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Tobacco giant criticises new tax; border controls tightened to prevent smuggling


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10 minutes ago, blackcab said:

@George FmplesdaCosteedback


The Liquor Act BE 2493.


Section 13: You cannot make alcohol outside of a licensed factory without permission from the Director-General of the Excise Department.


Section 25: You cannot possess alcohol unless you are licensed or you purchased it from a licensed individual.

Thanks, 67 years that's been the law.


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56 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

...I've seen stuff in the press and elsewhere that suggests something like that but is all about people trying to make enough "Craft " beer to retail it.


...If you need a licence to make beer for your own consumption how much is it?


There are two types of license. The sort of license a brewpub has, which covers sales on the premises only. You must brew between one hundred thousand and one million litres annually to qualify.


There was an idea floating around that one person could get such a license then individual craft brewers could all operate under this "umbrella". So far nobody has been brave enough to put up the cash to do it.


For a license that allows you to sell off the premises in bottles/cans, etc you need to be able to brew a minimum of ten million litres per year.


For either license you need a fully paid up 10 million baht company majority owned by Thai people, a factory license or an exemption, FDA approval, excise approval, the possibility of a bonded store, the probability of a very large cash deposit being required by the Excise Department and it goes on and on and on.


The actual cost of the license should you qualify? Under 2,000 baht per year the last time I checked.

Edited by blackcab
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9 minutes ago, blackcab said:

@George FmplesdaCosteedback


The Liquor Act BE 2493.


Section 13: You cannot make alcohol outside of a licensed factory without permission from the Director-General of the Excise Department.


Section 25: You cannot possess alcohol unless you are licensed or you purchased it from a licensed individual.

Way too technical. That is not how things work anyplace. In the US we called this graft 'Blue Laws'. The supposedly 'Vice Taxes' are simply taxes favoring revenue gaps or trade restriction by connected licensing laws. Practically, so what, screw the tourist, 'Let's have another'. That's the way it is, the way it's been. So drink and smoke to your budget, and 'So it Goes".

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23 minutes ago, blackcab said:


There are two types of license. The sort of license a brewpub has, which covers sales on the premises only. You must brew between one hundred thousand and one million litres annually to qualify.


There was an idea floating around that one person could get such a license then individual craft brewers could all operate under this "umbrella". So far nobody has been brave enough to put up the cash to do it.


For a license that allows you to sell off the premises in bottles/cans, etc you need to be able to brew a minimum of ten million litres per year.


For either license you need a fully paid up 10 million baht company majority owned by Thai people, a factory license or an exemption, FDA approval, excise approval, the possibility of a bonded store, the probability of a very large cash deposit being required by the Excise Department and it goes on and on and on.


The actual cost of the license should you qualify? Under 2,000 baht per year the last time I checked.

Very interesting info.

So that might partly explain how ThaiBev stole the Carlsberg brewery way back when.

Same old story with the new taxes, hike tax on imported and keep the rich Thais rich.



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2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

Even if that were true, I doubt the lost sales and trials' defense lawyers were free, although the unintended advertising may have been beneficial to sales.


PS: If one edits a post, even by removing as few as one word, I prefer that the editing be somehow indicated. In this case a simple "< snipped  BS verbiage >" would have been adequate.

Not sure who you're directing the 'edit' comment at.  On the very rare occasions I edit, I always put a reason.  It's usually to correct grammar or a spelling.  I don't think I've ever edited in order to remove anything.

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18 hours ago, jinners said:

Trying to outlaw? I know someone just got stung with a 20k fine for holding one. Cop wanted 30k, madness

20k for vaping?? If this is true, the government really doesn't want people to stop smoking....they just want the extra taxes!!

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17 hours ago, sitanonchai said:

And the killing of the tourist arrivals keeps going on, including us. We ( 3 pax)  used to visit Thailand twice a year for a month.

Our last holiday we spent in Tenerife, Spain. Beer 0.4 ltr 1 euro, food very cheap, for instance Chinese buffet 6.50 Euro , big club sandwich 2.90 Euro. 


Big English breakfast 3 euro, incl. 2 eggs of choice , coffee twice,  Orange juice, 2 slices of bread, beans, jam & butter, bacon, tomato and black pudding.


Hardly any people selling goods when your out drinking or dining. Clean beach, safe traffic etc. 


Bye bye Thailand.



Not all is "pink" in Thailand, BUT - can you really compare the Climate of the Canary Islands and Phuket in Winter

and the average air and sea water temperature ? :tongue:




Daily mean °C (°F)





Daily mean °C (°F) 28.1



Anyway - I not choose my destination by beer prices, Chinese buffets, Sandwiches or breakfast.:unsure:

By the way - I live in Thailand in the North East. :thumbsup:

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17 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Does 'The guy who owns the large local shop...' understand . . . . . . .  :whistling: His understanding seems rather strange.

