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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. However dubious he might be at least in one aspect he was right: Soda-Water is good (tasty). That's not much but better than nothing. I do not care about the rest.
  2. First of all, the glass from the OP (whoever that is) is not a Tumbler but an oversized Long-Drink Glass. I have attached how a tumbler looks like. The picture is from the Bamboo Bar of the Mandarin Oriental and shows my own favourite drink, an (original) Mai Tai which I ordered there. I took a picture of it because of the glass actually. Because the glass matters. It is an original Mai-Tai, not the terrible sweet creation with a lot of grenadine which they serve all around Thailand. And by the way I find this Tumbler is perfect in size and design. .
  3. Yes, but if someone from MFP gets cought they might calll it "vote buying" with consequences like dissolving, disqualifying or else. This only is applicable to MFP of course - I just guess.
  4. GSB as a government owed bank in comparison to Bangkok Bank or SCB etc. provides a 100% protection. At least that is what I have heard and they mention it as well on their web page. They do not say explicitely "not only 1'000'000.--" but to me 100% is as well 5M if your savings in their account are 5M. But why not ask them directly ? For BAAC I am not sure. I doubt that they do not have any protection at all, although this could be the case if this is the reason why they are not on the list. But this is a guess.
  5. Carbonated water is the same as Soda Water, Sparkling Water, Fizzy Water, Club Soda or Seltzer Water. I have that wisdom from Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonated_water TOPS in Central Festival Pattaya has a very large selection of waters of all kinds around the world. A question of taste and money. Some are very expensive, Singha Soda is only 12 THB per bottle (maybe even less in the big pack) but I am not sure if it contains many minerals (if any) which water should if you drink this exclusively over a long period. Mont Fleur (still water) shoud at least have minerals (although they do not declare it). St. Pellegrino has a long list on the bottle.
  6. The carbonated part is the fun part IMHO, the more carbonated the better. But this is me. Rock Water is as well quite carbonated but tastes inferior to Singa I think. I would say that Singa is carbonated water - but someone please correct me if this is not the case. At least to my taste Singa tastes superiour. For still water we exclusively use Mont Fleur. San Pellegrino is actually "bottled at source", so you get the real original imported product. I have my doubt if this is true for Perrier - they state something as "captured at source", which could mean import in big ships and then carbonated and bottled in Thailand. But this is just a guess, I am not sure about that.
  7. But my Thai wife, who has an account with GSB would get it. They do not inform you by themselves. I would expect this as part of customer support. Look into LH Bank as well. I think I remember she got 1.85% for one year fixed (not sure though, but asking does not cost anything (but maybe the requirement includes a Thai Wife who has the account)
  8. We used to make our own carbonated water while we were in Switzerland. But there, normal Tap-Water has a superior quality. So what you need is very good mineral water. Which is expensive in Thailand. Then on top comes the machine and the CO2 cylinders that you need to exchange all the time. They argue that you do not have to carry around ready made carbonated water. But this is not true for Thailand since you cannot use Tap-Water here. And the most downside: The water you get is maybe not as much carbonated as you want it to be. So better buy it here ready made. We prefer Singa-Soda Water.
  9. Must be easy to determine to which party the numbers belong. Then vote what you like and if anybody will ever come back to "take the money back" (on what evidence ?) threaten them with a legal suit. This is beyond buying votes but extortion IMHO. Or give the money back by yourself if the numbers are not what you would have voted for if you dont want to lie saying you voted what they wanted if they need the "money presents" urgently. Yes I know it is a village and it depends who gave the envelopes as well....
  10. If I dont win it must be fake. Does this remind me of something ?
  11. Does anybody think that the overall circumstances will find its way to the International Press ? Or is this of not enough interest on that level ?
  12. You mean the same style of judical process that is used in the upcoming elections or following famous criminals (maybe a Red Bull drink will help). Ah..... sorry...I did not read your comment below well enough - must have been an attempt at sarcasm....
