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Are people who use smart phones smarter?


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10 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

Not being Smart we have Apple  i cant have a Brain at all,because nearly everyone i meet takes great delight in telling me theirs can light Campfires and only cost 6K.....

The latest apple phone X cost US$1,000. Reckon you'd have to be a bit desperate to pay that.


In answer to the OP, NO. Smartphones make people less smart.

There is very little research on the subject, but google JEAN TWENGE. She has done research on it.

I saw her on tv about it just this morning. How coincidental is that?



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10 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Truth is that Westerners in Thailand who don't use a smart phone are invariably on a death spiral into senility. And/or cheap.

Given that probably most expat westerners are old, that would be a reasonable statement. Many, if not most humans that live long enough become senile.

Also probably true would be that we have no need of or desire to own a smart phone.

However, to equate not owning a so called smart phone with senility, is, IMO barking.

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1 hour ago, amvet said:

I asked my AC technician to diagnose the problem with my unit and he took out his smartphone and communicated with the computer brain in my AC unit and had the answer and part in a minute.  Efficient, accurate and economic.  Days of using a calculator is about the same technology as an abacus both outdated and obsolete.  The computer scans a bar code and does all calculation necessary while deleting the item from inventory and placing an order for the replacement all by cellphone.  Who uses a calculator?  

and when a sun flare wipes out every non military computer on the face of the planet, what then?

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The smart phone places information at our finger tips - In combination with our smart phones we are smarter. 


That said, in aggregate smart phones may have dumbed us down. In much the same way calculators made us worse at arithmetic, the calculator was there to do it for us. The smart phone is there so we don't need to remember or recall as much.


For any of us with a smart phone to access information on any subject at any time all we have to do is access our smart phone, we then have to filter the information, but nevertheless we have instant access to anything which has already been researched and made public. 


So, have smart phones made us less or more smart ?... they've certainly made us more efficient, does that mean more lazy? for some, perhaps as we have less need to work hard to remember things. 


We are however, far more exposed to much more information as its so readily accessible, we don't need to remember it but many of us will, but that depends on individual intelligence and how retentive our memories are. 


I can check any fact on a smart phone, at work I can look up any amount of journals and papers on my smart phone (or usually internet) - it is this ready accessibility to information which makes us smarter. 


We have to be smarter to get the best out of our smart devices... for others, they are deemed unnecessary.


IF we were to travel back 25 years to a time before the smart phone and widespread internet usage would we be smarter? knowing what we know now, would we know more about the world? would we know more about those around us? would we know more of politics and corruption?...  I believe knowing exactly what we know now certainly makes us more knowledgeable, but smarter? Perhaps, but in aggregate we do little with this wealth of information, I think we've also become more lazy. 



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Far be it for me to tell anyone how to live their lives, or what to spend their money on, but looking back on my life, every thing I ever did that I really enjoyed was done without the benefit or otherwise of a computer.

I do wobble on on the internet and use a computer for photos etc, but it's just filling in time between the good bits.


Anyway, I already answered the OP, so I'll make Ace of Pop happy and leave this thread for tonight. I have a really good book ( on paper ) to read.



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32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

IF we were to travel back 25 years to a time before the smart phone and widespread internet usage would we be smarter? knowing what we know now, would we know more about the world? would we know more about those around us? would we know more of politics and corruption?...  I believe knowing exactly what we know now certainly makes us more knowledgeable, but smarter? Perhaps, but in aggregate we do little with this wealth of information, I think we've also become more lazy. 



Richard, these days we have access to infinite amounts of information, some of which was inaccessible before the age of the internet and search engines. Today we have the ability to find more information and therefore to learn more than ever before. This aspect is a wonderful addition to my life.


However one doesn't need a smart phone - or any phone - to have access to any of that information. One needs a computer. And with the greater speed and storage capacity, plus one or multiple large format screens for viewing, plus stronger means of adding security and privacy, the PC or laptop trounces any smart phone as the device of choice for those who want access to all that the internet has to offer.


A smartphone is basically a small computer added to a telephone. It is also a smart tracking device that allows anyone from your gik, spouse, government official, spy, advertising agency, et.al. to learn about where you are, where you have been and what you have been talking about.



