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Remote Car Key Jammers Suspected in Chiang Mai

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Remote Car Key Jammers Suspected in Chiang Mai

by CityNews




CityNews – Police are advising people to be aware of a possible car key remote jammer being used in Chiang Mai, recently discovered at the Tesco Lotus Hang Dong parking lot on September 18.


A driver reported to the police that he could not lock his Toyota with his remote car key on September 18 after which the police began an investigation in the parking lot.


Full Story: http://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/news/remote-car-key-jammers-suspected-in-chiang-mai/

-- © Copyright Chiang City News 2017-9-19

This story is overdone. Interference from automatic door openers. Seems pandemic with Tesco and even been happening at Tesco, in Highwoods, Colchester since 2013. 


This happened to myself on the afternoon of the 18th September, I was parked in the under store carpark of BigC Highway Branch Chiangmai, I was also parked as far from the automatic doors to the store as possible; on leaving my vehicle I pressed the lock everything and set the alarm button on the key fob unit there was no BEEP or flashing of the indicators, I repeated the action a few times with no success, my first though was it was a new vehicle fault; being a check, check and check again person I got back into my vehicle started it, let everything reset and repeated the process, it worked after that.


Be it the automatic doors at the store or remote key fob jammers . . . Check, check and check again !    


And now some car manufacturers are talking about using mobile phones to open/start vehicles!


"Convenience" is coming but at what cost, if something electronic goes wrong? :whistling:


There is a wonderful invention that has been around for years. You simply insert it into the hole in the door by the handle, and then.....turn it........:sorry:


1 hour ago, AhFarangJa said:

There is a wonderful invention that has been around for years. You simply insert it into the hole in the door by the handle, and then.....turn it........:sorry:


I agree , you get out of the car , insert key and twist , how much time and energy is saved by making the lights flash and getting a beep ? Saying that on my second trip here I parked at Heathrow in the daylight , came back a week later in the dark after many hours without sleep , had no idea where the Benz was but after a walk around the car park pressing the remote button the lights came up.

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