  13. All Dinosaur talk. If he returns, he will have for sure made it clear in advance what happens.
  14. Spot on. They dont have to be killed. But deport them. To a country that deserves it. Like Russia. In the past unwanted criminals were deported to Australia. Still a lot of place in the Outback - the only problem I see is when they not even allow a Subway Sandwich in....
  15. Yes there is more than one reason. When we drive around in the area, we notice that many of the (sometimes very huge) private houses have very high walls with barbed wire, glass slivers on top. I do not know how many burglaries there are, but I take this as an indication. Then I remember a story that someone told us. A family went on a longer holiday, they had a break-in and when they returned the house was empty. I mean absolutely completely empty. Not even a toothbrush remaining. And this would be no good for us for we posess expensive items. Apart from my guitar collection and amplifiers I have a really expensive IT-environment, we have a Home Theatre, thousands of CDs and DVDs, a very comprehensive selection of Kitchen-Machines, with some in a very high price range (I would guess more than 100KTHB if they were available here at all, like our Ice-Cream maker with compressor, they sell other brands at Central but as well in the 25KTHB+ range) - so this adds up tremendously. And custom made leather upholstery with a value of a cheap car. Then two video cameras and an SLR with all accessories and many different lenses you can think of. And this does not even include jewellery and cash. But these items are stored in a safety deposit box at a bank. Insurance ? Not in Thailand - asking for a household insurance here is a joke - I tried it once with a very well known broker. They would not want to give me even a contract but wanted me to pay. Without me knowing what I would get for my money. Like in a bank when you want to open an account. You sign a lot of papers you do not understand and then you not even get a copy. A total waste. You are right - in a condo this is all no problem even if the locks and doors seem to stem from a century ago. Opened in under a minute for sure - but you have little chance to proceed to the entrance in our building. I had once a break in in Switzerland long before I married and I know how they do it. They come over as organized gangs from Rumania there. What I lost was my vast collection of highest class copies of watches but undistinguable from the originals from the outside and weidht etc. I wonder what happened to the burglers if they tried to sell the stuff ???? If my wife and me were monks there was nothing to worry about. The less you have, the less you have to worry about. But we are not monks and have brought a lot of stuff from Switzerland here via container. And now I need to take care of the security of that all.
  16. In the countryside we have a house (very rural style) with about 11 dogs (one more is born, others are overrun by cars). The house is never even locked, but if anybody unknown enters the property at least one starts to bark and the others will follow. Night and day. The perfect security system actually - they are on the property in every direction. But not really an option for the house we have here ????. I am still looking for a suitable Camera System. Extremely difficult. If you seem to have found it, you will later find some downsides (one example: I would mind to have my face on a Chinese Cloud Server with face recognition). Some are using Amazon Cloud Services hosted in Singapore, but these have other flaws....A siren that you can barely hear in the next room ? No, thank you. From 100db-120db up is OK.
  17. To lower electric price is helping the people - and that is why you elect the ones that could possibly do that. That they do something in favour of you. It is the very reason to motivate to elect anybody. To call this "vote buying" is utterly wrong with a twist of sick thinking. Of course that will get you votes as it should. Shows again that the powers in charge now are not qualified at all but clinging to their status quo as the only reason for acting - and not to be of benefit to the people. Same thing for trying to expel the MFP, to refrain from rethinking the education system etc. Still these people get votes - and not even from those who profit directly and protect their own power and wealth. This is both very strange and sad. I wonder how this country could make any progress at any time.
  18. The 5 dogs that are strolling around our property and enter it once the garage door is opened have already learned that they are not welcome. They go away as soon as I shout at them. They are timid and would never give any alarm. My wife proposed to get a German Shepherd, trained by a specialist together with us. That would be more like it but we have already enough family members to take care of. I had once a dog and I know the problems that this can make. In Thailand you cannot even take your dog to the public transport which is a matter of course in Switzerland. As far as the warning system is concerned I am not so sure although it is hairy as can be to find the correct one. ALDO would be the perfect system, but for some unknown reason it may not be operated from Thailand. But I am not giving up quickly.
