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1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

This is not evidence. Why do you need to ask questions and gather more information when you already made a statement as if it is hard fact rather than a possibility or opinion? I'd still like to see evidence, not opinion, that proves your statement based on the information you had at the time you made the statement.

You wrote, "  I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone."  Based on that statement I don't think you know enough about smart phones to make an intelligent decision about them.  


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56 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:


Following your logic can we plug in other things people typically like or dislike? I grew up owning guns and hunting, but I realize many people have no interest in that and I respect their decision. But following your logic I could tell them, "I don't think you have had enough experience to make a good decision about the issue. I'd suggest buying and utilizing a shotgun extensively for a year or so and then make a decision." 


Plug in whatever dislike many people might have (eating liver, dating ladyboys, skydiving, watching horror flicks, bantering on forums) and see if it seems credible to make such suggestions. I figure adults can make up their own minds about what they like and dislike, and it's not my place to question them or tell them they are wrong.

Guns? I don't think a person who grew up in a big city never driving a car or owning a car/truck has any idea of the emotional attachment and entire lifestyle of a person who grew up racing stock cars or a hunter.  Is skydiving fun?  I think you'd have to try it.  Are ladyboys fun?  I don't see how people can make a decision without trying.  Same with eating liver or Liederkranz cheese. 


Then again, I'm an open minded person and don't have any of what I would call, "hangups." I trust people who have had experience in a particular area to advise me if there was a reason I could not experience it myself.  I was in the Army and trusted the old vets to tell me what to do and not to do. 


I read a lot about anything before I try it or buy it.  I just changed my Dell workstation into a gaming computer.  I studied the genre for a year before I bought more memory, solid state hard drive and a GeForce graphics card.  Now I can see what all the hoopla was about with the high def games.  It's awesome.  They wouldn't work until I overhauled my computer or bought a gaming machine. 


I bought my last smartphone a year ago and there has been no new advances in the past year that are better than what I'm now running.  Cosmetic changes but not a better phone and in most cases without things I require like IR blaster and changeable battery. 


If I use my phone a lot I like to slip in a new battery rather than wait for one to charge or may not want to plug in a reserve battery. 

1 hour ago, amvet said:

You wrote, "  I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone."  Based on that statement I don't think you know enough about smart phones to make an intelligent decision about them

You "THINK" I don't know enough to make an intelligent decision, but you don't know for sure since you know nothing more about my background and experiences. Pure assumption on your part. I was asking for evidence, not your uninformed opinion. I already stated that I had experience enough to make an informed decision, but you refuse to accept that at face value as one adult to another. You assume you know me better than I know myself. Arrogant.

49 minutes ago, amvet said:

Then again, I'm an open minded person and don't have any of what I would call, "hangups." I trust people who have had experience in a particular area to advise me if there was a reason I could not experience it myself.  I was in the Army and trusted the old vets to tell me what to do and not to do. 


I read a lot about anything before I try it or buy it. 

You, open minded? Maybe towards modern technology, which I give you credit for as part of our older generation, but towards differences in other people you are not open minded. I also trust people with experience and was in the Army. I read a lot and enjoy researching things before I try them or buy them. However, there are some things in life that I know I'm not interested in simply based on my personality or limited experience. I've tried skydiving three times, it was fun but it's not something I crave doing on a regular basis. I don't need to talk to anyone or try it extensively for a year to know that. 


I've seen what smart phones can do, I'm impressed. But in my daily life there is simply nothing I enjoy doing that involves a smart phone. I could probably incorporate one if I really wanted to, but it's not needed or necessary and I don't enjoy it. I will climb a mountain simply because it's there. I won't buy a smart phone simply because it's there. I don't expect you to understand so I'll stop trying.

14 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

You "THINK" I don't know enough to make an intelligent decision, but you don't know for sure since you know nothing more about my background and experiences. Pure assumption on your part. I was asking for evidence, not your uninformed opinion. I already stated that I had experience enough to make an informed decision, but you refuse to accept that at face value as one adult to another. You assume you know me better than I know myself. Arrogant.

