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North Korea's foreign minister calls Trump's U.N. address "sound of dog barking"

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1 hour ago, midas said:

I don't think it's around's the one that is " really nervous ". I think it's the common denominator one that is stirring up at all this trouble around the world:ph34r:

Russia?  China?

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10 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

First, it's not just America in this.  Any attack would involve several other countries.  Japan and South Korea at the least.


Second, if I was Iran, I'd be really nervous.  They've already had attacks on their nuclear sites.  Right???

" if I was Iran, I'd be really nervous "


it doesnt seem that way ....................................


In defiance to US, Iran unveils latest missile during parade



Iran's Revolutionary Guard on Friday unveiled its latest ballistic missile capable of reaching much of the Middle East, including Israel, while the country's president vowed that Tehran would press ahead with its missile program in defiance of U.S. demands to the contrary.



When do the Americans start packing and go home and take care of their own business? If those 26'000 or so soldiers are gone off the South Korean peninsula and Japan I - for one - am very sure that North Korea will tame its rhetorics as there is no reason to "bark" around (pun intended). 

Despite that Korean disaster 60 years ago the US had not learnt its lesson and went to get its fingers nicely burnt in Indochina; still licking those wounds too. 

It's time to put America into its rightful position as it has so much to offer to the rest of the planet and it is not only the USD 700 billions (an increase of USD 100 billion or 16%) over last year. 

North Korea is not crazy.mp4

9 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

When do the Americans start packing and go home and take care of their own business? If those 26'000 or so soldiers are gone off the South Korean peninsula and Japan I - for one - am very sure that North Korea will tame its rhetorics as there is no reason to "bark" around (pun intended). 

Despite that Korean disaster 60 years ago the US had not learnt its lesson and went to get its fingers nicely burnt in Indochina; still licking those wounds too. 

It's time to put America into its rightful position as it has so much to offer to the rest of the planet and it is not only the USD 700 billions (an increase of USD 100 billion or 16%) over last year. 

North Korea is not crazy.mp4

I guess they'd go home when South Korea tells them to.  Until then, they are in SK at the invitation of that government.  For good reasons.  Japan tends to like them in the area also.  Maybe if NK abided by the dozens of UN resolutions over the years, we wouldn't be where we are now?


It was a disaster 60 years ago.  Started by North Korea.  South Korea was saved by a coalition of forces organized by the UN.


Nice anti-American rant.  As normal.

On 2017-09-21 at 6:17 AM, dunroaming said:

Well they are both nuts! But let's not try to level any morality to either of them.  They are both completely lacking in any and I suppose in that there is a certain level of equivalence.  Also by their rants.  I would like nothing more than the removal of Kim and his buddies without an outright attack on the country.  But then again I would like nothing better than to see Trump impeached and also removed.



Really?   When was the last time Trump had any aides executed by anti-aircraft gun?  (Kim had his defence chief put to death by anti-aircraft cannon fire.... several of the anti-aircraft guns fastened together..  nothing much left for family to mop up and bury) When was the last time Trump had an ex girlfriend shot by firing squad ? Or had a top aid killed for disagreeing with him?   Kim runs a communist dictatorship and has no intention of ever letting his people be free, and no intention of ever stepping down from power. He's in there for life.   Trump wants to cut the size of government.... giving the American people more individual freedom.

Kim's Uncle Jang was executed by firing squad in December 2013 by Kim in a purge of officials and family. Jang Song Thaek's wife - Kim's aunt - was understandably displeased at the violent loss of her husband. Kim ordered her murder - by poisoning - after she complained about her 67-year-old husband’s death.

     Like ISIS...  Kim loves variety in execution methods, having used at various times... flamethrower execution, mortar shell execution,,,   and  pack of hungry starved dogs execution... machine gun...... and just your regular firing squad.


There is NO equivalency between Trump and that fat madman Kim jong Un.  You would have to be nuts yourself to make such a claim..

     Kim has had hundreds executed since coming to power...and was the first to make threats against South Korea, Japan, Guam and the U.S. mainland....     Trump is nothing like him and speaks only of retaliation if Kim carries out his threats...     

On 2017-09-22 at 1:04 AM, balo said:

They are both mad as a barking dog.  



         Nope!   Trump only threatens retaliation IF Kim carries out his threats.  Kim was the first to threaten to flatten a city using one of his new nukes...  

     Trump is just getting fed up with the threats and continued bigger and more powerful missiles and nukes in the power of a totally mad dictator that likes to execute his own family and ex girlfriends

    If there was some idiot building and collection more weapons....  murdering his own family members and threatening to murder me and my family.....  I'd be damn upset also and take some action.   I'd be crazy not to. .  

On 2017-09-22 at 12:32 AM, ilostmypassword said:

Massively and publicly lying.  Making empty threats. The public use of vile and violent language.

"Massively and publicly lying."    This is not about Hillary Clinton.  We all know she is guilty of that...  but that is for another discussion.

"Making empty threats."       Mind listing some please ?

"The public use of vile and violent language."      Such as.... in any case... it's refreshing to see a politician speak plainly...   I'm sure you have used some colorful words now and then also...      Is that all you have ?   

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