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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. In the UK, i have bought cheap solar lights off E-Bay etc, last about 6 months, good when they are working, i do not think fault of the lights, the problem is due to season change in the uk, brilliant in the summer months as they manage to get full charge on full sunlight, but problems in winter, very dreary weather, cloudy, rain etc, dark early 4pm, they do not manage to get a full charge, so hence, they are a waste of time this time of year,

    These lights would work well in Thailand, as they would get a full charge 365 days of the year, and last, the trouble is getting these to thailand, it would cost a bomb in postage and everyone knows what thai customs are like.

    Who wants these lights lit up at 3 in the morning, they are ideal for a nice barbie early evening or around a pool. if you are worried about security issues get a solar light with a sensor on, they now make these.

  2. Hello,

    I hope that somebody can help?

    We are looking for gardenlights with solarcell:

    80 - 85 cm high

    Alu - Black

    Solarlamp 65 Watt

    24 Led's

    Timer 8 Hour light

    Who knows a place where we can find that stuff , or who knows about the price



    Try this guy, he has most solar lights and will deliver, if you send him an e-mail he will contact you asap, good guy, and he does some nice lights, here is his link


    good luck, tell him i recomended him if you want.

  3. are there any other 'farang bars' in Buriram apart from the Bamboo bar, as that is the only one i've ever managed to find?

    There use to be the old Embassy, but that is now shut, going back 10 years plus, only really ferrang bar is the Bamboo, but not ran by a ferrang anymore, it is now thai owned, my mate and his thai wife used to have it, then they returned to the uk, where his wife was working for me, there are the bars down Dodgy Road, but thats another story........, the old cola bar in the sticks, the police closed this place, maybe open again, and the gandar, two dodgy places but a bit of fun, up by the elephant. there was a bar that opened a couple of years ago, but that only lastes a couple of months, also my mate cyril opened a bar and internet cafe, i think that is now shut as well.

    Peter, a delightful chap is opening his pub soon. I stopped bye a week or so ago and they were busy, painting and decorating the facility. He is just down the road from the Vongthong Hotel (on the opposite side of the street) and he will have a really nice place there. I recommend you patronize his place, will be some good English meals there to boot as well as snacks and the usual things to drink.

    Say fellas:

    Christmas time is just around the bend. We are trying to gather gifts for the center here plus for the two other centers in Buriram province. Grasang has 12 girls, Pablaichai 11 girls and one boy, we have 9 boys and 6 girls in residence. Kids range from 2 years old upwards at Pablachai, a bit older, mostly teens at Grasang and the kids here are from 4-up, (4),(5),(8)(8)(8), 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17... check us out come bye and see for yourself. Then there is the boys' center which ahs 94 kids in residence ranging from 6 to 18. They have had problems in the past and are in need of toys etc. Located near Khao Kradong. Some lads from UK will be out in January to build another building at TreeHouse to take in more kids. They are coming thru Dragonfly in Korat (Martin Walsh's operation that provides volunteers to schools). Needs in Buriram province are greater than most folks could imagine. Books too by the way are needed to donate to elementary schools in the four kets here-- nearly 1,100 schoolas altogether. This week books arrived and were given in lots of fifty to two elementary schools and the uni. Another shiopment is due in from Singapore tomorrow will be divided among twelve more of the rural schools. Many more to go though. Any kind of childtren's books with lots of pix and drawings and simple story lines. When we delivered books to Ban Kongchaisit witthaya on Monday kids were overwhelmed --- happy, happy kids to have books in English for their library. Get involved. deliver books to Education services Area 1 located directly across from the Buriram post office on Isaan Road to director's office. (Ajarn Surasak) He will see they get into the neediest schools first.

    Thanx all,



    Have you a website, as i can downlosd some pics or you e-mail them, i can put a collection box on my counter, i have 2 very busy shops in the UK, i have done this before for the terrible disaster in Phuket, i collected 500 GBP, i did not pay into the bank in UK, i brought the money to Thailand and paid it into the Thai Red Cross, at the SCB, As there was mention of funds going elswhere, so thought this would be the best bet, now the poppy appeal is over, i can stick a box on the counter. it is a damm good cause, the kids in Thailand/Cambodia have never had anything, not like the kids in the Uk, if i was in thailand full time i would be willing to help with any projects.

