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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. I wish them all the luck it needs. The menu features sea cucumber ... which is not my favourite Chinese Dish. I am more the Sweet and Sour Pork guy And of course Peking duck, and Hot and Sour soup and spicy Szechuan dishes, and Gyoza (not the thick wrapper Chinese dumplings, more of the Japanese version). And Mabo Dofu (this the Japanese pronunciation) WITH meat (minced park or chicken) of course. Saw once a YouTube clip about the real Chinese Street food. I woud starve over there if this were all there is to it. They eat everything living, with or without legs. Not my case.
  2. Interesting although not really cheap for some of the dishes. Thank you very much ! Mapo Dofu however is below 100 THB. Prices for Sashimi approach the prizing of our favourite and excellent Sushiya which they hardly could rival (who knows ?) and no Hot and Sour Soup, but something similar. Will visit.
  3. Do you post because you would like to help me or you just like to insult my intellect ? It follows a bit a pattern I recognize with many of your posts. At least the ones you did adress to me. Ignore and Bye-Bye.
  4. From my experience "eccentric service" seems to be part of the Chinese eating experience. Apart from Vietnamese Immigration Officers I have never seen more unfriendly and grumpier people than Chinese service personnel. I like duck, but in the form of "Peking Duck". I doubt that they can produce one. There used to be a Peking Duck Restaurant just below the BTS station Phrom Pong in Bangkok (Emporium Exit, then left staircase down - it is just there, if it still is). Peking Duck for 750 THB, 3 courses (Skin wrapped in pankakes, Meat cooked to order and Soup). But this is a very long time ago. Still looking for a decent Peking Duck Place after having tried various other venues in BKK. Never seen one in Pattaya.
  5. To be honest, this sounds a lot like a medical checkup. But can you drive after the test ? The answer is "No". I know because I have followed the test of my wife from the very beginning and it was me to a large extent that had to teach her how to drive correctly. On the opposite, the pratical test for driving in Switzerland is extremely difficult. Takes 2 hours in real traffic, not on a parcour. But back in the 70's when I made my test I do not remember having to do any of the eye examinations that are mandatory here.
  6. Just the opposite ! At least for me. In Chonburi they changed as well to the lights and I could only pass because of the more than considerate person in charge of testing. Especially the difference between yellow and green is much more harder to detect than on the previous chart with the circles. Red stands out so much that this is always a 100% hit.
  7. I ordered exactly the wok in the picture (36 cm) and it was delivered already. Now waiting for the burner which I found on Aliexpress, ordered and paid with delivery estimate around June 10. So far I am not so confident that it will arrive at all (it did cost me around 10KTHB with shipping) but this creates now my first Aliexpress experience.
  8. Which would be phantastic. There are two dumpling places so far in Terminal 21, and one of them is quite appealing, but you can only bring the dumplings home. which we did at times. The other makes some interesting dumplings but the wrapper is quite thick. This is not unusual for Chinese dumplings, but I prefer the "Gyoza" Version and I have to admit, even eat them at the Fuji Chain because I am a Gyoza addict. So, now its out and you all know it By the way one of the best Gyoza I had was in the old and reopened eating place on BPH premises near the dermatology building - but now they have more sweet things and I am too lazy to make them myself. That might be a mistake and worth re-considering. The more I think about it I will do it. Together with my phantastic but unfortunately complicated to make Hot an Sour Soup. As well a dish which shoud be served somewhere (if possible without sea cucumber and golden needles), but that too seems to much of an asking.
  9. The problem with these discussions is most of the time that for different people terms are differently understood. Terms like God, Soul etc. It is impossible to discuss on the basis that you do not clearly define what you are talking about. It is difficult to arrest a thief if you say it was just a man. To answer to your question I would rather not look at experiences - what you feel and sense - but rather to the entity that does feel and sense or on that behalf those experiences arise. Advaitains (Hinduism) would call that god - atman or Brahma, Buddhist schools (Mahayana) reject this idea (anatman). In any way it is consciousness related in the broadest sense possible. Difficult subject - not really qualified for discussion on AN actually.
  10. Your ordinary fortune tellers as seen on the streets/markets here are very most probably a waste of time amd money. Nothing to gain there. However there are some individuals who I would not want to disqualify just like that. For example the state oracle of Tibet, some tribes in the Amazon using Ayahuasca etc. I would be careful to state that this is all rubbish. You would say that from a naive, uninformed and arrogant western perspective. On what grounds would you state otherwise ? Science ? Will soon be outdated like the idea of the earth's shape like a pizza. Not today but maybe in some decades time.
  11. Glucono, 500mg Metformin per tablet, 500 tablets in one pack. Available at Fascino for THB 650 or lately 750. I take it since years.
  12. What you are describing is just the view from the receivers end. And what do you mean by "to the country where he is tax resident resp. to the country of the account holder" - do you mean the embassy ? As far as I interpret from the term "information exchange", is there not as well some information sent from the senders end ? Is this then information directly to the Tax and Excise departement of Thailand ? Just want to understand what's going on here.
