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Trump - 'Sad day' for North Korea if U.S. takes military action


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16 minutes ago, Morch said:

I don't think that other than Trump, anyone among his advisors supports the US launching a nuclear strike on NK.

Agreed. Never say never, but it's highly doubtful the US will use nuclear weapons. Their conventional weapons are sufficient to wipe out Kim. Or do a very good job.


Even then, a first strike by the US is unlikely unless Kim does something really stupid. More stupid than he's already done. And South Korea would have to be in agreement as well as Japan.


His people are starving and he's spending money trying to keep himself in power. Sick man.

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2 minutes ago, midas said:


KMS 3-2 and KMS-4 the two North Korean earth observation satellites are likely carrying weapons for an EMP attack on USA.

How could America possibly cope with that on top of the disasters which are now likely to follow from the looming hurricanes?




It's a nice conspiracy idea to think of, but I'd say there is no way NK could have been able to put a satellite to an orbit with functional, long lasting and powerful enough nuclear bomb to cause a wide EMP effect. 

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13 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I already posted a link showing some of the best minds in the world think it was North Korea. Your links were outdated. So yes, high probability.



No high probability at all. The above is an outdated link. However should one choose to read it, the reader will find mention of The Lazarus Group. From June 2, 2017:



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7 minutes ago, midas said:


KMS 3-2 and KMS-4 the two North Korean earth observation satellites are likely carrying weapons for an EMP attack on USA.

How could America possibly cope with that on top of the disasters which are now likely to follow from the looming hurricanes?





You're quoting Breitbart, hardly the fountain of accuracy and truth there. As often happens with such reports, it starts with describing a possibility, then treating it as concrete.


Even if it wasn't far fetched, what would it have to do with the post you quoted? And what do the hurricanes figure?

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10 minutes ago, oilinki said:

It's a nice conspiracy idea to think of, but I'd say there is no way NK could have been able to put a satellite to an orbit with functional, long lasting and powerful enough nuclear bomb to cause a wide EMP effect. 

So what extra information do you have that this Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, -executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission doesn't appear to have?:giggle:

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:


You're quoting Breitbart, hardly the fountain of accuracy and truth there. As often happens with such reports, it starts with describing a possibility, then treating it as concrete.


Even if it wasn't far fetched, what would it have to do with the post you quoted? And what do the hurricanes figure?

"  And what do the hurricanes figure? "


 that America is already financially stretched and that the hurricanes are going to make it even worse. Can they afford a major war on top of that?

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8 minutes ago, Morch said:


You're quoting Breitbart, hardly the fountain of accuracy and truth there. As often happens with such reports, it starts with describing a possibility, then treating it as concrete.


Even if it wasn't far fetched, what would it have to do with the post you quoted? And what do the hurricanes figure?

I wouldn't care what publication it's in. I think it's more important to listen to who is saying what.

Does America really want to play Russian roulette with its electricity supply?




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Just now, midas said:

"  And what do the hurricanes figure? "


 that America is already financially stretched and that the hurricanes are going to make it even worse. Can they afford a major war on top of that?


Well, NK isn't in a grand economic shape as well and it doesn't seem to bother Kim much, judging from rhetoric and actions. If the US will have to go to war it will go to war, hurricanes or no hurricanes. Still doesn't have much to do with the quoted post, so no idea why directed at me.


Major war how? It's not as if the US will turn all it's military resources to NK if it comes to fighting. Considering there isn't much discussion of ground troops, guess they think they can make do with what's already deployed plus long range means.



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3 minutes ago, midas said:

I wouldn't care what publication it's in. I think it's more important to listen to who is saying what.

Does America really want to play Russian roulette with its electricity supply?





You are quoting a bunch of right wing politicians and reporters. That doesn't make it fact. You've posted these in the past - got the same answers. If it's a concrete threat, pretty sure it was acknowledged, even if not publicly. Not quite sure what you're after - that the US should avoid war because claims that NK might be able to do this or that? And then what - just roll over? You'll have to do better.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


You're quoting Breitbart, hardly the fountain of accuracy and truth there. As often happens with such reports, it starts with describing a possibility, then treating it as concrete.


