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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. I did not know what IBS is, so I googled it. And it is very much probable that I have exactly that. I do Colonoscopies regularily at a renown hospital in Pattaya, but my Gastroenterologist does not really help apart from taking away polyps if they find some (which is normal for me) and recommendations of a ridiculous diet which is impossible for me to adhere to. I would starve. The procedure itself was really painful the last time - it should not be. But a very easy to manage (no anesthesist necessary, a nurse with some experience is enough - have done it in Switzerland) Propofol Infusion would take away any pain completely. Exept the pain in the wallet. They demand a fortune for that, a multiple of the colonoscopy itself. So I would be happy to see some recommendations for an alternative hospital / specialist. If we all PM Sheryl she would maybe not be so happy. I guess many have that kind of ailment.
  2. May I ask you where you did get the "Blue Mountain" ? Thanks.
  3. Nothing against open borders. I am actually for a world without any borders. Like John Lennon. I know it is a dream, too. But I believe as well that Thai Culture even with some of its imperfections should remain as it is. After all it is these imperfections that make it loveable. Or do you want a new Singapore, where they destroyed much of its vibe in the name of progress ? Would you still love Thailand then ? Focus on the important issues like education etc.
  4. Coconut Shells are popular, too. Of course this goes up in smoke as well ....... And the air willl never be completely clean - season or not. Because there is alway garbage to burn - the whole year long.
  5. Gas bottles may as well explode if they are used with a non compatible device. Example: LPG Gas with a Burner for Natural Gas. I just imported a high pressure Wok-Burner from China. Since Thailand uses for outdoor Grills/Burners only LPG Gas I had to look a little bit deeper into the matter to avoid an incident like the one described. Incredible that nobody was even hurt or even killed.
  6. Forget logic for one time. It was not a design for practical use at all - only to show that a glass (ONE glass) may have two holes instead of one. Just a joke - no other idea behind it. I am a German citizen, but was once allowed in an Irish Pub (in Zurich) on St. Patricks Day - so I can imagine where your statement originates from. My god, the carpet was wet throughout, and it was not water.....
  7. It shows my invention for both right- and left-handed folks Come on, there must be always some room for a bit of humour in this difficult and sometimes sad times. And not everybody likes only Monty-Phyton. By the way - my short confusing comment is based on some really deep questions: Hard Problem of Consciousness, Hard Problem of Matter, Dependend Arising as shown in the Mulamadhyamakakarika.... Just to show how an seemingly simple topic (as richard_smith237 postulated) may as well be more subtle than one may think at first glance if you ponder. But I think I do not want to confuse any AN members any further with this. After all the question is: Which tumbler ? Difficult enough. Cheers
  8. It may have two holes which makes it totally different from a topology view. Here is an easy example of a designer glass with two holes: Which raises the question: is this still a glass ? And if not, why not ? What is it that constitutes a "glass" anyway and is this a characteristic somehow hidden in the object itself ? Or is it but a concept - actually only manifested by your mind but in itself non-existent - although you can use it to drink from ? @richard_smith237 You asked for it. I could not resist.
  9. Is my assumption therefore propable that nothing at all changes despite that this is all suggested by the winner of the election and must practically regarded as their manifesto ? If correct I do not really understand what the election is all about.
  10. I noticed that some of the houses in the vicinity have barbed wire with electric charging mounted. I find this idea appealing provided I were allowed to get them charged with a high voltage. But then it reminds me of the houses I saw in the Philippines many many years ago. Some had installed Floodlights even. Like in a prison. But it is to protect us and not the others outside. Reminds me of the famous sentence in a film with Vin Diesel who told the inmates: "I am not imprisoned with you, you are imprisoned with me" (or alike).
  11. I do not know much about US politics in detail. But one thing I strongly suspect is that the nonsense DT is promoting outwits anything that the Democrats could ever propose. Just common sense.
  12. That sounds to me that this will be the occasion when I need external help for the first time. Agent or my lawyer. I will ask my lawyer first. A little bit of advantage is that I dont want (need) to discuss cost. I am always surprized how many posters ponder whether a residence certificate is for free or not.