  4. The border crossing is in Chong Chom, 12km further than the town of Kap Choeng, but everything else is as KhunDan states.

    But I would not recommend the food cooked at either of the markets, it is dreadful, the catering in the Casino on the Cambodian side is much better.

    There is a good eating place down hill at the market, superb food, some of the best i have had in asia, finish it off with a black panther beer, 8.5 %, it is in one of the shop houses.

  5. are there any other 'farang bars' in Buriram apart from the Bamboo bar, as that is the only one i've ever managed to find?

    There use to be the old Embassy, but that is now shut, going back 10 years plus, only really ferrang bar is the Bamboo, but not ran by a ferrang anymore, it is now thai owned, my mate and his thai wife used to have it, then they returned to the uk, where his wife was working for me, there are the bars down Dodgy Road, but thats another story........, the old cola bar in the sticks, the police closed this place, maybe open again, and the gandar, two dodgy places but a bit of fun, up by the elephant. there was a bar that opened a couple of years ago, but that only lastes a couple of months, also my mate cyril opened a bar and internet cafe, i think that is now shut as well.

  6. Our rice harvest was good again this year, last year got 300 bags, but some of these were due to interest on a loan, this year got 150 bags, our 30% share, so not bad, pay for a few nights on the town in Bangers, will keep them untill the price gos up, it makes a differance when you have a lot of rice,

  7. I did pretty good this year, got 100 Bags rice, that was my share, i think the family harvested 325 bags in total, which is good, i did better last year, but that was due to lending money, rice as interest.

    I will not sell untill the price gos up a bit, always keep my rice in storage and then get the best deal, i will keep 4 bags for the temple, do this every year, gives one good merit in the village.

  8. Hi Jim

    I thought Siam Superbikes had gone out of Business, that was the talk i heard, i am in two minds weather to sell, make us an offer, got 5 bikes now and just boughr a V-Max, thats off to be customised and some NOS put on


    this is what the bike was like when i had it, just done a lot of work to it, carbon indicators, hugger, racing sets, resprayed the rims, looks awsome now, a lot better. and new chain and sprockets etc.

  9. I am looking at buying a big bike to do a few runs outside of bangkok , down to pattaya for a few days etc.

    Firstly if anyone has one they want to get rid of , I may be interested . 750cc up sports type eg. FVR , CBR , R1 that sort of thing . Probably have up to 500k to spend , but would prefer something a little cheaper .

    Next question .

    Gearsacks and racks , are they available in Thailand , or am I gonna have to get one brought in .

    Need to pack a few necessities when we head off , and I am sure the missus would feel a lot more comfortable with something behind her . Especially when she decides to answer the phone just before the lights turn green .

    I have attached a pic of the rack so we are all on the same page , but couldn't find one of the bag .

    Got a nice CBR900,may sell for the right money 1999, got carbon all the bits etc, it is a black one. nicer than your pic, one of the best in thailand, not rented out never dropped.

  10. Nice bikes, it is great to see these bikes been restored back as new condition, especially the vespas, in buriram a thai guy runs a club, i think he gos by buriram vespa club, the guy owns buriram curtains, they ride vespas, old c50s etc, did have his card somewhere i will try and find it, last time us guys rode down to Pattaya for pattaya bike week, last feb, on big bikes, a gang off thai guys left the same time, on there vespas, small 50cc hondas and old small classics, they arrived in Pattaya next day, we all admired these guys, they are a pleasure to know and love there bikes, brilliant, love to see the finished bike.

  11. I have two ponds and plan to dig a third in the next dry season.

    The first is outside in the rice fields, 3 meters deep and a bit more than 1/2 rai in size. There is always water in there, but it is a bit salty. Fish is a problem: without feeding them they will have just big heads but no meat. 3m deep is to much to rise fish. It is difficult to catch them. When I wait until the water level is down in the dry season, the fish will be stolen: there is nobody watching them in the dry season. It would have been better to make two or three smaller ponds, so I could pump water from one into the others. As it is, I just use it for irrigation and let the fish to whomever wants them (boys looking after buffalo and cows in the dry season).