Does he understand anything other than the greedy need to get as many bahts out of your pocket and into his? The OP will have to hope that normal market forces will hold sway over the customers using this guy's shop . . . as always.

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More fake news. Does anyone believe these polls or articles? These increases, especially on the wine, are inane beyond comprehension.


I do not really care about tobacco. Personally, I hate the stuff. But wine?


More unbelievably inane policy, from a government who's sheer incompetence boggles the imagination. Raise the taxes on wine, even more. They already have the highest wine taxes on the planet. 


What do incompetent politicians do, when they have a massive shortfall in revenue, and they have utterly drained the coffers, on really, really bad policy decisions? They raise taxes. It is the least creative thing any politician can do. It is also usually the least intelligent decision. Who expects any more from the little guy, and his band of nincompoops? 


There are countless things the government could be doing, if they wanted to attract the high quality tourists. The very first thing would be to repeal the anti fareng wine bill, that was passed by a few very corrupt senators way back when, to protect an anemic, fabulously low quality local wine industry. They are losing billions of dollars a year in revenue, that would be had from a 100% wine duty, instead of 460%. The five star hotels would have major wine events, and the entire industry would flourish here. But again, the lack of vision, combined with a naive, surly, silly, churlish, and ignorant sense of nationalism, bites the country in the butt. And again, who is the loser? The Thai people. 


Wine taxes should be lowered significantly. Import duties should be lowered to 70-100%. It would boost revenue. There are many Thais that are doing well, and love good wine. But, they are discouraged from drinking it, as the quality to price ration does not make any sense, for those of us who love good wine. If creative policy was implemented, not as many would cheat on the invoicing, and the wine industry would be encouraged to expand and thrive. As a result, the government would collect additional billions. But, that would require some vision, and progressive thinking. Something this administration does not possess. 


It is a real shame, as I find most Thai people to be quite lovely, friendly, warm, helpful and fun to be around. I am sure many feel the same way. But, unfortunately they are cursed with a government that is incompetent, myopic, non-visionary, indifferent, and reckless beyond imagination.


Little P. and the TAT. Leading Thailand backwards at an astonishing and alarming pace.

Edited by spidermike007
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37 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


But, unfortunately they are cursed with a government that is incompetent, myopic, non-visionary, indifferent, and reckless beyond imagination.


You can say that about most Thai Governments in the Thaksin area  :smile:


The Thais chose their own Government not wiser, in my opinion when the could.:wink:


As we have a saying - "Only the stupidest calves choose their own butcher."



In your opinion they should choose maybe a BORIS JELZIN kind of Prime Minister, fond of drinking himself  - lol :tongue:




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21 hours ago, tryasimight said:

Is it safe to assume that this will be your last post on this forum? Or will you become one of the knockers of all things Thai who doesn't either live or visit the Kingdom.


There must be a Spanish site you can post on..........

Yes it's safe to assume that Thailand is the past for me but this has nothing to do with post on this forum and may I wish you a very pleasant stay in the Thai garbage belt.

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22 hours ago, HHTel said:

Not this one they didn't!

Did I wrote they choose this Government?  -


I meant


The Thais choose their Governments not wise if they vote either,

at least since they chose Thaksin

and all his follow up Prime Ministers of his Party and his sister!  :tongue:

Edited by ALFREDO
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On 18/09/2017 at 4:21 PM, ukrules said:

The guy who owns the large local shop around here told us today that there will be no price increase on LM and Marlboro cigarettes.


I'm now wondering if this was already priced in during the previous '5 Baht a packet price increase' when the price inexplicably jumped from 95 to 125 Baht per packet.


I noticed that Marlboro Red are still 125 Baht in 7/11 today. That's the  same price since the 30 Baht price rise the last time they did this.

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Huge cache of smuggled cigarettes and liquors seized in Hat Yai

A combined force of customs officials, police and soldiers seized more than 10 million baht worth of smuggled alcoholic drinks, and cigarettes in raids at four places in Hat Yai yesterday.

The raid followed growing concern by authorities that more cigarettes and alcoholic drinks will be smuggled into the country from across the border to exploit the new excise tax law which sees higher prices of the two goods.




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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/19/2017 at 8:05 AM, newatthis said:

20k for vaping?? If this is true, the government really doesn't want people to stop smoking....they just want the extra taxes!!

In Jomtein, on a Friday so the underlying threat of being held in a cell over the weekend was sufficient. Disgrace really.

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