  13. Quite some time ago, I remember having seen a demonstration (TV I think) of a powerful blender that made my jaws drop. The guy stuffed solid pieces of wood into the blender and it took them all apart. I think it was a "Blendtec" brand - with a nearly 4 hp motor. I do not remember the price exactly, but I think it was very very expensive (enthusiast range). But if you want to go for the best you normally need to spend money. Might be as well made in the US - typical heavy duty, big and powerful as they used to make things over there. Not a China thingy that falls apart after a few smoothies. We have a WMF-blender. Solid European Quality but in terms of power it has its limitations.
  14. Surprizes with my first two orders using Aliexpress: 1. They have really a very vast selection 2. To enter I need to virtually take down all my browser security add-ons of which there are many. After my visit I have then to clean up a little bit 3. One item (quite a big one in the price range of US$ 300.-- overall) was delivered with a hefty surcharge for transport, but the import tax was below 1KTHB 4. Delivery was quite quick although it was not clear in the end where they did send it exactly. It was waiting in the Chonburi Post Office and it was not delivered to the indicated adress, nor did they inform us via phone 5. The documentation was only in Chinese - AND HERE THE BIG SURPRIZE: I made a photo (!) of it, pasted it into Google Translate and it came back with a perfect translation in English. And I mean perfect. 6. The Seller had a reputation of 0% in the end - when I ordered it was something like near to 94% 7. But the Seller (obviously only Chinese speaking) was communicating via Alitranslate in the message center. No problem. He was polite and swift and I would recommend him. All in all I am happy to get what I wanted for this one was unavailable in Thailand. Item 2 - a household item with much less value then item 1: The tracking link they indicated wanted to install a trojan on my machine, but with no success. Then they said that they changed shipping to DHL, but the tracking number was unknown on the DHL site. Then they said it was in transit indicating another link. My Antivirus Software warned me that the Security Certificate for the site it pointed to was issued by a non trusted organization. It should arrive in 3 days according to the Seller. We will see. If this one does not work (not for sure yet) I will not loose a lot of money
  15. I could not open the list but I believe one should include (if not yet happened): 1. Uncontrollable Implementation of AI - we are already more advanced to a catastrophe than many might think. And I believe I am quite reasonable and not a conspiracy enthusiast. 2. Viruses (has nothing to do with Covid, I predicted that decades ago and I still do). See as well the film "13 Monkeys" - only one possible scenario. 3. In some years time, the sun will blow up beyond the earths orbit. This will definitely be it and this cannot be reversed. But I doubt we will make it until then.
  16. The information here may at times be misleading for it applies all only to the UK as far as I can see. There are as well other nationalities participating in AN, and rules may differ from country to country. It would help to make a short statement in the resp. post to which country it does apply.
  17. I remember the one who might share the same barber as Trump did mention it some times. I dont mean an Empire with international reach as a long time before (well they have some islands overseas even now), but an independend region like folks on an island tend to like. And let me add: He really should get a proper haircut - at least that.
  18. In India driving without honking (all the time) seems to be regarded as quite strange according to an interview where an Indian was asked what struck him the most strange thing in Europe. Why dont they honk he asked. Furtunately he did not rent a car in Thailand. ☠️
  19. When they discussed Brexit in the house of commons I was fascinated by following the discussions as advertised by the Guardians blog. Every night I was very well entertained., but I thought they would not really do it - or would they ? Yes, they did it with a big misconception in mind: The rise of a new independent British Empire. It was absolutely clear that this had no future and misery would follow. I am sad for the many people so badly affected. but finally have to conclude: You reap what you sow.
  20. We have been many times in Hua Hin so we know what is attractive there and what is not. We know as well people who live there since a long time and have an ongoing business. In my opinion it is the best for a Hotel-based quiet holiday. To stay at the Centara is relaxing, But good restaurants are limited, there are a few bars but not too many and it is not really for sightseeing as well. The beaches are not really it - either because of the stones or the plague of yellyfish. On one of the beaches near the center even Sea Wasps have been spotted, which may be deadly. So back to the Hotel Pool. So for a quiet holiday or a quiet seclusion to relax from the hassles of the big cities or Pattaya it is very good. But what shoud attract anybody else ?
