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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Breaking news. Novak Djokovic's brother Doubilvak Djokovic is issued holiday visa for Australia.
  2. SWMBO had 2nd Mod' and did complain about more frequent visits to the small room after the 2nd.
  3. These are the wurst jokes as the german sausage maker said.
  4. Dont need to. There will always be another tourist along in a minute. Always been like that. Hold on, hold that result!!!!
  5. It's difficult to get the actual % of un/anti's from uk. I've seen on various news reports on uk figures varying from 60% to 90% of those requiring hospital treatment. BBC/ITV? did show an interview with one lady who was now recoving in hospital and when asked Do you think now you should have gone for vaccination she would only answer 'maybe'.
  6. Does the linkshow how many are unvaccinated or are ant-vaccers
  7. I don't believe a word of this because there is not one photograph of the delicious food she was getting.
  8. What are the present rules for alcohol, buying for home, buying in restaurants etc in Rayong?
  9. I have to admit a couple of times after I'd had too much the night before I did think being dead would feel better. Edit. I do mean a couple of times, intake now is very small. A bottle of my favourite malt whisky can last a few weeks or longer.
  10. I've got some old army poems committed to memory if you think thay might be a good idea. One is called 'The chinese maiden'.
  11. Breaking news now in uk. After the road has been dug up the old tarmac and rubble will be used to fill in the Bristol Channel as it was the main route for slave ships in UK.
  12. I always thought a gentleman was someone who gets out of the bath to go for a pee. ????.
  13. Only in the case of large prey. Something like a dog would be easy for a dragon to kill and eat. If something like a buffalo they stand a chance of being kicked or gored so it's bite and leave until it's really sick and not a danger to them.
  14. Ask one of the paras' to show the dance of the flaming ---hole. Requires a pint, a rolled page from a tabloid and a match.
  15. Just a thread that will keep going backwards and forwards til someone gives up.
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