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Finally! Going Bkk To Work At Last!

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YESSSS!!!! I am finally going to Bangkok to work after waiting for a year for this opportunity!!! Will be working there for at least 5 years with a subsidiary company under Shin Corp on expat terms...

Would like some advices from all those here already working in BKK on what I should be expecting when I come relocate in June this year....

I'm currently working for one of the leading banks in Singapore and am a Singaporean Chinese...guess my HR dept will settle all my VISA and Work Permit documents for me (am I right?)...so what else do I need to do in terms of all immigration paperwork?

Also where I can go find an apartment???...my company will be paying for my rent but will only give s fixed amount every month...anything more, I have to top up..currently amount not known yet as I am still negotiating with HR...

Anyone know of any good and honest realty agents in BKK who I can touch base with? How much is a good condo near Rangsit or Phayatha area? Am looking for a place with 2 bedrooms (kitchen optional)....

As I am still undergoing negotiations with my HR...can anyone here advice me what is the "industry standard" expat monthly allowance in Thai Baht for relocation in BKK? How much is a fair and reasonable amt for the monthly allowance?

What else shld I expect in the expat package for relocation to BKK? Medical insurance ? Travel expenses? Air tickets home a year (how many times)? Income Tax payment (have opt to pay my home country's tax)?

Many thanks in advance!!!



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Try First Select for finding an apartment. They are quite honest and can find you an affordable place to live. www.firstselectthailand.com. Their office is right on Sukhumvit Rd. just up from the Queens Park.

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YESSSS!!!! I am finally going to Bangkok to work after waiting for a year for this opportunity!!! Will be working there for at least 5 years with a subsidiary company under Shin Corp on expat terms...

Would like some advices from all those here already working in BKK on what I should be expecting when I come relocate in June this year....

I'm currently working for one of the leading banks in Singapore and am a Singaporean Chinese...guess my HR dept will settle all my VISA and Work Permit documents for me (am I right?)...so what else do I need to do in terms of all immigration paperwork?

Also where I can go find an apartment???...my company will be paying for my rent but will only give s fixed amount every month...anything more, I have to top up..currently amount not known yet as I am still negotiating with HR...

Anyone know of any good and honest realty agents in BKK who I can touch base with? How much is a good condo near Rangsit or Phayatha area? Am looking for a place with 2 bedrooms (kitchen optional)....

As I am still undergoing negotiations with my HR...can anyone here advice me what is the "industry standard" expat monthly allowance in Thai Baht for relocation in BKK? How much is a fair and reasonable amt for the monthly allowance?

What else shld I expect in the expat package for relocation to BKK? Medical insurance ? Travel expenses? Air tickets home a year (how many times)? Income Tax payment (have opt to pay my home country's tax)?

Many thanks in advance!!!



Apts are everywhere. you can search right on this site for the. you can check Bangkok Post, The Nation and a host of other websites

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YESSSS!!!! I am finally going to Bangkok to work after waiting for a year for this opportunity!!! Will be working there for at least 5 years with a subsidiary company under Shin Corp on expat terms...


care to tell us briefly what your 1-year's effort is?

btw, apartments or flats in bbk is not cheap. As expensive as Singapore! The last I saw there are places going for 30,000bt a month fully-furnished and this is considered mid-range.

Personally, i don't like bbk. it's just another city like singapore. Very disorderly though.

btw, are you attached? if not, your next effort is to get a thai gf :-)

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Sawasdee Khup Khun acesalan....

I've been on this forum for almost a year and a half now...been enchanted with thailand for about 2-3 years now...had a thai gf before but she was from the massage occupation and I was almost financially ruined becoz of her...(the older members might remember me...)

Anyway...have not been disenchanted by this experience...just grew wiser and smarter with women in Thailand. Been in and out of thailand on short holiday trips to meet up with some local friends there while party-ing and networking.

Have mentioned by many before...finding a well=paid job in LOS is very very difficult....the only way is to network within your home country and find a opportunity to relocate. For me, my networking paid off and was recommended by a top management contact for this job after remembering me of wanting to relocate in LOS....the rest was history thereafter...That was how I got my break...

Anyway...I'm single and not married....still in my prime (30 years old) and keeping my options open...Thai girls or non-Thai girls...it doesn't matter as long as there's feelings between us...but I wouldn't mind being with a girl of Thai origin...:o

The only thing I will stay away from are girls from the sleaze trade...no more BGs, massage parlour gals or a-go-go gals...RAWAANG!!!