  21. For Jomtien Immigration: Does a change of adress from my condo rented in my name to the new house (in the same province Chonburi) of my wife (who lives now at my condo) then work like this: 1. First must come the yellow book but for this you need a residence certificate. I hope this is available during the next 4 months at Jomtien, but what to show as proof of (new) residence ? Explanation of my wife ? Doubt that works. 2. Then you may file a TM47, showing the yellow book as evidence where you reside in the future 3. They will issue a new TM30 or is this then void once I have a yellow book 4. You may get your approval of stay for one year based on the TM30 then or is a yellow book enough then and you can forever forget the TM30. I have an Thai Elite Visa. Somehow I sense a circular procedure in this. To get the Yellow book you need proof of residence (a TM 30 then, but you cannot have a new one yet because you cannot show proof of your new resident adress. OK, this time I accept a "confused" as emoji (this remark is for the one who finds his pleasure to grant confused and sad emojis en masse lately) If the yellow book does not need a residence cert, but only one or two witnesses (my lawyer for example) and maybe a marriage cert Kor Ror 22, the BLue Book of my wife and her present then all is OK. I have only the original marriage certificate from Switzerland and the Kor Ror 22 from the ampoe (old adress) of my wife which have served us well so far for nearly 20 years.
  22. Me, too - although in varying degrees. I am not perfect. This would almost be the case if you tick all the boxes for 100%. But maybe you are or at least close to it. Who am I to say that. Most of the time your posts and my opinion match - although we have one, two areas where they definitely differ.
  23. moogradod

    Thai beef

    For meat Makro ressembles a village market - just with a roof. Meat displayed in the open and the smell ???? !! Even in Big C Extra they have these piles of meat, completely unhygienic if you think of hordes of Chinese Tourists visiting the place. You probably know whow they sometimes behave. Disgusting. On the other hand Villa. In Makro they have as well a meat corner where they sell meat (Australian Tenderloin) sealed in plastic. But it does not look very promising, a lot of blood - just careless. I have tried once one ot these because of the low price. Surprizingly not so good although it is Australian Beef which I regard as the best apart from (real) Wagyu (there are many grades as well - the term has become so familiar that nearly everything is sold as Wagyu). I tried the Top-Quality once in Swtzerland and it was from another world. Not in the category of beef, more on the side of Top-O-Toro, melting in the mouth (even if eaten raw).
  24. moogradod

    Thai beef

    You may as well find decent Thai Beef in Villa. It is expensive, but really good. I suspect that much of the meats "quality" depends as well on the way Thais treat their animals. This one is about pork and not beef, but may serve as an example: One of the best ham you can have on this planet is from Spain (Pata Negra in various qualities): The pigs there are allowed to walk around freely on a huge ground and are for some time (if not always) fed with nothing but acorn, which is their favourite. On the other side I have witnessed how pigs had been transferred from one lorry to another in Thailand. And I willl never forget it. They used a digger, used normally to transfer stones or sand, grabbed the pigs like they were construction material and let them fall on the transport surface of the other lorry. I wonder what they got to eat. That is why pork is so tasteless here. Might be that some of the beef is so tasteless because of the same thing. But as said above, Villa (at least in Pattaya) has excellent Thai beef.
  25. You mean the secret ingredience in their (phantastic) Menehune Juice (tasted in both their Bar in the Bayrischer Hof, Munich and in their dependance in Thonburi ? Munich was better. But granted, I have always thought what they put in there. Tasty. I think you can as well distinguish between a classical old fashioned bar and those more modern versions. I doubt that Harry's Bar in Paris make their own syrup. Although.....indeed it is a bit about pride, if one would call that "snob appeal" or not I will leave open to the public. I started Cocktail Mixing around 1985, but I have never been to the US - sure some marvels to find there, too. It's not only the drink but the setting as well. And to come back to the topic: The glass is as well very much important.
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