    The second pond is in my garden. Because it is fenced and right by the house there is no problem with thiefs. It is about 2.5m deep and a bit more than 1 rai. Still to deep for fishing effectively with a net. Always more than 1m water in there.

    More a hobby this one. There was never any profit in it for me. The fish food costs more than I can sell fish. But this is also because most of the time when we catch fish, we and all the family eat free - and each time when we catch fish, I am surprised how much family we have :o

    I will convert this one soon to a pond for swimming in the hot season: only small fish and more water plants so the water will be more clear.

    The next I plan will be only 2m deep with two or three basins, so I can concentrate the water in one of them in the dry season. Fenced is a must because of buffalo and cows: they would trample down the ponds borders. Thiefs should be no problem because it will be visible from the house - otherwise I may have a dog there 24 hours a day.

    You should look at fish farms, if you want to do any profit with a fish pond.

    I live in Isarn and there are a lot of ponds here. Many of them are pumped dry to catch the fish, but all others have water all year round. This may be different in other parts of Thailand.


    Thedi [email protected]

    Thanks for the input, the in laws normally drain there at the end of the dry season and have a good feed, I dont thinlk it looks like a money spinning venture, maybe I think about another enterprise, we alrady got 13 Rai of our own so the rice option is up and flowing, hopw to but more land as time goes on


    Go and have a look at my 3 ponds, the biggest i have is about 2 rai, in the rainy season, it overflows, and then goes back to the water table, but is still about 2 metres deep, when full it is about 6 metres, this is where i go fishing with a chiller box and sip song chaings, not fallen in yet, also the other one never raises much and never looses water, this is on a solid rock bottom, this is opposite the embassy, the other one is in ban kok broch, this one we dug out as a water supply for our rice, this gos down to the water table, if digging one out, make sure you go about 2 metres below the table. you are most welome to go and have a look at mine.

  12. www.feelfreekayak.com - the Thai link doesn't seem to be working at the moment (1 month already!) Their product range can still be seen on the international part of the website.

    I'm going to try and find their shop in a couple of days time while I'm passing through Bangkok.

    Thanks, I looked at their website and found the same problem. If I can buy a kayak somewhere in Thailand I will, I don't mind driving down to BKK and putting one on the roof-rack...


    Look in the classifieds on thai visa, wiggler has a two seater kyak for sale 18,000 baht. nice one he has a pic of it.

  13. Well in my case the bike is 25 years old, so it would probably be hard to get parts anywhere.

    Thai's had worked on the bike until now, they kept it running, for some times as much a month. They did what they know, to them the bike runs thats good enough. More then likely that is how thier customers feel as well.

    Had I been given this information a few years back it would have saved me a lot of money and frustration.

    There were a lot of lesson in this, including lesson about farrang friends. But I woudl just sound bitter if I wen into them.

    I'm not I paid 39K for it in the begginning , book included trying to complete a project. I got very close but in the end, costs simply exceeded any logic. I rode it a fro three yearw, but never really got a good trip out of it, whcih was it was for.

    I may recover 20K on it selling it as a parts bike, we will see.

    But thanks to this mechanics honesty I will continue on with a newer bike and more then likely get some of those trips.

    Thai Style the bike is fixed now, for very little money. It is running just as good a before I had the problems. The mechanic did that for me and again fro very little money. Is it at a level where I would be happy no. The cost of that are far to expensive.

    Parts are available here but your right they are not cheap Nor in most cases are they new.

    In dealing with motorcycles here new bikes over 200CC can be purchased but at huge costs, or illegal bikes with no book an sometimes they are not cheap either. A recent look at 750 Honda 10 years old 200K ( roughly $5,550.00) with no book, you have rigister it yourself. If you can pull that off another 70K ($1945.00) So a legal ten year old motorcycle ends up costing you $7495.00

    Thats a lot of money for a ten year old bike, with no idea as to miles. In the states I know guys who only ride thier bikes in good weather and weekend only, so they can be low mileage for a very long time. That is not the case here, bikes are ridden everyday.

    But now before I go tying up a bunch of money I can have someone who really knows what thier doing look at the bike get some honest answers. If I could get three years out of that imagine what I could do with a good bike to start with :o

    So off hand I would say my motorcycle days just got better.

    I had taken the bike to Thai's numerous times looking for straight answers never got them, just not a Thai's style to say no.

