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Justice is for all, rich or poor, says Prayut


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I think he's finally plumbed the bottom most depths of silliness with this one, does he honestly expect that even one person in Thailand will believe him when all the evidence so obviously points in the other direction.

On top of himself and his cronies granting themselves immunity for anything that they choose to do???


:cheesy:  :cheesy:  :cheesy:

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2 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

The rich can flee the country and wait for the limitation of proceedings to expire. The rich can choose whether or not to call in at the police station for questioning. The rich can decide that their Community Service Order is inconvenient and change the terms without consequences.


And this, according to the Prime Minister, is not a problem with the justice system.

You forgot, can refuse to be breathalyzed, can refuse to give DNA samples alla KT and probably more!

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He is totally right that there is justice for all here in Thailand For the poor whether you did commit the crime or not you're going to jail 

For the rich You have a right to wiggle out of the crime as long as you pay the right people


This is justice for all it just has different outcomes 


So the Prime minister is right  

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

The fact is that the rich have often fled the scene, and that’s why we see that they don’t go to jail. It’s not a problem with the justice system.

 . . . the rich have often fled the scene . . . How right you are, P1, but tell me, pray, who is it that allows the rich to flee the scene and ensure that they don't go to jail? I'll give you a clue . . . it's 3 words and the first 2 begin with RT. Come on, P1, think hard . . . RT and just one more letter and you'll be looking at Thailand's worst scourge of all. But you look to be on the right track when you say 'It’s not a problem with the justice system'. Your insight is truly AMAZING:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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11 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Real justice in this country simply does not exist ! This single thing is the most disturbing aspect of living in Thailand.

interesting how so many officials here cite 'justice', however if you asked them to define it, you would get a gobbledygook answer that would boil down to nothing

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The poor peoples learn at school to accept always what the government institutions and the big company's said, so no one poor Thai is able to complain about an injustice. THAT IS FACT!

Thailand is no different than other countries, you have money...you can do a little bit more than the poor.

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There is almost ZERO rule of law for foreigners in Thailand. I've lived it, I know people who have lived this, and read countless stories over 16 years that supports this. Of course there are exceptions, but that does not debunk the trend. The majority of times. If a foreigner has a legal issue with a Thai, who's side does law enforcement and the justice system USUALLY (not always) but usually favor?


I know a few Thai apologists will give their exception stories, but they are just that...exceptions. Which is NOT how a legal and justice system is supposed to work the majority of time. In Thailand, law enforcement exists to financially enhance one group of Thai employees. Not to enforce the law. That's just a front. 


So, as some will answer, don't get involved with the law. That's easy, but tell that to the victims of crime who were doing nothing wrong. They just have to smile and accept it. "You're in Thailand, if you don't like it, then leave" the apologists all shout their mantra because they don't think people can vent about nor recognize problem areas and activities. Comments don't mean we think it will change, because I know I don't expect it to. In fact, with the economy in the shape it's in, I expect it to get worse as there are less dollars to go around the same amount of people.



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20 hours ago, webfact said:

his comments appeared to be a reference to former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra,

There you have it, like an itch that someone can't resist scratching. As for the rest, I cannot see the point in stating the bl**ding obvious.

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