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3 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Richard, these days we have access to infinite amounts of information, some of which was inaccessible before the age of the internet and search engines. Today we have the ability to find more information and therefore to learn more than ever before. This aspect is a wonderful addition to my life.


However one doesn't need a smart phone - or any phone - to have access to any of that information. One needs a computer. And with the greater speed and storage capacity, plus one or multiple large format screens for viewing, plus stronger means of adding security and privacy, the PC or laptop trounces any smart phone as the device of choice for those who want access to all that the internet has to offer.


A smartphone is basically a small computer added to a telephone. It is also a smart tracking device that allows anyone from your gik, spouse, government official, spy, advertising agency, et.al. to learn about where you are, where you have been and what you have been talking about.

In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer


With each passing season, another wave of mobile devices is released that's more capable and more powerful than the generation preceding it. We're at the point where anyone armed with a current model smartphone or tablet is able to handle almost all of their at-home—and even at-work—tasks without needing anything else.


Chipmaker ARM believes that with its new chips announced last week—a new Cortex-A72 processor and Mali-T880 GPU—we'll be able to count on our smartphones to do all the tasks we currently need a computer to do.


Reality is goodby computer hello smartphone.



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1 minute ago, amvet said:

In Less Than Two Years, a Smartphone Could Be Your Only Computer


With each passing season, another wave of mobile devices is released that's more capable and more powerful than the generation preceding it. We're at the point where anyone armed with a current model smartphone or tablet is able to handle almost all of their at-home—and even at-work—tasks without needing anything else.


Chipmaker ARM believes that with its new chips announced last week—a new Cortex-A72 processor and Mali-T880 GPU—we'll be able to count on our smartphones to do all the tasks we currently need a computer to do.


Reality is goodby computer hello smartphone.



So, you are a smart phone salesman. Nice try.

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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Far be it for me to tell anyone how to live their lives, or what to spend their money on, but looking back on my life, every thing I ever did that I really enjoyed was done without the benefit or otherwise of a computer.

I do wobble on on the internet and use a computer for photos etc, but it's just filling in time between the good bits.


Anyway, I already answered the OP, so I'll make Ace of Pop happy and leave this thread for tonight. I have a really good book ( on paper ) to read.

Oh?  1.  I love to ski.  My skis were designed by computer.  2.  I love to sail.  My sails were designed by computer and my boat tested by computer.  3.  I really like my GF and I met her on a computer.  4.  I'm alive because of computer assisted hospital equipment.  5.  I get paid because of computer assisted pension programs and banking systems.  6.  I got to Thailand on a plane that took off and landed and flew assisted by computers.  

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3 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

So, you are a smart phone salesman. Nice try.

Not me.  Everyone.  PC sales in 2016 were the lowest they’ve been in a decade.


As the smartphone has become more and more capable, the traditional PC has seen less and less room for growth.



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On September 13, 2560 BE at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

Many women in Thailand it has been my experience will not give a second look to a fellow who does not posses an up to date smart phone.

If you can hold an intelligent and interesting conversation in their language, I don't think you will find that anyone will ask what kind of phone you have... personality over sim cards and apps... though I imagine you might find that old fashioned... 

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20 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

However one doesn't need a smart phone - or any phone - to have access to any of that information. One needs a computer. And with the greater speed and storage capacity, plus one or multiple large format screens for viewing, plus stronger means of adding security and privacy, the PC or laptop trounces any smart phone as the device of choice for those who want access to all that the internet has to offer.

Interesting conversation - - and I agree. I have a Mac w/a 27 inch screen and it is great for watching movies and sports... and really anything that I need a computer for - - but, as a retired guy, I do not feel a need to be connected when out of the house. I don't need the distraction. If I go out to the waterfalls, I want to enjoy the waterfalls and natural environment. If I go to a restaurant with friends, I want to enjoy their company, even if I go to the mall to do some shopping, I don't need to be buried in a telephone... that said, I do keep a kindle with me in case I want to read a book... and I keep a regular phone with me in case I am needed by family... I am just not into sending pictures of my poached eggs to all my friends... so, not sure why I might need a smart phone? 

