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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. If you have 2 submarines it is easier to fire missiles at the meteor, honest, believe me, it's the truth.
  2. Can't remember who said it but it was on the lines of every time you start to think you're important just consider that you are one small part of the greatest infestation that is poisoning this once pristine planet.
  3. Well, anywhere outside your own garden/wall.
  4. Wearing a mask means you can leave your teeth at home if you feel like it.
  5. Did they run because they didn't get the chance to use their gun? Then picked the wrong the way and met the police. Nothing like a gun to make a nothing think he is a something important. Just sayin'
  6. Why the raid? After hours? No food supplied? Naked ladies on display? Last I heard was they got the ok to open a week or so ago.
  7. Story going around the remaining bars on the strip got a 'visit' from Bangkok Police,? Anyone confitm or deny,?
  8. Generally turbulence waits until you've been served coffee and drinks.
  9. I asked Lady Fothering-GinSmythe about that. She said Mulled wine always remended her of Xmas and happy times at New Year on the family estate and mulled whisky reminded her of wonderful times in the family villa in Switzerland with food and gifts to hand out to the poor on Sundays but mulled beer just made her fart.
  10. 'Captain' isn't usually a title for an ex taxi driver. Dummy rounds were being used and she picked up a round from the floor. Is it possible the round came from an incorrect 'clearing' of a hand gun from previously, ie, operate the slide forgetting to remove the magazine and a live round hits the floor among all the old casings. Whoever did it didn't want to admit it so leaves the round on the floor. Up to that point she had only been given dummy rounds to play with so assumes the one on the floor is the same as the dummy rounds. I've seen nervous types close their eyes and turn their head before 'jerking' the trigger and the round going into the floor 4 metres in front of them.
  11. Thinking about HuaHin for a month break.. Anyone suggest sn agent/office to contact in the area. Looking for a small bungalow, no stairs or steps. One bedroom, kitchen. tv room. For 2 people and a small dog. Just fancy a break from BKK
  12. Good advice. Especially keeping meds for ticks and heartworm up to date.
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