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Very short cut.

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Never done it before but talking last night about the tick problem after getting the dogs their tick injection. The GSD is the most difficult to find ticks on, the other dog v short hair so not so much of a problem.

Is it ok to do a close cut on the GSD? 

Any problems that could arise skin or regrowth etc etc.?

Any advice out there?

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10 minutes ago, Arjen said:

I do not see any problems to shortcut. But with some experience you can find quite easy even very small ticks on even long haired dogs.


Good luck!



They had their second monthly injection today and three hours later ticks are falling off.

With the garden spray and monthly injections I hope I can break the cycle soon.

I dread to think of the condition of the ex neighbour's 3 dogs. 

'Our' ticks appeared in what seemed like the thousands after they moved out.

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Any cut or shave of a GS has potential to ruin the coat.


Also any cut would make the dog hotter, as the hair is the dogs only form of insulation. Not only that prevents sunburn related issues. 


So risking ruining the coat, making the dog hotter, and potentially getting a tick disease yourself from searching doesn't really seem worth it when you can just treat the dog with more effective things than injections.

Edited by wildewillie89
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with the thick double coat our boy has,we thought it might be a good idea to get him trimed,first the bloody groomer shaved him right down to the skin,after he got these awfull hot spots,they realy looked like burns.

so just trim,his belly and between the back legs.

but you have to do what we do,give him or her A GOOD FEEL.:smile:

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Also the same with Husky. Belly is okay, and behind can be beneficial. I know it seems illogical to keep the coat in a hot climate but the dog really is better/cooler with it than without it. 


In relation to ticks also, the 'guard hairs' you will be cutting not only stop sunburn (and hot spots), which can lead to heat stroke/death...but also parasites from getting to the dogs skin. Of course not 100% effective, but better than having nothing. 


Dogs can only sweat through their feet, noses and pant. Imagine not being covered up and the heat it will take in. So many negatives just to see the odd tick easier. 

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On a side note ticks prey on lower immune system dogs. Many vets now recommend a bone and raw food diet to keep that immune system strong. Vets who don't sell dog food anyway lol.


But has to be a well balanced diet with the natural insect repellent ingredients, so foods that include things like antioxidant, B complex, selenium, zinc etc. Good diet with 'guard hairs' is the sole reason dogs in wild, wolves, guardian dogs get through life relatively parasite free. 


So that with the proper treatment you will safely have no ticks on the dog, as even if they do still hunt out the dog the treatment will kill them before any diseases can be transmitted. Having had a tick disease that lead to lesions on my organs now I feel 100% safe, and do not need to check the dogs. I avoid neighbouring dogs or houses we visit though.

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Hi overherebc,

Most GSDs are double coated, in that the outer coat (guard coat) is the outer protection for repelling water dirt and other external factors. The undercoat is the thick and woolly coat which is for insulating against both hot and cold conditions.


A better way to make the animal more comfortable without cutting the outer coat is to make sure you get rid of the 'dead' parts of the undercoat, in other words de-shed it. If you don't regularly groom you will be amazed with what comes out.


IMO every time you shortcut a double coated dog you unbalance the ratios of outer and under coats.

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14 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

Hi overherebc,

Most GSDs are double coated, in that the outer coat (guard coat) is the outer protection for repelling water dirt and other external factors. The undercoat is the thick and woolly coat which is for insulating against both hot and cold conditions.


A better way to make the animal more comfortable without cutting the outer coat is to make sure you get rid of the 'dead' parts of the undercoat, in other words de-shed it. If you don't regularly groom you will be amazed with what comes out.


IMO every time you shortcut a double coated dog you unbalance the ratios of outer and under coats.

what CHRIS says is right on the button.

we bought a DE-SHEDDER its magic.its called the furminator.

Edited by meatboy
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Just to add to the above comments, if you can, get one of these tools! Having had (still have) Siberians and now a Shepherd as well, I am still amazed with how well these tools work. These dig deep and remove the dead undercoat like nothing else I have used before. It should be noted that the Furmininator shouldn't be used all the time as it is a de-shedding tool (and not grooming) but about once a week works great for me.






Just for clarity, I have nothing to do with the manufacturer, but feel everyone should know about this for their pets. I have added an unbiased review in the link below:






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On 11/09/2017 at 0:56 PM, chrisinth said:

Just to add to the above comments, if you can, get one of these tools! Having had (still have) Siberians and now a Shepherd as well, I am still amazed with how well these tools work. These dig deep and remove the dead undercoat like nothing else I have used before. It should be noted that the Furmininator shouldn't be used all the time as it is a de-shedding tool (and not grooming) but about once a week works great for me.






Just for clarity, I have nothing to do with the manufacturer, but feel everyone should know about this for their pets. I have added an unbiased review in the link below:






Have informed SWMBO who loves grooming the dog, she is going for it.

Thanks for all the info.

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35 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Have informed SWMBO who loves grooming the dog, she is going for it.

Thanks for all the info.

You can get these from Lazada, but check the prices! I paid close to 1,000 baht for the first one and 199 baht for the second identical one. 

Not sure if that link is still there (I think the retailer screwed up somewhere!)

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