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Panthongtae Shinawatra faces legal action


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1 hour ago, maeab101 said:

It was a small amount of money. Also he returned it. Why are they trying to make a example of him? Because of his name? looks like a witch hunt!

A small amount... really?  Small, perhaps in comparison to the sums they are accustomed to pocketing through their invariably corrupt schemes.  I suspect that the average Thai citizen wouldn't consider Bt 10mil such a "tiny" amount if it just appeared one day in their bank account.  


Just more proof of the boundless arrogance, the utter disregard for any rules that stand in their way, the absence of honesty which poisons every statement issued, every action taken, every devious scheme conceived by this toxic clan.


So he returned the dirty money, did he?  Did that happen immediately upon receiving it because he knew it was improper, or was it only after the transaction came to light and legal consequences actually became a possibility, however unlikely?


A witch hunt, is it?  I reckon Daddy was taking a page from the Trump playbook when he gave Oak the talking points.  Every investigation into their activities must be a witch hunt because even though they are beyond reproach and can do no wrong, the legal system is biased and out to get them.  And why aren't they investigating Hillary?





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24 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Regarding the Bt10-million cheque, he said the amount was “tiny”, representing only a 0.1 per cent of the entire amount at issue, and that he had already returned the money


Just an analogy here -- In most places I know, if you rob a bank or receive 10 million baht of the stolen money, get caught, and then agree to return the stolen money, that doesn't somehow erase your legal liabilities.


Especially if your family was involved in orchestrating the theft....


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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1 hour ago, Hogs said:

Did you read the previous article where the investigation team refused to file the charge as they had found ZERO evidence that supported the charge but they are going to file it anyway.

That sure sound a little dodgy to me no evidence but lets charge him anyway 

One DSI officer said there was no evidence, and we can only speculate why, or his price. OTOH the defendant doesn't deny he received funds obtained by fraud. How is that NOT evidence?

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Good to see the reconciliation carrying on nicely then, these guys are digging such big holes for themselves when they finally do get kicked out, still no doubt like all the others before them they'll have lined their pockets sufficiently for a comfortable exile..... 

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

 If they can't get the father or the aunt, so they go after

the boy, let's shake the tree they say, and see what will fall out....


However, the trick is not only to charge people with wrong doing,

but rathar to make it stick and without the case taking

years and years to go through the courts as many accuesd

here in this country are known to do.... 

Yeah, it kind o' slows things down when they go running off to Dubai, doesn't it?   Somebody should tell them.


And so Scourge of the Nation, Vol III begins...



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5 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

was he an innocent recipient 

or did he actively solicit the money

mens rea

and actus reus are required

Yes he is innocent and a good boy. He only used yaba a few times. His father put a stop to his drug use. By killing 3000 of his dealers.

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55 minutes ago, Media1 said:


YOU win liar of the century award. You will never forget about that family. You never had and never will have the same skill sets. 

This is another extortion operation. I laugh at your incompetent regime. You can't even fix the roads useless

The roads here are better then the U.S.

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11 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

Yes he is innocent and a good boy. He only used yaba a few times. His father put a stop to his drug use. By killing 3000 of his dealers.

Stop trying to put Thaksin, In the same boat. As the red bull policeman killer. He never killed anyone!

Edited by ovi1kanobi
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27 minutes ago, nausea said:

These displays of selective justice are doing more harm than good, methinks


Let's face it, if they tried to prosecute every instance of malfeasance among Thai politicians, the court system would collapse under the caseload.  They have to choose which ones are, for whatever reason, worth pursuing.  


Every politician knows very well that if their party is no longer in power, as a consequence they may be more likely to face justice for misdeeds committed while in office.  This is why traditionally there is some degree of honor among thieves in the pig wallow of Thai politics.  It is understood that the flood of monies which flows in from corruption at all levels needs to be distributed even to those outside your immediate clique, lest the day come when your party is out of power and favors are called in.


In his supreme arrogance, the boss believed his plan to consolidate political power and never relinquish it was too brilliant to fail, therefore he and those within his ruling clique wouldn't ever be held accountable.  Amnesty plans passed in the middle of the night come to mind.


If he had ever shown just an iota of humility, a tiny bit less greed, if he could have been even slightly conciliatory towards his adversaries....who knows?  Maybe, just maybe he and his clique would not now be the "victims" of such selective prosecution.  