You didn't lie did you?  You wrote, "I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone."  Based on that statement I don't think you know enough about smart phones to make an intelligent decision about them.  


If you have lived most of your adult life without a phone and live in the virtual dark ages (No electricity, no running water, no internet) how could you make an intelligent decision about a smart phone?  It would be like asking a priest for marriage counseling. 


3 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

You, open minded? Maybe towards modern technology, which I give you credit for as part of our older generation, but towards differences in other people you are not open minded. I also trust people with experience and was in the Army. I read a lot and enjoy researching things before I try them or buy them. However, there are some things in life that I know I'm not interested in simply based on my personality or limited experience. I've tried skydiving three times, it was fun but it's not something I crave doing on a regular basis. I don't need to talk to anyone or try it extensively for a year to know that. 


I've seen what smart phones can do, I'm impressed. But in my daily life there is simply nothing I enjoy doing that involves a smart phone. I could probably incorporate one if I really wanted to, but it's not needed or necessary and I don't enjoy it. I will climb a mountain simply because it's there. I won't buy a smart phone simply because it's there. I don't expect you to understand so I'll stop trying.

You tried skydiving.  You have not tried owning a smart phone.  Therein lies the difference.  I'd never ask a priest about marriage or life after death because they know nothing about either and yet ....... 

31 minutes ago, amvet said:

You didn't lie did you?  You wrote, "I live in a 20-foot, self-contained motorhome with virtually no bills and no responsibilities. No electricity, no running water, no internet, I don't own a television, and have lived most of my adult life without any type of telephone."  Based on that statement I don't think you know enough about smart phones to make an intelligent decision about them.  


If you have lived most of your adult life without a phone and live in the virtual dark ages (No electricity, no running water, no internet) how could you make an intelligent decision about a smart phone?  It would be like asking a priest for marriage counseling. 

All true. Going on four years now in the motorhome. But of course you have no clue as to how I lived before that, my experiences, my education, or my former profession. Lived without my own telephone too. But you have no clue what technology I was assigned to use at my job and what experience I may have with the smart phones of friends and family. The truth is you don't have a clue as to what I know about smart phones or anything else for that matter. Everything you say is a closed minded assumption.


Live in the dark ages? You are full of yourself and assumptions. The neat thing about a motorhome is that you can drive it. Drive it to work, to town, to the university, the library, to my storage unit to pick up my motorcycle and go where I please. I live a simple, natural life by choice. Assuming I live in the dark ages only shows how closed minded and clueless you really are.


You are the glowing example of your original question as to whether people who own smart phones are smarter. Your attitude and conduct throughout this thread does not represent qualities of a smart person.

1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

All true. Going on four years now in the motorhome. But of course you have no clue as to how I lived before that, my experiences, my education, or my former profession. Lived without my own telephone too. But you have no clue what technology I was assigned to use at my job and what experience I may have with the smart phones of friends and family. The truth is you don't have a clue as to what I know about smart phones or anything else for that matter. Everything you say is a closed minded assumption.


Live in the dark ages? You are full of yourself and assumptions. The neat thing about a motorhome is that you can drive it. Drive it to work, to town, to the university, the library, to my storage unit to pick up my motorcycle and go where I please. I live a simple, natural life by choice. Assuming I live in the dark ages only shows how closed minded and clueless you really are.


You are the glowing example of your original question as to whether people who own smart phones are smarter. Your attitude and conduct throughout this thread does not represent qualities of a smart person.

If you live without running water and electricity and no telephone you are living in the dark ages.  You wrote, "The whole cell phone craze strikes me as childish,"  There will be 6 billion smartphones in circulation by 2020.  Sorry you don't have a clue.  

10 hours ago, amvet said:

Point out anything I have posted in error (include a quote) and I'll be happy to admit my error.  There is no debate about creationism it's religious nonsense. Two birds who were not chickens combined to produce an egg that was a chicken.  I don't know why they would cover that in college biology they never mentioned in my college biology courses. 

Two birds who were not chickens combined to produce an egg that was a chicken


You don't believe in creationism, but apparently don't understand evolution.