Even if it wasn't far fetched, what would it have to do with the post you quoted? And what do the hurricanes figure?

Sorry, I don't see that in the article which simply echoes what Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission had stated.


I didn't see anywhere in the Breitbart article where they had treated what Dr. Pry had stated as "concrete". They made it clear in the title of the article that this was coming from a "Congressional Expert".


Every paragraph in the article, except two, made it clear that it was either a quote from Dr. Pry or made it clear in some other way that he was the source of the opinion.  The two that did not quote Dr. Pry was simply informational or was the lead paragraph and and neither drew any conclusions.


So, AFAIC, it was up to the reader to conclude what was "concrete" would be from Dr. Pry's statements, not from any of Breitbart's.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:


Well, NK isn't in a grand economic shape as well and it doesn't seem to bother Kim much, judging from rhetoric and actions. If the US will have to go to war it will go to war, hurricanes or no hurricanes. Still doesn't have much to do with the quoted post, so no idea why directed at me.


Major war how? It's not as if the US will turn all it's military resources to NK if it comes to fighting. Considering there isn't much discussion of ground troops, guess they think they can make do with what's already deployed plus long range means.




Oh come on! If you can't appreciate  the real risk of this causing a chain reaction (such as Iran then becoming involved with it being a very close ally of North Korea) then you can't be very good at joining the dots.

Look at how bad America was with the it's strategy involving poor unsophsticated  Vietnam ! 

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13 minutes ago, midas said:

So what extra information do you have that this Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, -executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission doesn't appear to have?:giggle:

Political fear mongering to gain more power?
Political fear mongering to gain more money?
Political fear mongering to gain more personal money from the big companies?

No, I didn't even do a simple Google search of this Dr Peter Vincent Pry. 

I honestly didn't even have to do so. 

I rely on sciences. I rely on physics. I don't rely on "God is on our side" thoughts. At the end of the day, I rely on well thought strategies, which are based of sciences and well analysed current politics around the world. 

I guess this makes me Trumpetist. I also like to see big corporates and big governments to be shaken up, to make sure that we, the ordinary folks will have best way to live and we don't feel like being slaves.

The point is that I want and tend to rely of information, which is fool proofed.. which is quite the opposite, which Trump supporters are about. That's the reason, why Trump became elected. Facts don't matter, when facts should matter the most.

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5 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Sorry, I don't see that in the article which simply echoes what Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission had stated.


I didn't see anywhere in the Breitbart article where they had treated what Dr. Pry had stated as "concrete". They made it clear in the title of the article that this was coming from a "Congressional Expert".


Every paragraph in the article, except two, made it clear that it was either a quote from Dr. Pry or made it clear in some other way that he was the source of the opinion.  The two that did not quote Dr. Pry was simply informational or was the lead paragraph and and neither drew any conclusions.


So, AFAIC, it was up to the reader to conclude what was "concrete" would be from Dr. Pry's statements, not from any of Breitbart's.


Guess we read a different article, and different posts.

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13 minutes ago, Morch said:


Well, NK isn't in a grand economic shape as well and it doesn't seem to bother Kim much, judging from rhetoric and actions. If the US will have to go to war it will go to war, hurricanes or no hurricanes. Still doesn't have much to do with the quoted post, so no idea why directed at me.


Major war how? It's not as if the US will turn all it's military resources to NK if it comes to fighting. Considering there isn't much discussion of ground troops, guess they think they can make do with what's already deployed plus long range means.



Yes, something surgical to take out Kim and his nuclear / missile capability using non-nuclear assets. Sort like hitting a hornets nest with a baseball bat. No problem. /sarc

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2 minutes ago, midas said:


Oh come on! If you can't appreciate  the real risk of this causing a chain reaction (such as Iran then becoming involved with it being a very close ally of North Korea) then you can't be very good at joining the dots.

Look at how bad America was with the it's strategy involving poor unsophsticated  Vietnam ! 


