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Defence Ministry rejects rumours that Prawit held meeting with Thaksin in London


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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I believe there was a military weapons fair,so was there looking to

buy more useless toys,that Thailand desperately needs.

regards Worgeordie

Correct and this was a quote from one of the local protests groups ;

"During last week's Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) fair, Mr Smith said it was "shameful that the government is welcoming despots and dictatorships to the UK to buy weapons".

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I feel sorry for that reporter who got the sack for missing the point . . . she said she was distracted by Prawit's curly left eyebrow and silver nasal whisker whenever she tried to look him in the eye. She has a point . . . I defy anyone to look this geyser in the eye without breaking down in hysterics.




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'NEW EXCISE taxes have affected prices across industries ranging from beverages to cars, with the new tax regime causing higher prices for some items but lower prices for others.The Excise Department ex-|pects to collect additional tax |revenue of Bt12 billion from the changes."


"The junta has been on a shopping spree in recent months, purchasing submarines, tanks, missiles, training jets and armored personnel carriers. Departing Tuesday, Prawit’s trip to the United Kingdom was seen as likely to yield another weapons buy."


I wondered where the money was coming from?:cheesy:

Edited by sambum
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10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


What was Prawit doing in London and why did he need a "big group of officials"?


What was accomplished with the "big group of officials"?


Who made up the "big group of officials"?


Who paid and how much did they pay for the "big group of official"?


These are more interesting questions than whether he met Thaksin.


Prob sightseeing trip The weather in London has been great

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8 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I suspect it was the same "big group of officials" (38 delegates) who accompanied him on his "working" holiday jaunt to Hawaii last year. That trip cost 20.9 million baht.



A big group of officials and their families, mia nois etc no doubt. How much did they claim in VAT rebates when they left Heathrow, I wonder.

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He probably didn't meet Thaksin as this rumour seems to be mere speculation based on the fact that Thaksin's daughter posted that she met her father in London at the same time.  However, his denials carry no weight since the man has close to zero credibility.  

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'... Prawit was meeting with Britain’s defence minister and foreign deputy minister there.'


One source had that as Mark Field, in which case, and loath to (to quote an apposite adage) p___s on Prawit's parade, but he is neither of those, nor the Foreign Secretary ... he's a common o' garden minister of state, and for the Foreign and Commonwealth  office 

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Defence Ministry rejects rumours that Prawit held meeting with Thaksin in London


12 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

He had a few Red Bulls with a young fella?


Yes Boss . . . anything you say, Boss. Which room did you say YL was in? Just wait till I get my greasy hands on her.



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On 9/17/2017 at 5:27 PM, Dogmatix said:

The UK's cooperation with Thailand over the cover up over the murders of its nationals in Koh Samui is finally paying off, as joint exercises with the British military will surely be followed by some lucrative arms deals.  I am sure that most British taxpayers will gladly concur their government, police and courts that it was entirely "in the public interest" to assist with the frame up by Thai police.   After all what is the brutal death of a couple of backpackers compared to lots of lovely lolly?  There are plenty more backpackers.    

While I realize you and others have a Koh Tao-centric view of all relations between UK and Thailand, the prospective purchase of miltary hardware from UK could also be the a snub-in-kind to the US who has repeatedly stated its displeasure with the military coup government and has curtailed joint military exercises.


" Washington had condemned the coup and urged the Thai military to restore civilian rule as well as respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Many senior U.S. officials warned at the time that U.S.-Thailand relations could not return to normalcy unless full democracy was restored." ...

"Meanwhile, Washington cut the amount of military and security aid to Thailand. The Cobra Gold military exercises were reduced in scale and restricted in scope by excluding the amphibious landing component and focusing on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations."






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