  19. Just read in the Thai press that this is only supposed to be an opinion poll and it is not the idea to implement it. I may not name the source because of Forum Rules.
  20. I did have an ARLO cloud server, yes, but what was recorded there was nothing special. I never needed the cameras. And then you can download the clips and they are gone. In this situation only you cannot avoid cloud storage in an environment you do not control (shiver ????) Currently we live in a condo with high security. It would be difficult to proceed to our entrance even. 7 x 24 h. Our new house is stand alone and not in a gated community but I will think out surprizes for any intruder so I would not recommend to try braking in. The cameras are just one part of the whole system.
  21. I would never rely on that. To get alarms directly and act on them is by far faster and as well more reliable - and cheaper. We would inform the nearest neighbor. Our house is stand alone and not in a gated community.
  22. I have no cloud service and I have removed anything slightly ressembling or associating with such a service from all devices I own.
  23. Thank you. That's exactly the reason why I struggle at the moment. I even have a Synology NAS with the Surveillance App installed - worked before in Switzerland with other cameras, too, but this does not help much for I get no cloud storage this way. Granted, EOL after 4 years is not really it. But otherwise they are excellent ???? and I would buy a set anytime again - but cannot because they are not supported from Thailand ! No idea why. Cloud storage for TAPO has as well a very strange list where it does work and where not. Probably could cheat it by using VPN to access the account and the router setting up VPN for a supported country.???? One thing to consider is as well my age (67) and my health condition. I am quite sick and could leave this world anytime soon. So I am only motivated for solutions that more or less work out of the box. I wil gladly give an order to someone to do everything for me. Only configuration and IT-setup is something I still can do comfortably. Did not find any substitute yet which is really surprizing. Do the suppliers not know what their customers want ? What I see in abundance on Aliexpress and Lazada is most probably crap. They focus on resultion etc. and not on really necessary functions. My requirements are nothing extraordinary but merely the minimum.
  24. These dogs do nothing but disturb and pose a possible danger to the young children that live with us in the house. Not to talk about rabies etc. And I will get rid of them. I have determined methods to do that in a humane way without harming them. And in a semi humane way if necessary. Maybe I should as well say that the Puyai Baan of the Tambon is the father of a friend of my wife. Maybe we can get him to deport the bunch to a place far far away. No burglar whould even know that he is recorded. And if they would see one camera it is too late. We have since long received an alarm on our phones and can contact someone in the vicinity that may act. Apart from the evidence stored abroad. This is all part of the whole system. I still have some months to implement all that.
  25. OK, I will look at hookup again. I am a quite persistent person. I need a surveillance system with my requirements and I will get it - some way or another. I do not know the format the ARLO Base Station communicates to the router. The problem is that we are in Thailand and some components might be hard to get. Have a look at the ARLO website to know the advantages. https://www.arlo.com/en-us/Of course selective detection and clips to the cloud accessible from everywhere and the extreme ease which which it is "installed" (does not need an installation actually, just carry the very small cameras - which fit into a childs palm - around and place them where you want them to be and then just configure the ARLO App on the mobiles. You may change that in a jiffy if required as well. The charged batteries last incredibly long (months). You may use a desktop to access the cloud from anywhere and then download the videos to your locall environment as evidence. So far I was really reluctant to use cloud services (Google, Microsoft). Just hate the idea - many reasons. I will make me knowledgeable about blue iris / ProjectAI (does not really sound good to me - it's the "AI" in the name which does alarm me. Big Data, AI - I block everything I could possibly reveal to Google etc. No Facebook, no Line, no Twitter, no social media at all. AN is the only social media platform I do exchange information with.
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