2 hours ago, amvet said:

Just to clarify my post above the headline of Puerto Rico with no power and water is,



Try using a "smartphone" there now. It's just as useless as a normal phone. However, "stone age" ham radio will still operate with batteries   5555555555555555555.

16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Two birds who were not chickens combined to produce an egg that was a chicken


You don't believe in creationism, but apparently don't understand evolution.

An animal nearly identical to the modern chicken (i.e., a proto-chicken) laid a fertilized egg that had DNA identical to the modern chicken (due to mutations in the mother's ovum, the father's sperm, or the fertilised zygote). Put more simply by Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The egg – laid by a bird that was not a chicken.

21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Try using a "smartphone" there now. It's just as useless as a normal phone. However, "stone age" ham radio will still operate with batteries   5555555555555555555.

Smart Sat phone works much better than ham radio. 

sat phone.jpg

On 14/09/2017 at 1:46 AM, ignis said:

 So why do so many people have 20 - 30 odd thousand baht phones ?  never figured out what they do better.....


Yes services keep dropping for old phones so I had to upgrade to a Smart phone with 4G  a while ago, 'Lava' 4.5 screen cost under 2,600 baht,  has more functions than I would even need .....  The downside of these Smartphones are the battery life...  even not using need to be recharged every 2 days, my Partner has a more expensive Samsung, use for work as well and need charging every day + often in the day as well.........  My Ericsson T28 and T 29 both needed charging every 10 - 12 days..    

Samsung 8 Edge +. No problem with battery, brilliant camera and with docking station its a stand alone powerful computer.

17 hours ago, amvet said:

If you live without running water and electricity and no telephone you are living in the dark ages.  You wrote, "The whole cell phone craze strikes me as childish,"  There will be 6 billion smartphones in circulation by 2020.  Sorry you don't have a clue.

Timeline. The Middle Ages, or Medieval Times, in Europe was a long period of history from 500 AD to 1500 AD.

How could I possibly live in the dark ages when this is the year 2017? Maybe you're just trying to sensationalize your point. Did cowboys and Indians from the old West live in the dark ages? How about people today living in 3rd world countries that might not have running water, electricity or telephones. Do they live in the dark ages.


I stand by my statement that the cell phone craze is childish and that your clueless.

23 minutes ago, WorriedNoodle said:


Samsung DeX Station comes with two USB-A 2.0, a LAN Ethernet , an HDMI output, and a USB-C charging port.


Why are you laughing?


15 hours ago, amvet said:

Just to clarify my post above the headline of Puerto Rico with no power and water is,



Gee, never heard of the media sensationalizing and exaggerating headlines to catch people's attention. Click-bait I think they call it, and it caught you like a carp. Click on the link and the first photo shows people walking on pavement, dressed in modern clothes, surrounded by modern buildings. That's the dark ages? Within weeks to months they will be back up and running. Your points about cell phones are weak, so you have to sensationalize and exaggerate to boost your ratings. Sad and clueless.

2 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Timeline. The Middle Ages, or Medieval Times, in Europe was a long period of history from 500 AD to 1500 AD.

How could I possibly live in the dark ages when this is the year 2017? Maybe you're just trying to sensationalize your point. Did cowboys and Indians from the old West live in the dark ages? How about people today living in 3rd world countries that might not have running water, electricity or telephones. Do they live in the dark ages.


I stand by my statement that the cell phone craze is childish and that your clueless.

Google Puerto Rico in the Dark Ages.  Dark Ages is a descriptive term that is all news agencies are using to describe the decimation of the last hurricane and people commonly use to describe third world living conditions.  

2 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Gee, never heard of the media sensationalizing and exaggerating headlines to catch people's attention. Click-bait I think they call it, and it caught you like a carp. Click on the link and the first photo shows people walking on pavement, dressed in modern clothes, surrounded by modern buildings. That's the dark ages? Within weeks to months they will be back up and running. Your points about cell phones are weak, so you have to sensationalize and exaggerate to boost your ratings. Sad and clueless.

No power means no way to store food or medicines or have AC many will die it is a human catastrophe I don't have to exaggerate.  CNN was reporting last night Puerto Rico may be without power for 6 months. 