Well the topic isn't about conspiracy theories. It isn't about Iran, nor Vietnam.

That you postulate a possible chain of events resulting from something, doesn't make it real.

Still no idea why you're pestering me with these odd queries. Not related to anything I posted.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


Well the topic isn't about conspiracy theories. It isn't about Iran, nor Vietnam.

That you postulate a possible chain of events resulting from something, doesn't make it real.

Still no idea why you're pestering me with these odd queries. Not related to anything I posted.




all the available evidence – rather than the false claims of defense-cutters and appeasement advocates – suggests that the US routinely underestimates the capabilities and intentions of its potential adversaries.




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5 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Yes, something surgical to take out Kim and his nuclear / missile capability using non-nuclear assets. Sort like hitting a hornets nest with a baseball bat. No problem. /sarc


Sorry, not sure what you're on about.


I'm not advocating a US military strike, just relating that as far as I'm aware there aren't massive deployment of forces (especially ground forces) beyond those already stationed in the region. It doesn't seem like the prospects for a swift "painless" operation are high, though.

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8 minutes ago, midas said:


Again...what does this have to do with my posts? You started this whole line of posting about supposed NK EMP thing as if it relates to something previously discussed. Please clarify.


As for quoting more right wing sources, whatever rocks your boat. That the assertion is incorrect is quite obvious. Why is there an F-15 would be a good example. But again, off topic.

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9 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

Yes, something surgical to take out Kim and his nuclear / missile capability using non-nuclear assets. Sort like hitting a hornets nest with a baseball bat. No problem. /sarc

When Finns and Russians agree that the current US politics on North Korea is really bad and really troublesome/frightening , one should take a note. 

On other matters...

Then again, I used to talk with my highly analytical British friend, what if Trump would become the POTUS, a lot before he became one. 

One of the positive points was that he should have had balls to say to Russia was that occupying Crimea was a offencive and big mistake. That was the big issue back then. Do you still remember? 

I guess not.

Ps. Should I fill my profile information and say that I'm from Trang. I make love with dolphins. I used to work for Central African space program, been to the Moon so many times, it bores me already?


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15 minutes ago, Morch said:


Sorry, not sure what you're on about.


I'm not advocating a US military strike, just relating that as far as I'm aware there aren't massive deployment of forces (especially ground forces) beyond those already stationed in the region. It doesn't seem like the prospects for a swift "painless" operation are high, though.

Sorry, I'm not so sure either (what I'm on about), but I didn't intend to imply that you were advocating a US military strike (at least not consciously). I was sort of mulling it over and wasn't too serious - hence the /sarc.

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5 hours ago, Morch said:


No, you just go on about it not being an issue. Guess you'd have a somewhat different opinion if such tests were carried out over your own house.


The chances of a missile test going wrong and hitting Japan isn't high. If it does, even an unarmed one, should it fall in a civilian area is bad news. Not the same as an armed one, but quite destructive nevertheless - your nonsense anvils aside. The way missile tests go, there's bound to be an armed one sooner or later. And perhaps a nuclear one after that. What then?




"Guess you'd have a somewhat different opinion if such tests were carried out over your own house."

If my house were as big as Japan, you might have a point..


"The way missile tests go, there's bound to be an armed one sooner or later. And perhaps a nuclear one after that. What then?"

Really, is that the way missile tests go?

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

"Guess you'd have a somewhat different opinion if such tests were carried out over your own house."

If my house were as big as Japan, you might have a point..


"The way missile tests go, there's bound to be an armed one sooner or later. And perhaps a nuclear one after that. What then?"

Really, is that the way missile tests go?


House, home, country....deflect all you like. You wouldn't be nonchalant if it was passing above you or anywhere near.


Missile (and other weapon) tests do follow a certain progression, yes.

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7 minutes ago, oilinki said:

When Finns and Russians agree that the current US politics on North Korea is really bad and really troublesome/frightening , one should take a note. 

On other matters...

Then again, I used to talk with my highly analytical British friend, what if Trump would become the POTUS, a lot before he became one. 

