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Posts posted by Thaicoon

  1. I'm coming to Thailand and want to locate sources for hand carved large wooden peices to ship to USA.

    Folks here have proven to be helpful with shipping questions, so I thought I'd just throw it out there and see if anyone knows of good companies or artisan areas that carve wood.

    I plan to visit Hang Dong (name :o ) and Ban Thawai.

    Ban Thawai isn't on my map so I still need to find it.

    Anybody know where else I should look?

    Best place is Hang dong, also around that area, i use to ship 40 footers into the UK, i use to buy most of my goods around this area, also are you after wagon wheels as i have about 100 in a yard, just outside hang dong, the guy who owns the yard is an americam from montanna, he makes 6 foot wooden indians and cowboys, ideal for the states, i use to buy these off him and sell em to bars in the UK, that do country and western evenings, also if you want somebody to take you around these places i have another mate who has a shop in Hang dong, let me know and i will forward you numbers and e-mails,

    In this area you can get about everything from backscratchers to carved full size rhinos, its the place.

    you mean BANTAWAI, this is in Hang Dong i have one of my suppliers adresses and it is

    99 Bantawai moo 2




    hope this helps, send us a postmark.

  2. My vife and i have a ground in Prachon Chai and we are planning to build a house there this year. Does somebody know good places to by building/construction material in this area ? Am also planning to build a swimming pool, anybody knows where i can find somebody to do this job.

    Am also interested if somebody have an idea about prices on construction material in this area or not to far away.

    All possible information will be helpfull, Thanks

    if you are interested, a mate of mine makes interlocking bricks, a lot better quality than the thai bricks, they would be about 9 inches x 5 inches, also about 6 inches width, all colours available, they are superb, grade A material, i am thinking of building a garage out of these, they interlock then you can pour concrete through the middle of them, a Thai Doctor in Prasat has built a house out of these, superb.

    When building a property make sure you use a damm good builder and use grade A materiels, there are a lot of cowboys in Thailand. i built my property in 2000, i was lucky got family as builders, it is situated in Buriram. heres a pic.


  3. This may be of use to some of you expats living in Thailand and renting property out in the UK, read in the newspaper this morning, the title is as follows,


    from 6th April 2006, if you rent out a property you may need a property licence. without one, you could lose more than just rent, You could be fined up to £20,000, to find out more, visit propertylicence.gov.uk or contact your local authority.

    This is from the office of the fat deputy prime minister, another stupid law for us guys renting out property, as i know i have a few freinds in Thailand that live on there incombe from renting there house etc in the uk.

  4. Had all my teeth done, crowns, bottom denture etc, superb dentist, highly recomended and good prices, not expensive, he is Dr Chachris, Dental surgery centre, 6th floor, Mahboonkrong Centre, MBK, Pratumwan, Bangkok, Tel no 026117018.

    I actually sent him a letter congratulating him on his work & Surgery.

    This is the guy i will always use in the future.

  5. Most of these damm cameras in the UK are calibrated wrongly also the cameras the police use, there was a tv programme on the subject also it has been in the press, but what the h e l l can you do, when you do get a fine, no tel number or contact details, these damm people have got you by the balls, it is another typyical british rip off.

  6. Thanks guys, i have downloaded those sites, going to give them a go this weekend, also i am going to send someone to pantip plaza to buy some, as i am in uk, if she can find some at pantip she can post to me.

  7. I wonder if any of you guys can help me, i am looking for some software to design houses, also garden, tropical plants etc, i am going to relandscape my garden and build a new garage and was wondering if any good software available, tried some in the uk but it is crap, thanks guys.

  8. I had a good mate of mine run drastically short of funds in Israel. He asked me for a loan.

    I said " When will I see it again ?"

    " He said " How should I know that. Maybe never"

    I lent him it.

    I ran into him five years later at Lasham in Hampshire, when I was short. He repaid me in full and lent me some more on top.

    He sounds a good guy, i do not mind if i have lent money to somebody, if they cannot pay back just say to me sorry Ian, have not got it today can i pay you back a bit every week or so, fair enough at least they are been honest and trying, but when the person just does a moonlight flit and has no intention of paying back, he needs to be sorted.

  9. I have one guy who owes me £350, this is for goods he has had off me, this guy is backing horses every day, drinking, smoking and putting 20 quid a day in the bandit, and he cannot afford to pay me, just before xmas i got the b a s t a r d sorted, i got 100 notes out of him, he paid the price and i had my satisfaction, this is the only way to sort these low lives out.

    if the guy owed me 15,000 baht and he is threatening you, send the boys around, only way, teach him a lesson, the old fashioned way.

  10. I was bitten by a centipede in Buriram during the night....it was quite painful...next morning it was still sore and red but a bit of tiger balm fixed it up.

    I think some of the things mentioned here about them are old wives tales...


    B l o o d y Buriram centipedes, i also got bitten in Buriram, one curled up in my shoe, put the shoe on in the morning, got bit, very painfull and my foot was swolen for a day or so, never want this to happen again, look at previous posts.

  11. Had a great weekend, with the other guys who rode down from Buriram, Surin and Ubon, had a great ride down untill cabinburi where i lost the bike doing about 130 kms, hit a concrete central reservation, my seal went on the back wheel letting oil on to the tyre, so lost the bike on quite a fast corner, one life gone, other than that superb weekend with plenty of beer, looking forward to next year.

    You forgot the bit about how we but you and you bike in the back up pick up and gave you a few beers and you were fight fit will in a few hours :o

    and bike and rider on the road the next day F@#$ amazing and lucky come on post the pics of your war wounds

    When are we going to do it again

    Cannot wait for the next trip, but don,t bring boring john, ha, ha, the guys are on about doing a run through cambodia, and back through laos, that should be good, but dirt bikes required.

  12. Had a great weekend, with the other guys who rode down from Buriram, Surin and Ubon, had a great ride down untill cabinburi where i lost the bike doing about 130 kms, hit a concrete central reservation, my seal went on the back wheel letting oil on to the tyre, so lost the bike on quite a fast corner, one life gone, other than that superb weekend with plenty of beer, looking forward to next year.

  13. Hi Guys, My wife, myself and youngest daughter went to the Thai Embassy last monday 23rd, my wife had an appointment at 9.30, we downloaded all forms off the Embassy website, took all these with us, with photos etc, it took 10 Minutes to take fingerprints etc for the new e-passport, i asked a member of staff there could my eldest daughter's passport be extended, i had it with me, runs out in two years time, she told me No, she will have to have a new e-passport, i found the Embassy very helpfull and efficient, we asked if we could register the birth of my youngest daughter, who is now 4, bit late, they also did this for us and applied for a thai e-passport for the child, this took a bit longer as no paperwork had been done.

    we were in the London Eye at 11.30, i found the Embassy and its staff first class. we stayed in London from saturday night untill Wed, next to the Embassy at the Queens Gate Concorde Hote, which was superb, and i found a nice little boozer in Queens Gate mews that had all the draught Beers, Nectar........

    My Wife's 5 year extension s running out, so needed an e-passport.

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