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YESSSS!!!! I am finally going to Bangkok to work after waiting for a year for this opportunity!!! Will be working there for at least 5 years with a subsidiary company under Shin Corp on expat terms...


care to tell us briefly what your 1-year's effort is?

btw, apartments or flats in bbk is not cheap. As expensive as Singapore! The last I saw there are places going for 30,000bt a month fully-furnished and this is considered mid-range.

Personally, i don't like bbk. it's just another city like singapore. Very disorderly though.

btw, are you attached? if not, your next effort is to get a thai gf :-)

If you look around, you can find a stdio apartment for about 12,000-15,000 baht

or a one room for 18,000-20,000; these are mid-Sukhumvit prices. Away from Sukhumvit and Silom are much cheaper. If your company is paying, go all out.

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Sawasdee Khup Khun acesalan....

The only thing I will stay away from are girls from the sleaze trade...no more BGs, massage parlour gals or a-go-go gals...RAWAANG!!!

oic, it's networking. Thanks for sharing. I would consider you very lucky. Living in Thailand while getting singapore's equivalent of salary.

Sorry to hear about your experience with your first Thai gf. Anyway, it's history. btw, you mean girls from traditional massage or from those sleazy massage palour? I have personally befriend some working in the traditional massage, and they are not those 'loose' type, very family oriented and have a stable family. I suppose every trade has its black sheep.

And while you are there, don't stay away from those girls you've mentioned lah. Who knows something fruitful might come out of it. Given a choice, those girls wouldn't want to be in those trades. I think they can give you good companionship, but love is another different story. For love, use your head to focus, not the one down south, and you should be on the right track.

I agree, you must keep your options open. Enjoy your stay and best wishes. See you around in this forum. Who knows one day we might meet up and exchange some pointers.

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A good freind of mine owns a 'massage parlour' in Samui and I hang out in the bar there a lot, with my (oz) girlfreind. Once the girls realise you are not on their target list they become great fun to talk to, and would probably surprise you with their level of intelligence. They can also be very good at helping you with local customs - you need to know things like how important the wrapping of a birthday present is if you are going to fit in with Thai culture. I regard them all as my freinds and would miss their company, I'm glad I gave them a chance.

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Hi Simey,

AI totally agree with you about how fabulous these girls can be as friends if they are not tagetting you as a "gold mine". I've also gotta know some ladies working in this trade and have become friends...they are great company when it comes to party-ing. The only thing is that they are too extravagant when it comes to splurging money since to them money is easily earned. They will drink and party often and spending money on the latest mobile phones, etc...indirectly since you will be with them, you spend as much too.

I've learned much about the Thai culture being in the company of these friends. They have shown me how the "Thais-in-the-street" lives and there is no veal of secrecy about their lifestyle. The veal will only come when it is about personal opinions. Thais do not like to express much personal opinions about things. They'd rather mind their own business then to comment about other people. If you are able to hear their heart-felt opinions, you are as good as being treated as a local. and not a foreigner.

Women are weird lot of species. They have what it takes to make you happy as well as sad if they choose to. They know what they have to make you go GAA-GAA over them. They know what they want and they get what they need.

Ever since Adam ate Eve's apple, we men will always be enslaved to women, especially Thai women.... :o

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Hi Simey,

Thais do not like to express much personal opinions about things. They'd rather mind their own business then to comment about other people.

Ever since Adam ate Eve's apple, we men will always be enslaved to women, especially Thai women.... :o

One thing about Thais is they simply do not want plan for the future and would rather worry about today than tomorrow. Hence, partly the cause for the way they view and spend money. Guess that's the most preferred lifestyle for most.

Agree, Thais would prefer to keep opinions about others (and things not concerning them) to themselves. My fiancee is guilty of that too. Everytime I ask her for opinion, she either gave little, or nothing. Guess, this is viewed as being polite. But when things concern her, she's always full of opinions. They are also the kind of ppl who prefers and respect privacy a lot.

But somehow, I disagree that they are less busybody. Once, my Goldwing broke down at Golden Triangle, and gues what, curious on-lookers started to crowd around me. One of them even started to fidget the bike's battery compartment as I was trying to troubleshoot the problem. They may be reserved in giving opinions, but certainly no less of a busybody.

But as we speak, let's beware of stereotyping before it got the better of us.

Just a correction - since Adam took Eve's apple, we men are enslaved to women, not just Thai women. :-)

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