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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. As long as the app works it's "up to you" to use the older app version. But would give them a nice excuse if something goes wrong.
  2. Would really love to know how many people get a significant pension. Sure the civil servants (the uniform crowd). But now tell them what the first step is: work longer than to the age of 60!
  3. That's the intended way to do. For the second test (day 5) you need to book one night at an Chiang Mai SHA++ hotel. Don't hold me responsible for this: https://www.shathailand.com/list/chiang-mai/ Always best to book directly with the hotel.
  4. Could well be the location that this "reality show" was produced. So later this year it will probably be on German commercial TV station RTL They usually make a secret about their locations.
  5. Enough open and eagerly waiting for customers. Four digit numbers of sailors (aka handsome man) very welcome, no problem. Closing time 11 PM should also not be a problem. Don't they have to be back on the ship at ?
  6. No. Yes. You have to book one night at an SHA++ hotel in Bangkok. The first RT-PCT test sample is taken at arrival airport. You will then be transported to the SHA++ hotel. You have to wait for the test result. You will not be allowed to transit to a normal domestic flight before negative test result is confirmed. "normal domestic": only exception I know about are Phuket and Samui where Bangkok Air offers sealed transport (flight restricted to incoming test&go passengers) with a separated transit path (not through the masses I guess). As far as I know there is also a special rule for Pattaya (?). Prearranged limousine transport to SHA++ in Pattaya.
  7. Moderna IS a mRNA vax. And considered the "strongest". I survived it for about 2 months now.
  8. She seems to have well filled accounts and likely a "platinum" type insurance card.
  9. Close to warp speed, 0 seconds. It takes a lot to crash a CLS250 to such a heap of scrap. In broad daylight! Maybe very busy doing business on her smartphone?
  10. From another thread it says 550 Baht for ATK at Suvarnabhumi. Can't tell from own experience.
  11. A highly secret picture of my dog, just uploaded: https://mega.nz/file/2FI0CbqS#Uo69b4AMn2UGn83jl67UJS2MH3s3 rk_xmHjeIUJ-tPg You will see it in picture (pre)view but can also be downloaded. It's also possible to just send a link to the encrypted file and send the key on a separate channel (messenger, email). I never tried.
  12. If you want to cling to Google you could manually encrypt the file before upload. Your friend can then download and decrypt with your instruction. Don't use Gmail (they are reading/scanning your mails, no joke)
  13. Works and no terms and conditions regarding content. See above. No idea why people allow getting bothered by Google/Youtube etc. Try to upload a TV drama or the like to Youtube. Takes about 10 seconds for upload hidden and your account being punished or deleted.
  14. Stop whining about Diesel, look at the prices for other fuels which pay the price for Diesel capping (8 Feb 2022). It's not ages ago that E20 cost about 24 Baht. The 29.94 is (as mentioned above) the starting price. The farther away from the east-coast the higher the price (like +1.5). B7, B10 and B20 on same level gives a clear message: stay away from B10 or B20 (if available at all).
  15. The news is that they will change to B5 from March(?) due to high biofuel prices.
  16. Get rid of those archaic Diesel trucks. That simple and a big contribution to air quality/health. Currently we suffer from the madness of carting huge loads of sugar cane with age old black fume trucks. LPG is not for heavy trucks but many have converted to NGV.
  17. https://mega.nz/start A descendant of the (in)famous Megaupload of Kim Dotcom. Files are automatically encrypted. The hoster can't read the content. You send a link with the decryption key to the recipient. Proper account password recommended of course. Nothing less than 16 characters for me.
  18. It saw it in German yellow press site days ago and was astonished NOT to find a trace here or other Thai sources I regularly browse. The attack had happened Saturday Feb 5. Thai Rath article is dated Feb 9. Got the point?
  19. Hard to keep those news apart. This time driver survived (hopefully fully recovers and learns a lesson).
  20. Not True Haven't read much good about them here. I had ToT for a couple of years with a special installation limited to 100 Mbit/s which was great at the time. Some three years ago 3BB came in (now even AIS). I decided to drop ToT and let 3BB install. 1000/500 for some 7xx Baht. Works flawlessly.
  21. I can only repeat, use a serious tool: Veracrypt.
  22. Anyway quite a challenge to get it done in a week (close to impossible). Some district offices can be nitpicking/harassing.
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