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Briton Jumps To Death In Chiang Mai

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Briton jumps to death in Chiang Mai

(TNA) - A British tourist committed suicide Saturday morning by jumping from his room on the sixth floor of a condominium in this northern city, falling to his death on the roof of an adjacent building, police said.

Entirely naked, the victim -- identified as Mark Anthony, age 35 -- leaped from his apartment room, breaking his neck and wrists in the fall.

Police said he had lived in the central Chiang Mai condominium for more than six months.

Police said Anthony had a medical checkup at a provincial hospital two days earlier and was stressed after returning to his room, apparently after learning that he was suffering from a chronic disease.

Police said they would conduct further investigation. His body is now being kept at a hospital in Chiang Mai.


HM...is life that worthless sometime

Briton jumps to death in Chiang Mai

(TNA) - A British tourist committed suicide Saturday morning by jumping from his room on the sixth floor of a condominium in this northern city, falling to his death on the roof of an adjacent building, police said.

Entirely naked, the victim -- identified as Mark Anthony, age 35 -- leaped from his apartment room, breaking his neck and wrists in the fall.

I am really getting angry with the Thai police. They find a falang dead and, with lightning speed and regardless the often strange circumstances, they come to the conclusion that this must be a suicide. No further investigation conducted. There is virtually no protection for falangs by the police or the legal system.

Far too many tourists are being killed in Thailand. This has to stop.

I am really getting angry with the Thai police. They find a falang dead and, with lightning speed and regardless the often strange circumstances, they come to the conclusion that this must be a suicide. No further investigation conducted. There is virtually no protection for falangs by the police or the legal system.

Far too many tourists are being killed in Thailand. This has to stop.

Their country, their rules.

If you don't like it you know what you can do.............leave. :o

BTW. There have been many foreigners truly top themselves over the years in Chiang Mai/Thailand.


It does seem uncanny that, whereas suicide jumpings are somewhat of a rarity in most countries, in Thailand they are a daily occurrance... :D

Also, if one was to top oneself, would you really want to do it "entirely naked"?? :o


LOok at the ironic Factor here

bkkandrew Posted Today, 2007-01-07 03:33:11

It does seem uncanny that, whereas suicide jumpings are somewhat of a rarity in most countries, in Thailand they are a daily occurrance... ermm.gif

Also, if one was to top oneself, would you really want to do it "entirely naked"?? blink.gif

Blinky Bill Posted Today, 2007-01-07 02:45:51

Take NOte Of bkkandrew Avatar -

Pls Note - It got a NAKED GUY outside the Window .

whahhahahahahhahah can't help to notice this .


I must say I noticed his Avitar as well before I read your post Ta22

If the guy had something like Cancer and he could not face it...got drunk or drugged up ANYTHING can happen.

The Human brain as a very complex mechanism.

Lets not be so hasty to lay the blame at the Police's door.

Maybee we will find out more later?

It does seem uncanny that, whereas suicide jumpings are somewhat of a rarity in most countries, in Thailand they are a daily occurrance... :D

Also, if one was to top oneself, would you really want to do it "entirely naked"?? :o

In my former life I spent some years working as a policeman in Australia. I had the pleasure (not) during this time to attend many suicides, it's amazing the lengths that some people will go to top themselves. In the western world most suicides are not reported on the media as they are a daily occurence and there is a fear of copy-cat suicides (very true).

Jumping is a very common one, more rare are some of the machines that people build to do the job. How about an automatic trigger pulling device to unload 5 rounds of 12 guage shotgun ammo into the suicidees self-restrained body. Or slipping a wire noose around the neck whilst sitting in a car with a length of cord tied between a tree and the wire noose then driving off down the road till the slack is taken up. Very fatal consequences.

Many many suicidees do it whilst naked.

Sad old world isn't it. For some. :D

I am really getting angry with the Thai police. They find a falang dead and, with lightning speed and regardless the often strange circumstances, they come to the conclusion that this must be a suicide. No further investigation conducted. There is virtually no protection for falangs by the police or the legal system.

Far too many tourists are being killed in Thailand. This has to stop.

Their country, their rules.

If you don't like it you know what you can do.............leave. :o

BTW. There have been many foreigners truly top themselves over the years in Chiang Mai/Thailand.

Great insightful post :D

I am really getting angry with the Thai police. They find a falang dead and, with lightning speed and regardless the often strange circumstances, they come to the conclusion that this must be a suicide. No further investigation conducted. There is virtually no protection for falangs by the police or the legal system.

Far too many tourists are being killed in Thailand. This has to stop.

Their country, their rules.

If you don't like it you know what you can do.............leave. :o

BTW. There have been many foreigners truly top themselves over the years in Chiang Mai/Thailand.

Great insightful post :D

Blinky Bill has been around here for a long time and knows what is going on. He was a policeman back in Australia as well.

We are not in our own countries and we have no right to come over here and demand that Thailand - which is a much poorer place - plays by our rules. :D

LOok at the ironic Factor here
bkkandrew Posted Today, 2007-01-07 03:33:11

It does seem uncanny that, whereas suicide jumpings are somewhat of a rarity in most countries, in Thailand they are a daily occurrance... ermm.gif

Also, if one was to top oneself, would you really want to do it "entirely naked"?? blink.gif

Blinky Bill Posted Today, 2007-01-07 02:45:51

Take NOte Of bkkandrew Avatar -

Pls Note - It got a NAKED GUY outside the Window .

whahhahahahahhahah can't help to notice this .

Ha ha..

Didn't think of that one. Was a bit drunk when I rolled in last night too... :o


there was a bloke in england who got naked and stood on his fence , and put a rake handle up his arse and then fell off . the rake went through his heart mmmm ouch . dont know if suicide or bizarre sex game


Sorry boys, it just seems disrespectful to the dead - and even more so to their families and relatives who might actually stumble over this forum when dealing with their loss - to joke at their expense.

So I am closing this thread, hoping you understand why.



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