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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. There were posts about hassle with international transfers of more than 50k Baht per transaction to Thai banks. Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and SCB don't have that problem. Maybe better stick to one of them.
  2. The thread is in the Pattaya forum (now). I almost posted a hint for an agent in Pattaya until noting the "Koh Samui". Of course an agent worth the money will help you with account opening. You want local information for an agent on Samui?
  3. And as far as I remember you will see explicit signage allowing 120 km/h. No signs? -> general rules apply. 80 km/h on undivided highways, 90 km/h on divided highways (for cars, less for big trucks/trailers).
  4. Burning car. Is it daily news now? Can't recall how many during the last week.
  5. EDIT: misread! Yes usually phones from the shop or internet are unlocked! Most phones out of the box are full of bloatware (useless, unwanted) applications. Samsung is quite bad (who the heck needs "Samsung Internet" browser). Many of them can not be uninstalled by regular means. Deactivated at best. "Regular means": there is a way to get rid of them (completely invisible) with "ADB" (Android debugger) SW on PC and developer mode and USB debugging on the phone enabled. It's not rocket science but also not for IT dummies (command line stuff). Do not follow the "root it" advice! Will give you real headaches and not easy peasy.
  6. Had a puncture in the center of the thread (car). Also "gluing" from inside (isn't it vulcanizing?). Keeps air perfectly since months. As soon as you have a problem at the shoulder of the tire: you lost, tire for the dump. There is another primitive method sometimes used for big truck wheels. Kind of putting/gluing a plug from outside without removing the tire. That's NOT recommended. Best for slow ride to a proper workshop.
  7. On "most"? You are dreaming. Very dedicated/selected highways only without U-turns, concrete divider etc.
  8. KhunBENQ


    "Risch Import Export"/"SM Retail" on Soi Wat Boon Samphan (east/dark side). https://goo.gl/maps/ma3urj1ARiwwUbAW6 They have a selection of good quality wines, many imported beers and excellent spirits/fruit brandy (and some other stuff). A mate asked me not to publish the price lists (from 2020). Wines were in the range from 575 Baht/bottle up, most less than 1000 Baht. It's a wholesale/retail but you can easily buy at their little shop attached. They even sell by the bottle.
  9. Only available at the most major stations (of course in the cities). I think I would need a 50 km trip to find it. Esso took over Susco stations here which was the closest before (25 km).
  10. If it's that bad it would not make much sense currently. I don't have own experience as my car is only certified up to E20. Using E85 would require fiddling with motor control (ECU) which I would not do.
  11. And the topic is about E85 (sure not for motorcycle). Just repeating for the OP: do a comparison and find whether it makes sense economically. Your car is specified and can run all non Diesel stuff. I am fed up reading those medieval stories about Ethanol being dangerous to motor, seals etc. etc. The Japanese build Ethanol capable cars since maybe two decades. Age old cars run on "95" Ok, but this still is E10 (Ethanol fuel). Users of pure Benzene/Petrol (46/47 Baht) are a rare breed. Also not easily available.
  12. 5 Baht only? I see 7.81 Baht cheaper (picture from March 2, 2022). Might vary depending on location. Gives 25% more fuel for the same price. (1000 Baht: 25.6 l of 95, 32.1 l of E85) I doubt that E85 consumption would be that higher. The 1 Baht difference of E20 does not pay for me. It was 3 Baht cheaper over a long time.
  13. The price advantages of E20 and E85 have melted down. Can't comment on E85 but for E20 and my car it doesn't pay currently. To be sure about your car you would have to do proper comparison of fuel consumption and then do the math. Maybe currently also not worth using E85.
  14. Couldn't care less for the online report. I do it as early as possible (2 weeks ahead) to have time left if it goes wrong.
  15. Have you ever had a successful online report? Have you checked your data carefully? A mate had simple made an error with his passport number. On the last occasion he showed me his data. I pointed to the mistake. He then retried and got confirmed the second day. It's a pity that the system does not give any reason/error message.
  16. Definitely nothing required to Bangkok (not even vaxx cert). To Germany? Frigging complicated rule sets have existed. BUT: since March 3, 2022 there are NO more countries categorized as "high risk" countries. There is the worst category of "virus variant" countries which Thailand never was. So from the rules it is very clear that a proof of vaccination is sufficient for entry to Germany, Transit in Istanbul? I didn't try to find anything but very sure that there is no problem. A mate from Germany had been here from 22 Feb to March 17(?) traveling with Turkish (to sandbox Phuket). No mention of any test on the way back. What vaccines did you get? Do you have MorProm with the EU compliant QR code? Might be helpful.
  17. Thailand forbidding Bitcoin was not an April fools joke? US forbidding Bitcoin obviously was
  18. As a last resort she could ask the purser (chief flight attendant) on the flight to Phuket for help. They should be able to contact the airport staff (at least after arrival). She just has to make clear that she can not walk. I have no doubt that wheelchairs are available there.
  19. For better understanding: could you explain what your residence status is? Do you have a permanent resident status or are you in the blue book as a condo owner? I am happy that our DLT accepts yellow house book/pink card as proof of residency. Saves me hassle.
  20. Drizzle and bloody cool. Long sleeves/trousers. No sun since yesterday. In April!
  21. Strange things happen But as written, if one uses the correct link it works fine.
  22. Something wrong with the link from the OP (with the hashmark). My browser creates this and maintenance is shown https://tm47.immigration.go.th/TM47/%23/login
  23. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login Works fine. I saw the maintenance when trying to copy/paste the link from the OP
  24. Thai Smile 7:35 -> 8:50 if that helps. Thai Vietjet 8:30 -> 9:40. Bangkok Airways 8:15 -> 9:30. All from BKK (Suvarnabhumi). Just (Google) checked Monday. (errors excepted) Late returns might be the problem. Only bloody expensive Bangkok Airways.
  25. As others wrote: you can drive freely in the country by car. To avoid any (unlikely) trouble in remote villages or the like, best contact your friends to meet "in town" (restaurant, mall, hotel etc.) or ask them for their opinion. Very unlikely at these times. Does not apply to Bangkok or any type of city (district, province). Don't forget that Songkran lies ahead with terrible traffic.
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