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27 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Richard, these days we have access to infinite amounts of information, some of which was inaccessible before the age of the internet and search engines. Today we have the ability to find more information and therefore to learn more than ever before. This aspect is a wonderful addition to my life.


However one doesn't need a smart phone - or any phone - to have access to any of that information. One needs a computer. And with the greater speed and storage capacity, plus one or multiple large format screens for viewing, plus stronger means of adding security and privacy, the PC or laptop trounces any smart phone as the device of choice for those who want access to all that the internet has to offer.


A smartphone is basically a small computer added to a telephone. It is also a smart tracking device that allows anyone from your gik, spouse, government official, spy, advertising agency, et.al. to learn about where you are, where you have been and what you have been talking about.




And the smart phone makes ALL of the above more readily accessible... instantaneous information...  unless of course we are carrying our computers around with us. 



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7 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

If you can hold an intelligent and interesting conversation in their language, I don't think you will find that anyone will ask what kind of phone you have... personality over sim cards and apps... though I imagine you might find that old fashioned... 

I find Thai women more materialistic than their overweight and under attractive Western sisters.  For example when I asked my Western wife to marry me she replied. " yes."  When I asked my Thai wife to marry me she said, "where's the ring."  The phone is just a part of the whole package. 

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2 minutes ago, amvet said:

I find Thai women more materialistic than their overweight and under attractive Western sisters.  For example when I asked my Western wife to marry me she replied. " yes."  When I asked my Thai wife to marry me she said, "where's the ring."  The phone is just a part of the whole package. 

If I can remember that far back, it was more a matter of what kind of car you drove... my package doesn't ring and beep with line messages, but sits relaxed in my pocket on silent mode... of course, I can still set it to vibrate... when needed. 

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5 minutes ago, amvet said:

I find Thai women more materialistic than their overweight and under attractive Western sisters.  For example when I asked my Western wife to marry me she replied. " yes."  When I asked my Thai wife to marry me she said, "where's the ring."  The phone is just a part of the whole package. 


Objectifying women by their weight and looks..... Who's materialistic ?  


And this singular experience examples not one, but two whole nationalities - Brilliant !


BTW: Did you go out and get a ring after she answered yes or did you have one already ?

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On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

Derelicts, homeless people and subsistence farmers don't use smart phones.

Perhaps they have more pressing matters to address than taking photos of themselves, their cats or what they are eating.


On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

One has to be more intelligent to purchase the right smartphone and download the most appropriate applications to make it function at peak efficiency over a typical land line.

Who uses a mobile with a landline?


On September 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM, amvet said:

Many women in Thailand it has been my experience will not give a second look to a fellow who does not posses an up to date smart phone.  (paid companions excepted)


If superficial women such as you describe are what one desires, I suppose that's what they'll have to deal with...


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given that probably most expat westerners are old, that would be a reasonable statement. Many, if not most humans that live long enough become senile.

Also probably true would be that we have no need of or desire to own a smart phone.

However, to equate not owning a so called smart phone with senility, is, IMO barking.

I (and others) have been round the houses knocking down every single argument against using a smartphone, but still, at the end, the dumb users dig in their heels. Right at the finish they say 'I don't want to talk about it any more'. And then you can see it. The abject fear in their eyes at the thought of learning something new. Even when someone offers to show them and demonstrate what's possible, their eyes glaze over, they push back in the chair and they are not coming out......

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39 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

Interesting conversation - - and I agree. I have a Mac w/a 27 inch screen and it is great for watching movies and sports... and really anything that I need a computer for - - but, as a retired guy, I do not feel a need to be connected when out of the house. I don't need the distraction. If I go out to the waterfalls, I want to enjoy the waterfalls and natural environment. If I go to a restaurant with friends, I want to enjoy their company, even if I go to the mall to do some shopping, I don't need to be buried in a telephone... that said, I do keep a kindle with me in case I want to read a book... and I keep a regular phone with me in case I am needed by family... I am just not into sending pictures of my poached eggs to all my friends... so, not sure why I might need a smart phone? 

