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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. Even worse. Add Monkeypox to the picture. The WHO is currently discussing to give this one the same status as Covid in the beginning: Worldwide Emergency - with all the consequences then. And we know what these are (unfortunately).
  2. But you cannot deny that it happens sometime. Correct ? The whole topic is one of accepting that "subtle" elements exists. How else could consciousness arise ? Consciousness is not derived from matter as is the current scientific mantra. Has nothing to do with religion. Just a big scientific error. But this forum is not a place to discuss it I would suggest.
  3. A second thought (after the first thought only business/money/bribes related) might be to play an allied force in the upcoming war for the South China Sea / Taiwan. I expect this to happen.
  4. So lets end it now. By helping Ukraine to win it and punch the arrogant Russian bunch in the face as hard as possible. They should consult Sun Tzus "Art of war". If you strike dont do it half-heartedly. Or was this Musashis "Go rin no sho" ? Does not matter - same meaning.
  5. Do the Russians not supply at least an initially working submarine engine of their own production ? Doubt they would use MTU. Then this could be used for it is evident that (at least) one more submarine is essential for Thailand. Or is it not ? They just should not forget to bring enough diesel to make it run before they dive.
  6. Nobody likes to hear this but TallGuyJohnin BKK may well be right. At least it coincides with reports I have read from the European Press. The minimum one should do is to include a wave coming of BA5 (this seems to be becoming the dominant strain) in their future planning B. If nothing serious happens as the wishful thinking of the optimist part of the populace is anticipating - even better. They are as well on the way to develop especially tailored vaccines, but these will not be available for many months. I just got my 4. Booster (Moderna). Does not make me feel too much comfortable, though. And I make myself ready to endure again a bunch of new (old) regulations and restrictions again. At least in my expectation, this helps if it really would become a reality. Lets hope that it does not happen. Do I feel a bit silly if I say this ? Yes, I do.
  7. We have the Viofo A129 Pro Duo and I may highly recommend it. Bought it over a Lazada dealer. It is professionally installed with all wires hidden (exept directly at the camera, which is impossible anyway). And here is where they can do this with high quality: Rocket Sound, +66-2825-9999. They are in Bangkok, Radchadapisek Road 222/2. They will do it in one day but it is better to call before and make an appointment for they can be busy. If you are based in Pattaya, forget to find something similar in the vicinity and drive to BKK instead for it is worth it.
  8. He should. But here you apply logic. I hope that this is appropriate in this case. But maybe he is crazy ? And he might not be alone. There were 70 Million voters for "you know who...". Hundreds of Millions smoke (I used to be one of them - a long time ago).....Should not have happened if you look at it from a logical viewpoint. I anticipate a similar problem concerning China / South China Sea / Taiwan. In this case it seems to be quite evident - very unfortunately. And the reason being - against all logic and compassion - exactly what zzaa09 stated above. In his dreams the Chinese Teddybear (thats how he looks to me) has even much more bigger ambitions .......
  9. I am not an Englishman, but I have followed the Brexit discussions of the British Parliament when those were due, every night on the Guardian Blog.. I rarely have been entertained so very well. But I have always hoped for all people on the island that it wont happen. But it did and now they are reaping the fruits as anticipated. Lock Boris and The Donald up sharing one cell. Maybe there is even a chance that they will get a proper free haircut.
  10. The Western Nations (Europe and US) should intensify military help by actually delivering weapons to the maximum and they should do it fast. But what they do is considering and delaying and discussing (what they do best) and sending outdated equipment. Of course this is a ride on a knifes edge considering the possibility of any nuclear war. But the alternative would be to let Russia do what they want and actually annex Ukraine while thousands die in the process. They use the nuclear deterrent as the driving force and the West takes on the role of the scared part. And it is not really far fetched that this is then the beginning of a series of similar occurences. The West is showing weakness and lack of determination hoping that the situation will settle to do them no harm. I feel that this is a mistake of historic proportions. We might be steering towards a world of only 3 blocks: US, Russia and China with allies in South America and Africa. And forget democracy. It will be the China Model seasoned with a bit of North Korea. Not a world in which I would like to see my children living in.
  11. I have used DHL occasionally for sending important documents and I was always more than satisfied. I use the office on 2nd Road in Pattaya shortly after Mikes Shopping Mall. They are fast and reliable and you can download a certificate which shows you the exact time your mailing was received, naming the recipient and showing the signature. The only thing I noticed that they increased prices. I do not remember if it was two or only once during the past year. But if I want it fast and reliable, then it is DHL. I do not know if it matters (I think not), but if I send something then it is to Switzerland.
  12. Today at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya: Walk-in with vaccine record and passport or driving license and off you go. As far as I could see they only promote Moderna at THB 1'200.-- per shot, but that is what I needed anyway. They give you a new certificate. Entry in Mor Prom is on the next day. I was the only one at around 15:00, so at least today it was a swift procedure.
  13. Sure he is as so many posters here, apart from not grasping the whole picture anyway. Sometimes I believe that some will deliberately bring insurance issues up only to produce a headline like the one we see in this thread. Marketing from the insurance companies in a perfidious way - but all this discussion will do more harm than good - it will serve nobody. This thread and topic should be closed and deleted.
  14. The very first 90 day report I ever had to file I brought with me tons of paper, and this TM47, too. The IO put some estimated 95% of my carefully composed stack of forms, copies etc, right in the waste paper basket telling me that from next time on, to bring my passport is enough. Lately, during COVID time, they collected the passports outside of the building and processed them in batches. Done in a jiffy. A no brainer.
  15. You were just some seconds quicker saying that. What social purpose should it serve ? Something like "we all wear the same cap because we are all of the same united group", just like they do it in Japan and China ?
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