  13. Spot on. The locally supplied paper does not really invite you to use it. Must be folded at least 8 times before it becomes strong enough to be useful for the purpose and it is not wide enough either.
  14. The toilets in Terminal 21 Pattaya are all like this. Exept for they sized them to be suited for children only (or small chinese butts). I always use paper with these Japanese installations. Of course it is then the local paper which you have to fold 8 times to get at least a stroner feel. And then the paper is not wide enough either.
  15. As far as I know American Citizens are required to pay tax in their home country irrespective of where they reside and for how long. British Citizens seem to be confronted with a similar situation - although it is not transparent for me how much they woud have to pay. Double Tax Treaty etc. This is not my question. But how about someone who has neither American nor British nationality and who receives a state pension paid to a Thai bank account in his name from a country of which he has no passport either but who is resident in Thailand ? In this case who is reporting what to whom ? Actually these payments would arise because of previous savings which were made during the working life. Not even sure if there is anything to report at all.
  16. I am sorry, you are right and I am wrong. Last night when I woke up I just created an account with my mobile in a jiffy just because it was boring to lay around. The access works as well from my destop (you have to disable one tracker, but this corrects itself on logout). Using COD there is as well no danger for credit card details although you could input those in your profile (which I woud never do). I wonder whre eventually limits for the amount for COD are.
  17. I had a look at his channel and have watched several different clips. But unfortunately there are no news to me. The guy does not even elaborate on the tremendous advantages that ARLO has (one example: The cameras are so small that they can hardly be detected by any intruder and because of battery operation (one charge lasts very very long) they may just be carried around in the house and replaced according to varying needs. Unfortunately, ARLO (Netgear) has changed its policy and does now only provide the essential functions (like cloud recording) for a subsription fee. I would not mind paying this, but it is not allowed to do from Thailand. For some reasons (obviously a legal thing I can imagine) you can not conclude a contract from here. I have been in contact with Arlo itself and they confirm this. Nevertheless you can buy the cameras here but you only get alarms to your phone and thats it. I ordered a set with invadeIT and they said they cannot deliver. The advertisements of shopee for example are outdated. They claim still a free cloud storage (7 days) without any additional subscription (as it used to be) but this is no more true.
  18. So am I. Above a list of hospitals in Bangkok has been supplied, but I live in the surroundings of Pattaya. I will start asking in my local hospital, the BHP, whcih does supply Moderna, but this is not what I want and need. I do not care how much it costs.
  19. It's about my long list of serious pre-conditions, but I do not see how any more detailled info will benefit you. It is somehow a very personal and intimate thing. But if you can show me why and how these details could benefit you in some way, I would at least PM you with some hints in order to help. Although the list is really serious and long, none of my ailments would ever affect others. So feel relieved. Out of curiosity I once made a list of everything I have and it takes a DIN A4 page to write down all. I threw it away then immediately.
  20. I have ordered them with invadeIT but they answered back that the distributor does not have them. So this might be the same with Lazada or Shopee. Normally if the worst comes to the worst I contact my friend in Switzerland who will order my desired IT item at Digitec in Switzerland and send it to me. I have done that several times succcesfully. Digitec has a range of products that beats both Lazada and Shopee by a large margin in the area of IT and as well cameras and household appliances (then it is their sister company "Galaxus". But this does all not help. Arlo has recently changed its policies. Now the best functions (like cloud recording) are only available with a subscription. They cooperate with Netgear and for some reason unknown to me, in Thailand subscriptions are not allowed. It would not work exept that you could get an alarm to your phone. But if you know the full capabilities of the system this is not what you want and need. This is confirmed by Arlo itself for I have contacted them directly. A pity and a catastrophe for me. Arlo has been a marvel. Hands down the best system there is with their combination of useful features. Just look at thier website and range of products and features. The cameras are as well small and because of thier battery which lasts for ages (and may then be recharged). They can be moved around in the house by just carrying them to the place you want them to be. And they will rarely be detected by any intruder. They would not know that they are filmed and if they do it is too late, the video has already been stored abroad on a server inaccessible to the intruder.
  21. 1000/500 per second should do the trick. AIS is scheduled to put the house on fiber next week. Anyway it is only the video from a camera that has detected something, not from all simultaneously. But thanks for your suggestions !
  22. That's me. I am 67 and have a list of serious pre-existing conditions that would make you think a lot. According to the doctors I should have been dead since a long time, but I manage to survive somehow.
  23. Thanks for this info. I do not care if it is for free or not - it must be available. I am living in the surroundings of Pattaya.
  24. If anybody is vulnerable - I am. What may be a mild symptom for you could easily be deadly for myself.
  25. I could do a lot myself. And where my stressed back would not follow me I would have a lot of helpers who could do it under my supervision. However internal storage (in the house somewhere) does not make sense IMHO for any intruder could just take the recorder away and with it all evidence.. My Arlo used to send their recorded clips to a server abroad, untouchable for any burglar.
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