Directions when driving.  Immigration records and Visa information (I don't carry my passport).  Medical records in case of emergency and you can't talk. Shopping information of a technical nature (I bought a new graphics card to handle VR and needed to know if it would fit in my computer).  Weather information. 

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35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Objectifying women by their weight and looks..... Who's materialistic ?  


And this singular experience examples not one, but two whole nationalities - Brilliant !


BTW: Did you go out and get a ring after she answered yes or did you have one already ?

https://obesity.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=006032  America 33% Thailand 8%

Obesity is not really my objectifying as much as a good description of national character. 


I went out and bought a ring because as you know Thai custom does not require one wear a wedding ring. 

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19 minutes ago, iReason said:

Perhaps they have more pressing matters to address than taking photos of themselves, their cats or what they are eating.


Who uses a mobile with a landline?



If superficial women such as you describe are what one desires, I suppose that's what they'll have to deal with...


I've never found an attractive woman who was not materialistic.  They don't call them trophy wives for nothing.  Jackie O or Mrs Trump sisters under the skin.


I have a land line at home and a number of mobile phones why would you find that odd?

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Just now, amvet said:

I've never found an attractive woman who was not materialistic.  They don't call them trophy wives for nothing.  Jackie O or Mrs Trump sisters under the skin.


But I've dated several gorgeous women that were much richer than me...


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6 minutes ago, amvet said:

Directions when driving.  Immigration records and Visa information (I don't carry my passport).  Medical records in case of emergency and you can't talk. Shopping information of a technical nature (I bought a new graphics card to handle VR and needed to know if it would fit in my computer).  Weather information. 

Directions when driving? On my car's GPS and I can talk to it without needing to fumble with a little phone and see it clearly from my driving position on a bigger screen.


IMM and visa Info? In my glove box, always and a small photocopy always in my wallet.


Med records? I keep alot of vital med and personal info on a card in the plastic window of my wallet marked "In Case Of Emergency" and the same card in Thai and English. This is far more useful in an emergency situation because anyone finding me unconscious is bound to look in my wallet (!) and can find and read everything quickly, whereas many smart phones cannot be accessed without a password and the data that is needed quickly may not be easy to find on the phone anyway.


Shopping info? I do my research on my PC before going shopping and if in doubt read the labels on the product or ask the sales staff.


Weather? Not being glued to a smartphone screen makes it possible to look up in the sky once in a while as you are walking around!! And for long term reports I check online before leaving home.



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17 minutes ago, amvet said:

I've never found an attractive woman who was not materialistic. 

They don't call them trophy wives for nothing. Jackie O or Mrs Trump sisters under the skin.


Don't give up the search. :thumbsup:

Unless, as I stated before, if that is what you desire. A "trophy wife"...

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2 minutes ago, Antonymous said:

Directions when driving? On my car's GPS and I can talk to it without needing to fumble with a little phone and see it clearly from my driving position on a bigger screen.


IMM and visa Info? In my glove box, always and a small photocopy always in my wallet.


Med records? I keep alot of vital med and personal info on a card in the plastic window of my wallet marked "In Case Of Emergency" and the same card in Thai and English. This is far more useful in an emergency situation because anyone finding me unconscious is bound to look in my wallet (!) and can find and read everything quickly, whereas many smart phones cannot be accessed without a password and the data that is needed quickly may not be easy to find on the phone anyway.


Shopping info? I do my research on my PC before going shopping and if in doubt read the labels on the product or ask the sales staff.


Weather? Not being glued to a smartphone screen makes it possible to look up in the sky once in a while as you are walking around!! And for long term reports I check online before leaving home.

1.  You might not be in your own car.

2.  My complete med records and where to send complicated payment requests (VA insurance are quite a bit more than can be carried in my wallet). 

3.  My smartphone stays open as long as it is near me.

4.  When looking for products substitutions or better alternatives may be available at the store than was known at home and for technical issues a photo is worth a thousand words especially when speaking Thai.

5.  My phone gives me weather reports by voice.  I don't have to look at the screen.  Rain or wind may not be obvious an hour before it strikes.

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