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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 1 minute ago, elgenon said:

    I think there must be an exception in the law for Japanese and Koreans in Go-Gos. Read it again! : )


    I think there is an exception where there is money to be made.

    Try Ho Chi Minh. It's hard to find anywhere where there is someone not smoking!



  2. 1 hour ago, thedemon said:


    At least this was the case a few years ago when we had a local mail server at our office. The SMTP servers from all Thai ISP's were often blacklisted.


    There was one of the RBL's that blocked the entire ISP if just one address was throwing out spam. Their attitude was that it was the ISPs fault. Of course this blocked legitimate mail senders as well.

    I actually wrote to the EU and complained about it being anti-competitive and so on, and got a nice letter back saying that they were accepting the case and instructing the EU office in Germany (I think it was) to take action against the gits.

    Which is nice.



  3. Not that it appars to be your problem, but the main reason ISPs block port 25 is to block malware that sends out thousands of spam and phishing messages.

    If you run your own mail server at home, you can ask your ISP to unblock it for you, but I'm guessing in Thailand that would be like pulling teeth.


    Anyway, that aside, in your case, perhaps this thread will help.




  4.  Heard an interesting story the other day about a murder case in the US; detectives asked Amazon for a copy of all the audio of the night in question.

    It seems Amazon quietly listen to everything the Echo can hear.

    I won't be getting one.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 hours ago, oldgit said:

     That makes him the world's highest paid footballer. It makes you wonder who does the negotiating at these clubs. Obviously, the 'master plan' is to make the Chinese League the hub of world class football. Inscrutable, naive or just plain stupid?


    They must be expecting to sell a lot of Oscar shirts.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, selftaopath said:


    At the end of the last republican admin. unemployment was 7% under President Obama it is a/b 4 %.



    BTW: Ever hear of factcheck? Or facts?



    Did you honestly just talk to someone else about factchecking?!




    You need to learn the company line mate. The right realised a long time ago they can't defend that one, so it's all about the "well they're not proper jobs" *sniff* narrative.



  7. Do you mean you funnel money to some bint overseas and you've just found out she's taken you for a mug?

    Agree with previous poster, buy/rent a new one.

  8. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Yes and no. Much if not most free software comes straight from the author. The author often earns his money from bundling the malware/redirection/search tool with the installer. The programme itself may be fine.

    In their defence, most installers include an (obfuscated) option not to install the malware part.

    You'll note I said "and they are trustworthy".

    They are not that if they have a history of bundling crap with their software.

  9. 38 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    The one I'm having problems removing is a Search redirect ozipcompression.com. How do I remove it? I have run a couple of virus scans and it's still there.


    See post 24.  If a virus is sophisticated enough (and many are nowadays), it can hide itself from antivirus software and simply repopulate.



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