    Hi Ray,

    I have had the same problems with thai mechanics in the past, last guy was in Pattaya, charged me 15,000 baht for parts, when i got back to Buriram, 11 hours, as the bike was not running well pulling to the right, the guy in Pattaya should of had this sorted, took the bike into my Thai mates (Moo) motorcycle shop, he is first class, i showed him the invoice from pattaya, none of the parts i had paid for had been changed, i was really pissed off. next time i am in pattaya, i am paying this guy a visit, Moo in Krasang, totally rebuilt the bike, for 7000 Baht, superb, as you know ray, he looks after my Dragstar, My CBR900 and the custom chopper i had built, i have a new bike to my stable, just bought a really mint Vmax 1200, the wife is playing hel_l, but i cannot get in trouble with a bike with two wheels, better than two legs.

  14. If some of you can't comment on a simple survey without turning it into an opportunity to slag off farang women then it will be closed.

    did not mean to have upset you, they were not relatives were they, hel_l only having a laugh, do not get your knickers in a twist.

    That is why most of us, have thai wives and Girlfriends as we have had enough of Frrrang Woman....,

    good pic tho........to big to post again, sorry lads.

    Have one on me Boo


  15. Never saw a survey that wasn't skewed in some way. Note this one was done in some of the major cities in the Isaan. I'm sure the results would be different if it had been conducted in the countryside. :D

    Great now they are going to be fat like us americans ! :o

    My thai wife cooks superb western food, but does not eat much of it and is very carefull in prepring it, also thais are not like westerners, they do not have set routines in meal times, my wife will only eat with friends or when she is hungary, us brits will eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe a take away after the pub shuts, after drowning 12 pints of Guiness.

  16. We weigh our rice in at 100 kilo bags, had 300 bags last year, nice one, not sure this year yet, as they just have to finish 30 rai in Prackon Chai,

    When i get there in Feb, i will check the price and sell, but every year i take 4 bags to the temple, gives you good merit, family work on 60- 40%, but i buy the fertaliser.


    My old shepherd is in a bad way, his Back legs are staring to go, mind you he is 12, i have a pure white shepherd, we will all miss him

    here he is with my youngest. Saffron.


  17. It sounds Cheap, i have 100 rai, in all differant locations i have paid as little as 20,000 per rai to 150,000 per rai, depending where it is, its the old story, Location, Location Location, concrete road with electric, it starts going up, in the sticks cheap, on main highway in Buriram you are looking at a mill, there is 6 rai on the Buriram - Surin Road about 4 clicks out of Buriran, 1.2 Mill per Rai, this has been for sale for at least 4 years, no interest. good luck with it, i do not know about the rubber trees, lot of work and hassle in my opinion, also it knackers the land like eucalyptos, but if you are just paying 15,000 per rai, why not.

  18. I transfered money from the UK to Thailand to pay for a motorcycle, i sent it from my Lloyds TSB account to the guys account in thailand, Bank of Ayutaya, when it got there it was 10,000 baht short, also it took a week, nearly lost the deal on the bike, rang Lloyds, they told me it was with the paying bank in London, the international side of HSBC, this was the paying bank, as it is the only bank that has a contract with bank of Ayutaya, stinks, the HSBC took the 10,000 baht, and i also paid the 20.00 GBP for sending with Lloyds, it is in the hand of the bank at the mo, i told them if it is not refunded they will loose my account and my Business Account, up to them, rip off merchants. so just waiting for reply, with the international moneymover i paid 20.00 GBP for, it should of got there within 3 days.

  19. haha i guess i am a bit uninformed...i don't really have much money so i guess that's a problem also...

    thanks for all the info though...i'm going to go check out some of those places you guys mentioned...i bought the 600 baht BTS card, so i'll be checking out more areas in bangkok...i think i'll start with siam sqaure.

    last time i came to thailand, i did all the touristy stuff like i mentioned... i did the trekking up north, went to the golden triangle, stayed in guesthouses, did the boat tours and dinner cruises, train rides, etc. this time, i'm just looking to make some lasting friendships and find travelling partners...

    thanks again for all the info! =)

    hel_l siam square, novatell not to bad, go down Soi Cowboy and find yourself some indians,

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