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Anyone Got Set Of Board Game .and Cards Games

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Anyone out there have board game .

and is bored and wanna kill some time .

would love to gang up a groupy to play some of this classic game i had when i was young .

maybe some cards game also On forum we say is UNO ok you know the rule .. if not there sure know we playing yuo know what whahha a..

anyway . serious i miss MONOPOLY so much .


I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

is that the real monopoly ? licensed product and thai version? if so, where did you buy it at?


Whahah Hi end would be the Nimen area , or river side .

whahh a too bad chiangmai no CBD . airport plaza . hm.. that and good idea .. whaha

you might get Monopoly in bangkok but not seen any in chiangmai yet ,.

dying to play it man ..

anyone have a set and let play some monopoly

my hand is itchy .

I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

Where did you buy it ThaiPauly??

Sounds a crack!!


Board games = SOooooo 20th century!


I love monopoly too!


BTW: Just did a quick search (off topic I know) and there are tons of ONLINE monopoly games, but the official Hasbro site has an interesting "Here & Now: What would monopoly look like if it were invented today" page : Just for fun!

oh and some reading for you:


For sixty years, over 480 million players from around the globe have played this extraordinary game. But it takes more than just playing an occasional round to keep up on all the facts that surround the world’s most popular game.

Did you now that:

* Mr. Monopoly is the name of the MONOPOLY® man.

* George Parker issued a memo in 1936 that was to halt the productions of the MONOPOLY® game. He later withdrew the instruction and the rest is history!

* Parker Brothers rejected the MONOPOLY® game when it was first presented to them in 1933, citing 52 fundamental playing flaws.

* Over 5,120,000,000 little green houses have been “constructed” since the MONOPOLY® game was introduced in 1935.

* World records are maintained for the longest game in a treehouse (286) hours, underground (100 hours), in a bathtub (99 hours) and upside-down (36 hours).

* The longest MONOPOLY® game ever played was 1,680 hours long. That is 70 straight days!

* Escape maps, compasses and files were inserted into MONOPOLY® game boards smuggled into POW camps inside Germany during World War II. Real money for escapees was slipped into the packs of MONOPOLY® money.

* In Cuba, the game had a strong following until Fidel Castro took power and ordered all known sets destroyed.

* Over 250 million sets of the MONOPOLY® game have been sold worldwide.

* The total amount of money in a standard MONOPOLY® game is $15,140.

hasbro parker brothers monopoly board game games downloads

* The MONOPOLY® game is published in 27 languages, including Croatian and licensed in more than 81 countries. Thai edition of Monopoly is the newest edition, introduced at the Toys R Us store in Bangkok, in December 2005.

* In the 1970’s, a Braille edition of the MONOPOLY® game was created for the visually impaired.

* Parker Brothers once sent an armored car with one million dollars of the MONOPOLY® game money to a marathon game in Pittsburgh that had run out of funds.

* In 1972, the Atlantic City Commissioner of Public Works threatened to change the names of the real Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues, but public outcry vetoed the bill.

* At the 1959 American National Exhibition in Moscow, all six sets of the MONOPOLY® game that were on display mysteriously disappeared.

* Over 20 tokens have been cast since the MONOPOLY® game was introduced in 1935 such as the horse, dog, car, elephant, purse and lantern.

* A set made by Alfred Dunhill, that included gold and silver houses and hotels, sold for $25,000.

* In 1978, the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog offered a chocolate version of the game priced at $600.

* The three most-landed-on properties are Illinois Avenue. “GO” and the B&O Railroad.

* The 1983 Italian National Champion, Emilio Maltoni, learned to play the MONOPOLY® game alone by taking on the role of five players.

* The character locked behind the bars is called Jake the Jailbird. Officer Edgar Mallory sent him to jail.

* When a player lands on an unowned property and decides not to buy it, the property goes to auction.

* There are 22 properties that can be built upon.


Let get our hand on one set .. and PLAY man ..

Now i really want to play this game i will go search if my SET is still with me

i ever got a delux set before .

AN player ?

Please show your interest in playng it and PM me or drop a line here.

so once we do get a SET we will be rolling .

set 4 hour game ..


i played monopoly on the playstation once , it takes even longer than when you play the board game or should that be bored game he he. anyway i ended up losing on purpose by bidding more for a property than i had in the bank and so iwent bankrupt ...excellent waste of 5 hours


The fun of Monopoly is when you can eye ball your player . and then when youyake their money you see the faces whhahahaa

only a meeting with such a game can spell fun .. PS game is boring .

and too fancy.. good old cash exchange and laugter is the best ..



Good News .. i think i found the DELUXE set of MONOPOLY .


ok now i got 3 player now ..

We have room for . 4-5 player and one banker ..

- gamer - PM me or show your intention here.


Monopoly is only fun .. when you have people playing seriously .

i meant . enjoying the game .. but at the same time .. trying to outwit other player ..


who wanna be the banker ..