5 minutes ago, amvet said:

Google Puerto Rico in the Dark Ages.  Dark Ages is a descriptive term that is all news agencies are using to describe the decimation of the last hurricane and people commonly use to describe third world living conditions.  


1 minute ago, amvet said:

No power means no way to store food or medicines or have AC many will die it is a human catastrophe I don't have to exaggerate.  CNN was reporting last night Puerto Rico may be without power for 6 months. 

A catastrophe for sure, but still sensationalized and exaggerated by the media to boost ratings. Very similar to your comments about people who prefer not to use smart phones, exaggerated and sensationalized to make your point stronger.

1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:


A catastrophe for sure, but still sensationalized and exaggerated by the media to boost ratings. Very similar to your comments about people who prefer not to use smart phones, exaggerated and sensationalized to make your point stronger.

I was out today talking to smart people and I asked them if they would consider buying the new Samsung Note8 and they said yes because of the camera and the new features of the S pen like translating whole sentences and the brightness of the almost 7 inch display even at the beach.  I walked away from the smart people and found a couple of not so smart folks sitting in a bar at 10 AM and asked them and they said, "huh?"  This is of course anecdotal data and not to be taken seriously in forming an opinion.  However I was impressed enough with the recommendation of the smart people to go check out the screen which I'll do this weekend if the Note 8 is available at the Samsung shop I'll be visiting.  It is supposed to go on sale today in Thailand. 

1 hour ago, amvet said:

I was out today talking to smart people and I asked them if they would consider buying the new Samsung Note8 and they said yes because of the camera and the new features of the S pen like translating whole sentences and the brightness of the almost 7 inch display even at the beach.  I walked away from the smart people and found a couple of not so smart folks sitting in a bar at 10 AM and asked them and they said, "huh?"  This is of course anecdotal data and not to be taken seriously in forming an opinion.  However I was impressed enough with the recommendation of the smart people to go check out the screen which I'll do this weekend if the Note 8 is available at the Samsung shop I'll be visiting.  It is supposed to go on sale today in Thailand. 

Our daily conversations are different, but I live in the dark ages. I talk to smart people in the morning as I'm hoofing it up a local mountain to start the day with some cardio exercise. We discuss the beauty of the sunrise, the incredible view over the morning desert, the color of blooming flowers, and how the exercise energizes us for the rest of the day. Then I drive into town to the public library, since I don't got to bars at 10 AM, and I see the not so smart people. Their eyes are glued to smart phones. That's pretty much what their entire day consists of, staring at a smart phone. Playing with little electronic gadgets like children.


After the library I drive over to the gym, workout some more, take a shower, maybe use the Wi-Fi...you know, dark ages stuff...then go have some lunch and a nap. Back out in the desert I take a leisurely stroll with the sunset after pulling a few cold beers from my propane powered refrigerator, watch the dove and rabbits, hear the quail, and later heat up some dinner on my propane stove top before dozing off under the stars in the fresh air. I'm impressed enough with the lifestyle that it makes staring at a smartphone seem like a total waste of life.

18 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Our daily conversations are different, but I live in the dark ages. I talk to smart people in the morning as I'm hoofing it up a local mountain to start the day with some cardio exercise. We discuss the beauty of the sunrise, the incredible view over the morning desert, and how the exercise energizes us for the rest of the day. Then I drive into town to the public library, since I don't got to bars at 10 AM, and I see the not so smart people. Their eyes are glued to smart phones. That's pretty much what their entire day consists of, staring at a smart phone. Playing with little electronic gadgets like children.


After the library I drive over to the gym, workout some more, take a shower, maybe use the Wi-Fi...you know, dark ages stuff. Back out in the desert I take a leisurely stroll with the sunset after pulling a few cold beers from my propane powered refrigerator, and later heat up some dinner on my propane stove top before dozing off under the stars in the fresh air. I'm impressed enough with the lifestyle that it makes staring at a smartphone seem like a total waste of life.

How do you use wifi if you don't have a smartphone?

3 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I thought you were smarter than that. The same way I am right now, with a laptop.

