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Seriously afraid, that best reasonable advise is to move...

–however, the suggestion with Head-of-Village may be worth trying; but I recall what my lawyer once said: »It need to be Thais complaining, not a foreigner.«

Wish you good luck...:smile:

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Friend of mine had a similar problem in a village.

Went along to the local council office.

An officer visited the same day and told the neighbour that if they didn't keep to more sociable hours then they would be taken to court with the risk of being shut down.

Of course this strategy needs an official prepared to actually perform their duties.


Admin, is there any chance of deleting post no.11? I posted it by mistake and can't work out how to delete it.....


Correct. This problem cannot occur "back home" because one cannot run a business (involving objectionable noise) in suburbia without local Council approval.
If it's not a repair shop it will be a kareoke or just a drunk who cranks up the stereo at 8 am with his first shot of gut rot.

Nobody needs to go home. Just live amongst other westerners however I'm guessing as usual it all boils down to rent money.. That's life, glad I'm not in that position

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4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Sorry, I doubt the owner will care that they won't be about to rent it out anymore, or if they loose money.... most Thais would rather have it standing empty for years than confront a problem that would make them loose face.


Same with house prices.. trying to sell a house way over its value.. never being able to sell it... and over the years of it being empty it will fall apart and deteriorate, but they will never reduce the price... so they loose out, but they can't admit they were wrong about their idea about how much it was worth....


Had a friend who has a successful business as a bar / restaurant in a shop house for a few years... the owner saw the potential to get more money out of him and so put up the rent several times... till the guy told them he would not pay another increase.. surprise the owner did not listen.. and on the next rent renewal the price was up again... so he left and rented a new shop house. .... Well that old shop house has been empty for 7 years now... and has fallen into a bad state which would cost a lot to fix up.  Greed and stupidity, and a stubbornness to never admit or back down if they were in the wrong.. is usual. 


OP move house and get on with your life. Let the owner and other neighbours suffer the consequences of this guys noise.


Sadly, I think you're right. Had a friend with the same deal - a hole in the wall, landlord jacked up the price when he saw the business was successful. Second time, my friend said stuff it. That tiny space has been vacant for three years now.

I've been renting a condo apartment for nine years now. Have a neighbor who leaves for work at 6 am, slams his door as loudly as possible. If I ever identify his scooter or car, he will have 2 or 4 flat tires.

I sometimes wonder how a culture which places such emphasis on family and socialization can be so anti-social.

32 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Sadly, I think you're right. Had a friend with the same deal - a hole in the wall, landlord jacked up the price when he saw the business was successful. Second time, my friend said stuff it. That tiny space has been vacant for three years now.

I've been renting a condo apartment for nine years now. Have a neighbor who leaves for work at 6 am, slams his door as loudly as possible. If I ever identify his scooter or car, he will have 2 or 4 flat tires.

I sometimes wonder how a culture which places such emphasis on family and socialization can be so anti-social.

Just use it as an alarm call and get yourself up at 6am. Best part of the day and will reduce your stress levels.

1 hour ago, grollies said:

Just use it as an alarm call and get yourself up at 6am. Best part of the day and will reduce your stress levels.

Some of us are not morning persons. I need a coffee at 10 am to get started.


Do you have a stereo, try Metallica, or Nine inch nails. The CIA likes Metallica they use it in interrogation technique. Of course you may make other neighbors upset. Other techniques could be smell drop some raw shrimp in there shop of course moving is your best option, make sure when you sign a new lease you add a line about noise and a refund of deposit if said noise arrives after you move in.  


People must move houses every month judging by these comments. Thai is not so third world they do not have the relevant council departments that you can issue complaints to lol. 


For starters, Thai people always complain about these sorts of things, people really have no idea to think they don't due to some sort of 'loss of face'. Even in your small rural villages the Public Health director will get noise complaints daily they must deal with. Bigger villages will have numerous complaints daily. 


Secondly, whether youre farang or Thai makes absolutely no difference. I have made complaints numerous times, and other farang where I live have also. Anyone has the right to make a complaint in Thailand. 


Businesses that cause noise are considered nuisance cases. You can try the head of village first, if that doesn't work then go to your Public Health director at your local municipality. They will inspect the nuisance and decide if it is a nuisance. If it is they will warn the shop and if it continues to happen then move in with the aide of the police/courts to fine the shop on a daily matter until the nuisance stops. 


If you find your official is not willing to work to stop this (probable if the threat of fine doesn't work) you can take them to the local tribunal (usually in Governors place), which the army has set up specifically for cases like this. Completely free, relatively fast and decisions are legally binding. The official will get in trouble for not performing their job and the military will order the nuisance to stop if they deem it a nuisance. I know of a case in my village that went to the tribunal that has restricted noise only to work hours, including no noise on weekends.

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