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I am curious, has anyone ever contested a ticket here in the LOS?

I am curious how this will work here?

Imagine complaining an image was photoshopped (cut & pasted license plate) for a vendetta, imagine the court costs for that plus interpters for individuals that do not speak Thai. 


I know in the US it is a gamble but often a person can beat a ticket as often LE doesn't bother to appear for minor violations but is it worth spending 2 days in court as the Dep DA will usually ask for a continuation as the officer was not available. Second no show and case dismissed. 

Another item I read about was a city where handicapped people were allowed to write tickets for people parking in HC parking places. I remember in one place the law was overturned as a person complained the individual writing the viol notice had a personal interest in the case. 

(Fines for this ranged from $50 to $250). 

On a personal experience, I once complained to the local PD that an AH parked his monster truck obstructing a HC space by about 45cm/18", the officer sent to the scene wrote ME a ticket for blocking a HC ramp next to the HC space. Turned out the guy in the truck was a friend of his. But the watch commander voided that ticket. 

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No shortage of snitches here.
Something what the former USSR and now North Korea are good in doing.
Giving financial incentives for spying on their own people. Bah!

In most countries they even have dedicated teams of people to do the snitching and spying, and these people are called "police officers".

As Thailand lacks those people, or better said they refuse to do their job, it is a nice way to still enforce those crazy things called "laws", " rules", and " regulations".
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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

In most countries they even have dedicated teams of people to do the snitching and spying, and these people are called "police officers".

As Thailand lacks those people, or better said they refuse to do their job, it is a nice way to still enforce those crazy things called "laws", " rules", and " regulations".

In thailand they are all volunteers. or should i say cowards.

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What a great society it will be when everyone is trained to do all the police work for the government and dob in everyone. They're doing this in Australia trying to get people to dob in someone who litters or throws a cigarette but out the window, but i've never heard how the police go prosecuting someone from hear-say.  In this example, who are they going to fine? the shop owner? Take a guess at which employee might have done this? or just everyone in the area?

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4 minutes ago, AWillOz said:

What a great society it will be when everyone is trained to do all the police work for the government and dob in everyone. They're doing this in Australia trying to get people to dob in someone who litters or throws a cigarette but out the window, but i've never heard how the police go prosecuting someone from hear-say.  In this example, who are they going to fine? the shop owner? Take a guess at which employee might have done this? or just everyone in the area?

If I saw you throwing a cigarette butt out the window I would note your number plate. If a fire ensued, I would happily pass that on to the police, and hopefully you would be charged with manslaughter for any deaths that it caused, and receive a bill for the damage caused, which could easily run to millions.

BTW they can trace the source of a fire back to a butt, and DNA would prove who smoked it.

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28 minutes ago, halloween said:

If I saw you throwing a cigarette butt out the window I would note your number plate. If a fire ensued, I would happily pass that on to the police, and hopefully you would be charged with manslaughter for any deaths that it caused, and receive a bill for the damage caused, which could easily run to millions.

BTW they can trace the source of a fire back to a butt, and DNA would prove who smoked it.

How magnificent your existence must be, scurrying around looking for opportunities to snitch.

The odds of a fire starting from a cigarette butt errantly tossed from a  vehicle would have to at least 100 million to one.

I guess we can all rest easy though, because should this 100 million to one dreaded event ever occur, Halloween is on the job and the the perpetrator's details shall be smartly forwarded to the boys in brown post haste.


I note you seem more interested in seeing someone punished than preventing any damage or death (which could run into the millions). 

Surely a true concerned citizen would be stopping to extinguish the stray cigarette butt and thus saving lives and preventing damage instead of taking down a number plate in the hope that there is a death or some damage and therefore an opportunity to snitch and perhaps get a pat on the head from Prayuth (wet dream or what?).


No need for DNA when the courts can just discover the culprit with a quick perusal of Halloween's snitch book.

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4 hours ago, pornprong said:

How magnificent your existence must be, scurrying around looking for opportunities to snitch.

The odds of a fire starting from a cigarette butt errantly tossed from a  vehicle would have to at least 100 million to one.

