilt to show quality, all re chromed etc. this is based on a steed.



  15. An ancient 750 Yahmaha that I have rebuilt just put on new complete exhaust system. Still have one more problem I need to get around the nuetral safety switch it is really warn so it is a pain to get the light for a start most of the time. So I want to get that bypassed. problem is explaining that to a Thai mechanic :o

    I would be looking at the back end of your blade a lot :D :D



    My mate the one i gave you his e-mail address has just sold a yamaha 750, sme as yours but blue, he now has a noda cbr400, if i go for a ride with these guys i use my Yamaha Dragstar, nice cruising bike, and looks the part, the CBR is just to frighten the Mrs, and have a bit of fun on, only just bought it, Dan is picking it up for me today, there is a brilliant thai mechanic in Krasang he has just rebuilt my Dragstar after i had a spill, he is superb, at the moment he is rebuilding a custom chopper i have, he would sort your bike out.



    Do not take any note of the date, these pics were taken last week, i will post my other two bikes

  16. This relates to essarn, I have a lot of riding buddys from Suriin and Buriram, there is a new club just started by a few ferrangs called the bufalo soldiers. but the guy you want to speak to is a mate of mine who organises rides very frequent, last week they all rode up to Ulltradit, ?, for the bike show, about 800 kms, i think about 15 rode up, and they are returning Wed, on the way back he is picking my CBR900 Fireblade up from a guy in Kon Kaen, a riders forum would be a damm good idea, you can contact him by e-mail at [email protected] he is the guy to speak to, and nice fella.

    Last Feb, a load of us rode down to Pattaya, for the Motorcycle festival, a few guys came from Udon, and met us in Buriram then we all rode down, i ended up coming off, had a seal go on my rear drive shaft, got oil on back tyre, h e l l was i in a mess.

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