TO make the game more interesting .. Banker charge interest %

if there is any loan . - player got to repay it . every time he pass "GO"

and when he go to Jail . his credit . is half . and he got to repay his loan . 1 turn earlier .


average loan if he did get any . is base on what he own . 25% on what he own . NET worth .

repayment time is 10 turn . ( meaning once player pass GO for 10 time . he got to pay back .

banker got alot ot keep track if we play the Loan version .

it can be alot of fun . whahaha and you get to go after debt . and take back houses ..

-Player will lose their land , house , hotel .. if there owe bank money whahah

of cos we can play the simple version ..

but before each game all rule will be stated . -

whhahahha bring your lawyer if you want whhahahaha

This is going to be so so fun :D


The best part of all this is THERE IS NO PRIZE .

we would had wasted 4-6 hour :D

perfect time killing :D

so who wanna be banker .

and won wanna be player ..

Let me know ok .

so far i got 3-4 player - need another 3-4 more .

all serious player welcome .

anyone have UNO please bring it too .

I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

Where did you buy it ThaiPauly??

Sounds a crack!!

It was good fun. However it belongs to one of my Sons who got it as a secret Santa present...I do not recall who from but it came from Bangkok...I would imagine that they would be available in Robinson's up here.

As far as the Chiang Mai edition would be concerned..on the Thai edition they do feature

CM Railway Station

Tha Pae Road

Khang Klan


Other notewarthy places are Hat Yai, Surat Thani Railway Station, Koh Samui, Silom, Sukhumvit are the top end areas in BK whilst Klong Toey and a few other places (Bang Na I think) are at the lower end.

It costs 5,000 Baht to get out of jail...although when I was playing I preffered to remain there :o

Surprisingly no Community Chest cards saying "You have been found guilty of corruption go staright to jail ,,do not pass go and do not collect 20.000 Baht" :D

Monopoly is only fun .. when you have people playing seriously .

i meant . enjoying the game .. but at the same time .. trying to outwit other player ..


who wanna be the banker ..

TO make the game more interesting .. Banker charge interest %

if there is any loan . - player got to repay it . every time he pass "GO"

and when he go to Jail . his credit . is half . and he got to repay his loan . 1 turn earlier .


average loan if he did get any . is base on what he own . 25% on what he own . NET worth .

repayment time is 10 turn . ( meaning once player pass GO for 10 time . he got to pay back .

banker got alot ot keep track if we play the Loan version .

it can be alot of fun . whahaha and you get to go after debt . and take back houses ..

-Player will lose their land , house , hotel .. if there owe bank money whahah

of cos we can play the simple version ..

but before each game all rule will be stated . -

whhahahha bring your lawyer if you want whhahahaha

This is going to be so so fun :D

Are the original rules not cutting edge for you Ta? :D


well . is to make the game more fun .. i am ok with anything ..

the Extra Loan rule to for the Banker .

cos in a game the player enjoy .. and the banker become a cashier .

so it can get boring .

by adding the loan rule . the banker get to play also . on on the side line as a debt collector .. loan sale , and also we can see if the bank make more money then the rest of us ..

as a result of it ..


you wanna join in one of our game when we start rolling >?


Not me.....however I really think that Monoploly has been sucessful enough as the Worlds biggest ever selling board game without messing about with the rules.

But thats up 2 you and whoever else is joining in your game

I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

Where did you buy it ThaiPauly??

Sounds a crack!!

It was good fun. However it belongs to one of my Sons who got it as a secret Santa present...I do not recall who from but it came from Bangkok...I would imagine that they would be available in Robinson's up here.

As far as the Chiang Mai edition would be concerned..on the Thai edition they do feature

CM Railway Station

Tha Pae Road

Khang Klan


Other notewarthy places are Hat Yai, Surat Thani Railway Station, Koh Samui, Silom, Sukhumvit are the top end areas in BK whilst Klong Toey and a few other places (Bang Na I think) are at the lower end.

It costs 5,000 Baht to get out of jail...although when I was playing I preffered to remain there :o

Surprisingly no Community Chest cards saying "You have been found guilty of corruption go staright to jail ,,do not pass go and do not collect 20.000 Baht" :D

######, they missed out loi kroh road :D

I played the Thai version of Monopoly over Christmas.

I owned Sukhumvit and Silom----with Hotels as well...but my Son Bankrupted me!!

My Wife has still not forgiven me for loosing her beloved Emporium !!!

A great time ..had not played it for years..even though I lost

Where did you buy it ThaiPauly??

Sounds a crack!!

It was good fun. However it belongs to one of my Sons who got it as a secret Santa present...I do not recall who from but it came from Bangkok...I would imagine that they would be available in Robinson's up here.

As far as the Chiang Mai edition would be concerned..on the Thai edition they do feature

CM Railway Station

Tha Pae Road

Khang Klan


Other notewarthy places are Hat Yai, Surat Thani Railway Station, Koh Samui, Silom, Sukhumvit are the top end areas in BK whilst Klong Toey and a few other places (Bang Na I think) are at the lower end.

It costs 5,000 Baht to get out of jail...although when I was playing I preffered to remain there :o

Surprisingly no Community Chest cards saying "You have been found guilty of corruption go staright to jail ,,do not pass go and do not collect 20.000 Baht" :D

######, they missed out loi kroh road :D

Yep...I could not understand that either :D

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