One of the positive points was that he should have had balls to say to Russia was that occupying Crimea was a offencive and big mistake. That was the big issue back then. Do you still remember? 

I guess not.

Ps. Should I fill my profile information and say that I'm from Trang. I make love with dolphins. I used to work for Central African space program, been to the Moon so many times, it bores me already?


Just because the Finns and Ruskies agree doesn't make them both correct. But I get your point and I guess it is unusual, at least. If you want a second opinion, ask me tomorrow.


Trump's balls: "should have had" seems a bit presumptive to me.


Should I remember Trump's balls or the Crimea issue? I got confused. :biggrin:


What are you asking me what nonsense you should place into your profile?


Instead, why don't you answer my question as to why you blame Ludwig?





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Just now, Morch said:


House, home, country....deflect all you like. You wouldn't be nonchalant if it was passing above you or anywhere near.


Missile (and other weapon) tests do follow a certain progression, yes.

Speak for yourself and your apparent lack of appreciation of probability.  I'm reasonably familiar enough with odds and probabilities not to lose any sleep over it. Especially since the probability of it passing above me or anywhere near would be vanishingly small. In fact even if it did pass above me, the odds of it falling on me would be infinitesimally smaller.


Missile tests follow a certain progression? That's nicely vague.

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Let's do the reverse order.

1) I'm pretty sure you are able to figure out what I mean by blaming Ludwig. This is unless your handle has been replaced by some university kids, studying, how to do propaganda. 

Could that be the truth?


2) Your profile was always Russian, but you used to present intelligent and thoughtful human being. 

3) <deleted> politics you are doing, it's not working. Sorry

4) <deleted> once again, it's not working. Sorry

5) It was my wish that both Finns and the Russians would have agreed to behave like human beings. I have no idea whether you are a Finn, Russian or USA.. or representing any of the many other members of cultures we love and have. 

It's not my issue, it's your issue eventually. Simply be fair to others.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Speak for yourself and your apparent lack of appreciation of probability.  I'm reasonably familiar enough with odds and probabilities not to lose any sleep over it. Especially since the probability of it passing above me or anywhere near would be vanishingly small. In fact even if it did pass above me, the odds of it falling on me would be infinitesimally smaller.


Missile tests follow a certain progression? That's nicely vague.


Talk is easy, considering it doesn't apply. Again, though - why would Japan be expected to tolerate this? Yeah...same inane reasoning given in similar scenarios and past topics.


It's not vague, it's simply obvious and obvious that you're trolling. Or do you believe that that warheads are tested prior to structure, propulsion, guiding systems? Warhead (or live) testing will usually be among the last on the list, again for obvious reasons.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Talk is easy, considering it doesn't apply. Again, though - why would Japan be expected to tolerate this? Yeah...same inane reasoning given in similar scenarios and past topics.


It's not vague, it's simply obvious and obvious that you're trolling. Or do you believe that that warheads are tested prior to structure, propulsion, guiding systems? Warhead (or live) testing will usually be among the last on the list, again for obvious reasons.

Well, if you don't expect Japan to tolerate this, what do you expect Japan to do?

As for testing armed missile systems, it's a matter of where.

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5 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Next time, please quote in real way, not in the Russian way.

I reported your post and expect it to be removed.. not because what you said, but because what you lied about.

I place the entire blame on Ludwig and I hope they do also. :biggrin:

Edited by MaxYakov
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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, if you don't expect Japan to tolerate this, what do you expect Japan to do?

As for testing armed missile systems, it's a matter of where.


Well, for one I don't expect them to accept your more-people-die-in-car-accidents style approach or to market it to the populace. Further, I do not condemn them for any measures taken, whether or not these involve their alliance with the US. If one adopts your stance - is there a red line? Or should countries in the region just accept it as norm?


As for testing armed missile systems, it is not a matter of where. Pretty much all such projects follow similar steps. And at one point or another, there's a live test. Most countries conducting one attempt to do so without the missile passing over other countries, with impact point being either in international waters or within their maritime borders/on their soil. On some occasions, such testing can be conducted in a foreign country, with that country's cooperation.





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