I guess we can all rest easy though, because should this 100 million to one dreaded event ever occur, Halloween is on the job and the the perpetrator's details shall be smartly forwarded to the boys in brown post haste.


I note you seem more interested in seeing someone punished than preventing any damage or death (which could run into the millions). 

Surely a true concerned citizen would be stopping to extinguish the stray cigarette butt and thus saving lives and preventing damage instead of taking down a number plate in the hope that there is a death or some damage and therefore an opportunity to snitch and perhaps get a pat on the head from Prayuth (wet dream or what?).


No need for DNA when the courts can just discover the culprit with a quick perusal of Halloween's snitch book.

“On the day it was around 27°C with a north westerly wind, and it was pretty dry,” Station Officer Scott said. In three out of the 75 trials, or 4%, the grass caught alight and started to burn, requiring the firefighters to extinguish the flames. "

"Every year the Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is called to hundreds of roadside fires believed to be caused by discarded butts.

FRNSW Station Officer Paul Scott, based at Parramatta Fire Station, has fought many fires on busy roads and even railway tracks where the most likely cause was a dropped cigarette butt. This led him and the Community Risk Management team to develop a proposal for an awareness campaign for smokers along the lines of the high profile NSW Government anti-littering initiative, “Don’t be a tosser”.


" The 2009 Victorian bushfires also called Black Saturday, where more than 400 bushfires that started in Victoria, Australia on February 7, 2009. The fires caused Australia's highest ever loss of life from a bushfire.[9] Police say that 173 people died,[8] and 100 people were taken to hospitals with bad burns.[10] At first the death toll was thought to be 210, but forensic tests have shown there were only 173 people killed.   https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Victorian_bushfires

Many of the fires were started by fallen or clashing power lines or were deliberately lit.[14] There was also lightning,[15]cigarette butts,[4] and sparks from a power tool.[16

Edited by halloween
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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

“On the day it was around 27°C with a north westerly wind, and it was pretty dry,” Station Officer Scott said. In three out of the 75 trials, or 4%, the grass caught alight and started to burn, requiring the firefighters to extinguish the flames. "

"Every year the Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is called to hundreds of roadside fires believed to be caused by discarded butts.

believed, not proven.


4 minutes ago, halloween said:

FRNSW Station Officer Paul Scott, based at Parramatta Fire Station, has fought many fires on busy roads and even railway tracks where the most likely cause was a dropped cigarette butt. This led him and the Community Risk Management team to develop a proposal for an awareness campaign for smokers along the lines of the high profile NSW Government anti-littering initiative, “Don’t be a tosser”.


most likely, not proven.


4 minutes ago, halloween said:

" The 2009 Victorian bushfires also called Black Saturday, where more than 400 bushfires that started in Victoria, Australia on February 7, 2009. The fires caused Australia's highest ever loss of life from a bushfire.[9] Police say that 173 people died,[8] and 100 people were taken to hospitals with bad burns.[10] At first the death toll was thought to be 210, but forensic tests have shown there were only 173 people killed.   https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_Victorian_bushfires

Nothing at all to do with cigarette butts.


4 minutes ago, halloween said:

Many of the fires were started by fallen or clashing power lines or were deliberately lit.[14] There was also lightning,[15]cigarette butts,[4] and sparks from a power tool.[16

Sounds like you need to get yourself (and your snitch book) out of Thailand and down to NSW as soon as possible.


By the way, how does taking down someones number plate prevent a fire, if you are truly concerned why don't you extinguish the butt instead of narcing?

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is this only for objects placed in the roadway, or does

it apply to sidewalks as well?


what about the shop owners that drill holes in the

sidewalk to bolt their signs, completely blocking

the walkway?


Edited by ChouDoufu
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On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 10:02 AM, Bob12345 said:

In most countries they even have dedicated teams of people to do the snitching and spying, and these people are called "police officers".

As Thailand lacks those people, or better said they refuse to do their job, it is a nice way to still enforce those crazy things called "laws", " rules", and " regulations".



Very funny post. :cheesy:

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