What goes around, comes around.

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1 hour ago, Media1 said:


YOU win liar of the century award. You will never forget about that family. You never had and never will have the same skill sets. 

This is another extortion operation. I laugh at your incompetent regime. You can't even fix the roads useless

Mau mai??:passifier:

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He will be gone before they can arrest him. They are just trying to push them all out of Thailand 1 by 1. Obviously the whole family are corrupt and they do need to pay for their crimes but they aren't. They all will get pulled into a court case and then do a runner with pretty much all their dirty money and at the cost of the tax paying Thai people. A complete sham from start to finish.

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23 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

Yes he is innocent and a good boy. He only used yaba a few times. His father put a stop to his drug use. By killing 3000 of his dealers.



A good boy, meaning he hasn't killed anyone by losing control driving a Ferrari while out of his mind on drink and drugs.


In some families, that is enough to make you a good boy.

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4 minutes ago, jing jing said:



A good boy, meaning he hasn't killed anyone by losing control driving a Ferrari while out of his mind on drink and drugs.


In some families, that is enough to make you a good boy.

Lets hit him with article 44 That willl teach him a lesson!

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7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I truly have no idea if he is innocent or guilty.


But, the timing seems to be directly related to Yingluck doing her runner.


Anyone dispute that?


Don't know. But it says a lot that he's already given the money back! Now why would he do that? (Didn't Daddy try the same trick once too?).


How long has this case been going on? Sometime if someone from the DSI has been moved for feet dragging. (A former Tarit man by any chance/).


No doubt his auntie doing a runner, joining his dad who did one, has turned up the heat on his case a bit more. But will they put him on remand, impose a big bail, or hold his passport, well the Thai one anyway? Let's see.

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24 minutes ago, khounteen said:

I am waiting for the junta to charge them for using the Shinawatra surname.


But you don' seem to mind that name meaning a slice of some corrupt pie coming their way.


This is an old case, a serious fraud and his runaway daddy is a major defendant, but legged it before he could appear in court.



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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

 If they can't get the father or the aunt, so they go after

the boy, let's shake the tree they say, and see what will fall out....


However, the trick is not only to charge people with wrong doing,

but rathar to make it stick and without the case taking

years and years to go through the courts as many accuesd

here in this country are known to do.... 

I think the top brass just want all the Shinawatra's to skip the country and then they will redact their names from all the history books.

Edited by Basil B
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8 hours ago, inThailand said:

Runner number 3 in the making? 

Runner 4 you mean? Thaksin took his wife with him originally, and was sentenced to 2 years in her absence, as I recall.  She divorced him and returned and never did a day in jail. Or did she? I can't find no info.

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1 hour ago, ovi1kanobi said:

Stop trying to put Thaksin, In the same boat. As the red bull policeman killer. He never killed anyone!

In February 2003, the Thai government, under then Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, launched a 'war on drugs', purportedly aimed at the suppression of drug trafficking and the prevention of drug use. In fact, a major outcome of this policy was arbitrary killings. In the first three months of the campaign there were some 2800 extrajudicial killings. In 2007, an official investigation found that more than half of those killed had no connection whatsoever to drugs.1 Apart from the thousands who lost their lives, thousands more were forced into coercive "treatment" for drug addiction.2  


That took about 3 seconds on google, next time you're going to say something false, don't.

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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

was he an innocent recipient 

or did he actively solicit the money

mens rea

and actus reus are required

Why would he have to "actively solicit the money"?  His father was actively involved in the KTB fraud and only remains unconvicted because of his absence. If he decided to disperse some of his share of the proceeds to his son and wife, how is that not money laundering, which is the charge?

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26 minutes ago, halloween said:

Why would he have to "actively solicit the money"?  His father was actively involved in the KTB fraud and only remains unconvicted because of his absence. If he decided to disperse some of his share of the proceeds to his son and wife, how is that not money laundering, which is the charge?

there needs to be evidence of criminality

not your say so!

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6 hours ago, halloween said:

His father was actively involved in the KTB fraud and only remains unconvicted because of his absence.

He and his wife received jail sentences. See post #55


Thailand's former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was today sentenced to two years' imprisonment in absentia over a corrupt land deal.


So he is has been convicted. Except they allowed him to do a runner before telling him and his missus.


Edited by sinbin
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