No difference between a smart phone and a laptop.  Both can make calls and access the internet.  Some people use smart phones/laptops wisely and some don't.  Smart people have a digital device and people who are not smart don't.  It is only a matter of a few years when smart phones and laptops will merge the Galaxy Note 8 is close. 

58 minutes ago, amvet said:

No difference between a smart phone and a laptop.  Both can make calls and access the internet.  Some people use smart phones/laptops wisely and some don't.  Smart people have a digital device and people who are not smart don't.  It is only a matter of a few years when smart phones and laptops will merge the Galaxy Note 8 is close. 

“Smart people have a digital device and people who are not smart don't.”


I think that’s the bottom line where you and I will never come to an agreement. I believe digital devices play an important role, but I would never say someone is not smart if they choose to live without one. I've met a lot of smart people in my life. You seem to think anyone without a smart device is a Neanderthal, though I’m not trying to misquote you or put words in your mouth.


Seems like as good a spot as any for me to bow out of the conversation, I probably should have done it about 28 pages ago. I won’t post here again or banter with you anymore about it. For 15 years my personal rule on travel forums was to only engage in conversation directly related to the exchange of travel information. That rule always worked well for me. Just recently I’ve tried to engage in a few random forum discussions and was surprised at how nasty and rude people can be. I am not referring to you, I think it’s the world we live in today. However, on the smart phone issue I don’t think you have any desire to meet me half way, and it seems that you feed on the confrontation. I could be wrong. I don’t like confrontation in real life or on the internet.


Throughout this thread I’ve also done my share of being rude and insulting and I apologize for that. You have the right to your own opinions and lifestyle. I’ll even finish with a personal compliment, I think your knowledge of technology is very impressive. Good health and more power to you.

6 hours ago, amvet said:

No power means no way to store food or medicines or have AC many will die it is a human catastrophe I don't have to exaggerate.  CNN was reporting last night Puerto Rico may be without power for 6 months. 

Seriously? You would die without AC?

People survived for centuries without electricity. The difference now is that people have become so dependent on electricity and gadgets that they can't survive without them. Is that evidence of being "smart", or is it the people that can survive without such that are smart?

Nature doesn't give a monkey's about human dependence on external aids to survive. A smartphone won't save you in an earthquake or a hurricane that destroys the infrastructure if the cell towers go down. A ham radio with batteries might, in the aftermath.

Does anyone in Puerto Rico care about the Galaxy 8?

3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seriously? You would die without AC?

People survived for centuries without electricity. The difference now is that people have become so dependent on electricity and gadgets that they can't survive without them. Is that evidence of being "smart", or is it the people that can survive without such that are smart?

Nature doesn't give a monkey's about human dependence on external aids to survive. A smartphone won't save you in an earthquake or a hurricane that destroys the infrastructure if the cell towers go down. A ham radio with batteries might, in the aftermath.

Does anyone in Puerto Rico care about the Galaxy 8?

Eight Dead From Sweltering Nursing Home as Florida Struggles After Irma.  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/13/us/nursing-home-deaths-florida.html?mcubz=1


Yes people die from no AC. 


There is no way to keep food from spoiling as it is assumed that our society will always have power.  Hospitals will need power as they only have so much fuel to keep emergency generators working. 


Our society is predicated on assumptions and one of those is power.  No power and the society will fall apart. 


The important communication now is being done with smart satellite phones.  Ham radios were also high tech only a few years ago. 


Users flocked to a Facebook group called ‘Puerto Rico Maria Updates‘, where pictures, questions and videos are posted about the situation around the 78 municipalities in Puerto Rico. The tool served as a relief, albeit a messy and sometimes disorganized one, for people to find information.


Another app that has been in wide use for the emergency is Zello, a walkie talkie app for smartphones that allows users to join channels.   Mobile cell towers being deployed in areas like Aguadilla.  The military is arriving soon and one of the first things repaired will be cell phone towers to get smart phones working again. 


Nature is not working for Puerto Rico the Army is and the Army will restore power right after it restores smart phone communications.  It may take 6 months to restore power and land line communications whereas a cell tower will restore communication to millions in a few days given they can find ways to charge phones like solar or other local methods.

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