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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Nowadays it's just a word that covers all the variants. Used to be made/sold in the shape of the front part of a sandal pressed into wet soil and when dry was filled with the wet 'hash' and allowed to dry. Called and sold as a sole in north africa or maybe started in turkey.
  2. I don't understand why people are getting so excited about the whole thing. The laws are going to change a few times before it's all straight.
  3. But while there's moonlight and music and love and romance let's face the music and dance.
  4. I believe at the moment all those who think that Thailand is becoming the hash utopia of the east should settle down a bit and see how many more changes there will be in the growing/selling/ smoking laws before they get too excited.
  5. Let's say you grow your own and you live in a condo. You end up with some weed that has a lot more than the allowed 'happy ingredient'. You settle down to enjoy a smoke and your upright neighbours call Mr Plod and complain about the smoke and the smell. Mr Plod comes to enguire and finds a few good handfuls of your weed on your coffee table. Will you tell Mr Plod to go away as it is all now legal and above board?
  6. If growing and owning as much as you want was ok then I would agree with you, but unless you are a registered producer/thai/over 20 then I wouldn't suggest digging up your rose bushes and growing a few kilos.
  7. I know someone who was pulled to one side in New Zealand when one of the dogs hit on their handbag. It had had a couple of brownies in about 2 or 3 months before. Swab inside the bag showed a very small trace amount and only a warning was given.
  8. Yep, neighbouring countries are not going to check the level of 'happy', to them it's just hash and that's it.
  9. I don't understand why so many posters have the idea that it's all legal now, and I'm 100% sure if it's been 'smuggled' over the border the producers are not being careful to ensure the weed being smuggled complies with the maximum legal 'happy component'. Some people are going to end up in world of hurt if they don't understand what's allowed and what's not allowed.
  10. Same mindset as expats who say, but so and so is legal in my country so why not here in Thailand.
  11. But obviously not a DIY ATK. I imagine they will be looking for some official paperwork with the ATK.
  12. The giggle pin has fallen out of the laughing shaft.
  13. Don't forget copies of the blue book and engine certs from the donor toyota. ????
  14. I always book direct with the airline. Last cancellation, due to Wuhuflu, had fare and air miles returned in about two weeks. Friends who used agents and travel companies ended up with either FA or minimum cash back.
  15. And if you still don't pay your car could be auctioned or crushed.
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