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Floating trash off Pattaya's coast - watchdog blaming Thais as "sixth worst polluters" in the world


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Floating trash off Pattaya's coast - watchdog blaming Thais as "sixth worst polluters" in the world



Images: Facbook


The Pattaya watchdog group has once again raised the specter of trash in the sea off the coast of the resort.


Pictures of floating rubbish were put on Facebook with the watchdog laying the blame at the door of boats in and around the area.


The pictures were taken about two kilometers off the South Pattaya area where many large boats are moored.


The group said that the entire beach area from Jomtien to North Pattaya suffers as trash is blown ashore and they are calling on the authorities to act once more.


Though they note that the key to solving the issue is enforcement of already existing statutes that forbid the dumping of rubbish in the sea.


Without enforcement the problem will never go away, they suggested.


They described Thailand as the "sixth worst polluters of the sea in the world". They did not say where they got this assessment.


They have hashtags to raise awareness - #Save_THE_OCEAN and #Save_PATTAYA_BEACH.


Source: Pattaya Watchdog

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-09-13
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Such an obvious and effective way to improve Pattaya's attractiveness as a destination yet no-one grasps the nettle, just endless symbolic talk of crackdowns on this and hubs of that. Isn't there any central authority in Pattaya with the nous and power to tackle this, or are they all enmeshed in their own petty interests; you can't run a world famous resort like it's still a fishing village.

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Law enforcement on the roads to reduce 75 deaths a day would be a good start.

Ocean law enforcement is a good idea but it won't happen.

And what about law enforcement of pumping raw sewage into the ocean ?

The ocean is getting polluted from all directions.

Are the boats dumping the crap in the ocean really going to bring their crap in with them ? when they can get away with easy option ?Not hard to see how the "mind-set" is.

What about the crap that's being dumped on the roadsides ? Is that being addressed ?

What is being addressed though, is the overhead signage in Walking Street.




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A global research study recently found that plastic microscopic fibers are present in water everywhere, tap water, bottled drinking water. They conducted studies on water from almost everywhere on Earth and these microfibers where found everywhere from NY to Mumbai to Stockholm. Even Trumps Mara a Lago kitchen has these plastic micro fibers in the tap water.

On a side note, have not been to Pattaya for many many years and I do not understand how any one willingly would subject themselves to the horrors of that place.

Edited by AlQaholic
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I've seen large tour boats just dump the bag of garbage off the back.  We go out on a fairly regular basis.  The amount of trash a few kilos out to sea is stunning.  It's horrible.  Seems like a lot is from the fishing boats.  And a lot is washed down the rivers and creeks, only to end up on our shores.

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13 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

On a side note, have not been to Pattaya for many many years and I do not understand how any one willingly would subject themselves to the horrors of that place.

I for one often pay the girls a bit extra to subject me to those " horrors of that place".

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Those pictures look like the Toxic lake on The Simpson movie or is that what they are trying to replicate?


My brother-in-law  recently had a new house built which was very nice until I walked around the back where they throw all the rubbish out the back door and I don't just mean plastic bottles everything .it stinks but from the front it looks great with a nice garden and a large empty blue bin on the road outside.

I didn't ask why they didn't use it as I have been here too long know there's no point .

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33 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

A global research study recently found that plastic microscopic fibers are present in water everywhere, tap water, bottled drinking water. They conducted studies on water from almost everywhere on Earth and these microfibers where found everywhere from NY to Mumbai to Stockholm. Even Trumps Mara a Lago kitchen has these plastic micro fibers in the tap water.

On a side note, have not been to Pattaya for many many years and I do not understand how any one willingly would subject themselves to the horrors of that place.


or did you mean whores? 

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3 hours ago, Thechook said:

Resort?  How on earth can it be called a resort it's an open sewer and rubbish dump.

A 'resort' for 4 legged vermin perhaps? :whistling:  Has all the attributes.


Perhaps another myopic comment, from the Leader, "Trash for all"?  :biggrin:



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Ecowatch put Thailand in the top 5 countries for dumping plastic in the oceans.   If a 5 baht per plastic bag duty were to be imposed that would not only greatly reduce the number being discarded and probably completely eliminate newsagents puting newspapers in plastic bags (they're so difficult to read like that) and also create a larger durable bag production industry.   Similarly, a tax on plastic bottles should be imposed though, until Thailand can provide its' people with a reliable and economicly viable source, perhaps it should not be charged on bottled drinking water. 




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You can't get a Thai to follow the rules. They will litter like it's a sport, and they will drive cars and ride moto bikes like little children ride tricycles at the park.

The ONLY way to get them to stop would be to impose hefty fines that increase with each offense. 

The beaches are filled with trash that Thais leave. Those Styrofoam bowls aren't coming from the sea. Those cigarette butts are going right into the sand. 

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'And since the police does the enforcing, well...'  that's the major problem affecting Pattaya.  Disband the police and there would be a reduction in organised crime.  How can the taxi mafia exist without collusion?  How can Russian girls take to the stage in a 'protected Thai only occupation'?  Why are bar owners having to pay monthly protection money? The answer to these questions can be found by unscrambling the following anagram: BIB.

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While I agree that boats are likely dumping rubbish in the area. I think the majority of it would come from the land and be washed into the water from rain run off. So while you can apportion some blame to boaties, I think most off it comes down to Thai's, Government (past and present) for failing to tackle the issue that has been around for decades. You can only sweep it under the carpet for so long. 

Quite frankly when I see locals or foreigners openly throw rubbish on the ground it disgusts me. Then I hear people say, well we're are they supposed to put it there are no bins. Well I have the same problem, however I hold on to my garbage until I find a bin, then I dispose of it. 

I am a foreigner that has been living in Thailand for about 15 years and often I feel that I care and respect the country more than most Thai's, and it doesn't make me happy to say it. 



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I live inland and four mtimes a week a moving markets sets up opposite my house the trash left behind by itys custgomers is horrendous , including plastic wrappings from meat sales.

AND YES THE CUSTOMERS ARE ALL THAIS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It is utterly futile trying to enforce any pollution law at sea. The laws exist and the only effective remedy is education. When a skipper is out of sight he can do what he likes. We in the west used to behave like this until our education and social pressure pricked our conscience. Governments  that try to implement change by force often fail. The only way is hearts and minds. Therein lies the problem for Thailand.

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