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Weinstein on indefinite leave as company investigates allegations


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Isnt it amazing that all the old trouts are coming out of the woodwork now.  He did this, he did that, well why didnt you open your trap and say something sooner?  Therefore allegedly stopping it happening to others.   

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5 hours ago, Caps said:

Isnt it amazing that all the old trouts are coming out of the woodwork now.  He did this, he did that, well why didnt you open your trap and say something sooner?  Therefore allegedly stopping it happening to others.   

because he & others would ruin their career

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20 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


That is a shame because he is a genius who knows how to spot a winner script like nobody else. After this miramax is done.


I cant see whats the big deal if he used his position to pressure a few women into submission....it is a very normal thing that happens in corporate life....and this is showbiz, which is way more OTT version.


Another consequence of the ultra PC bs and saw culture that has pervaded our society.


Where a man sticks his dick is his own business....unless the recipient is unwilling. If he did that, that's his mistake.




Its called sexual harassment & assault

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59 minutes ago, coconuthead said:


Its called sexual harassment & assault

yes you're right....I hadn't read the charge sheet and heard the recording when i commented.


he's in some deep shit....but let me tell you, there are millions of men who do this and far worse.


he just happened to get caught.


still, shame because he has an eye for green lighting some great films.

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I find it a bit curious we have yet to hear any words on this matter from those clarions of moral probity Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, who were first off the mark when it came to excoriating Donald Trump for once making some ribald comments, while their friend and political ally was apparently masterbating in front of women job-seekers.

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59 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I find it a bit curious we have yet to hear any words on this matter from those clarions of moral probity Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, who were first off the mark when it came to excoriating Donald Trump for once making some ribald comments, while their friend and political ally was apparently masterbating in front of women job-seekers.


Yeah, Hillary, stay in/stay out of the spotlight and shut up/say something. And please do it while smiling/not smiling.


And if she did say anything: “who is Hillary to talk when her husband did the same thing!” Or “why is she making this all about her?”


And Why won’t Hillary stop raping women with Harvey Weinstein’s dick??

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When Roger Ailes was booted out of Fox for sexual harassment, what did Trump say? 


“You’re hired!”


Trump hired the sexual predator as an advisor. Probably to get advice on advanced sexual harassment techniques—who know, but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I find it a bit curious we have yet to hear any words on this matter from those clarions of moral probity Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, who were first off the mark when it came to excoriating Donald Trump for once making some ribald comments, while their friend and political ally was apparently masterbating in front of women job-seekers.

You will have to move away from your regular far right wing news, but both have commented:




It might be too difficult for you to bring yourself to opening such a site, but I am not up to the task of searching the web for you.   

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On 10/11/2017 at 9:20 AM, Credo said:

It seems that you want to play politics with this.   I am not sure why, since Weinstein is not a politician.   Of course, that won't stop you, so let's take a look at how YOUR President's situation was handled as opposed to Weinstein.   


Weinstein was removed from the country, very, very early once the allegations were made public.   His wife has since said she would leave him.   So basically, he is now a powerless person.   YOUR President on the other hand continued to deny, deflect, threaten and in other ways intimidate his accusers; and there are quite a few.


It's important that people like Weinstein and YOUR President be removed from power is because once they have no more power, their influence quickly wanes over accusers.   The accusers are at a distinct disadvantage as long as the predator remains in power.   


Once Weinstein was removed from HIS company, more victims came forward, some with serious allegations and others with information that go toward establishing a profile of how he operated with his victims.   In short, some of the information simply corroborates the more serious victims.


Why do they wait to come forward?   Because as long as Weinstein is in power, he has the ability to negatively affect the careers of many actresses.   He's out, and they are free to talk.


One the Pervert-in-Chief is out, I suspect the same thing will happen, except he probably has more serious legal problems to deal with first.   



"Weinstein was removed from the country..."  "Once Weinstein was removed from HIS company..."

He wasn't removed from the country, neither has he been removed from his company, he's on leave of absence.


"YOUR President on the other hand continued to deny, deflect, threaten and in other ways intimidate his accusers..."

Why shouldn't he have denied it if the allegations were false?  He never threatened nor intimidated any of those women who made initial accusations at a strangely  inconvenient time and then slunk away, never to repeat their allegations again.  There is no ongoing investigation into Mr Trump relating to those allegations neither was there ever any police or governmental investigation.

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On 10/11/2017 at 3:11 PM, mike324 said:

Who says the actions of this creep should be ignored? more and more politicians are coming out to condemn this sexual predator.


Trump is president, he needs to be held to a even higher standard compare to a businessmen. The fact that many of his fellow politicians and news anchors keep on insisting Trumps locker room talk and lies are acceptable is simply mind blowing. No legitimate president will have sexual harassment cases, and thousands of lawsuits against them. Perhaps if there are handful of cases, it would be understandable as there are always those gold diggers and opportunists.

Where do you get all this junk from? 


Donald Trump does not have any sexual predator cases against him, neither does he have thousands of lawsuits against him.


No politicians or news anchors ever insisted that his comments were "acceptable".



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On 10/11/2017 at 12:28 PM, OMGImInPattaya said:

Ah...the folly of youth...but he's repented his ways :)


You might also want to takemnote that our President was expressing VERBALLY his fantasies about women to a male friend whereas dozens of women are coming forward and reporting instances of serious verbal and physical intimidation and unwanted sexual contact by this Weinstein creap. I think the more appropriate comparison would be to that other Clinton...what's his name...oh yeah William Jefferson Clinton.


What I find galling about this whole incident, second only to this ugly turd using his position of power over women, is that those Hollywood types, democrat supporters, who used their high profiles to tip buckets of $hit on Trump, were victims of, or knew of the reputation of, this grub, and remained silent for decades.  I think it's called the hypocrisy of the left.


It was widely known, and it seems, accepted.  Seth McFarlane even joked about it at the Oscars a few years back.  You can see it here    http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-entertainment-news-updates-seth-macfarlane-reveals-truth-about-his-1507755303-htmlstory.html

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8 hours ago, Credo said:

You will have to move away from your regular far right wing news, but both have commented:




It might be too difficult for you to bring yourself to opening such a site, but I am not up to the task of searching the web for you.   

I prefer more credible news sources.

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Nobody is justifying his lack of self control and he will surely be punished on several levels 


I would just say that it cuts both ways. Do women NOT use sexual allure for personal advancement. Have no other men here been offered "inducements" in exchange for other favours?

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6 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


What I find galling about this whole incident, second only to this ugly turd using his position of power over women, is that those Hollywood types, democrat supporters, who used their high profiles to tip buckets of $hit on Trump, were victims of, or knew of the reputation of, this grub, and remained silent for decades.  I think it's called the hypocrisy of the left.


It was widely known, and it seems, accepted.  Seth McFarlane even joked about it at the Oscars a few years back.  You can see it here    http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-entertainment-news-updates-seth-macfarlane-reveals-truth-about-his-1507755303-htmlstory.html

But at least they're condemning him now. Whereas the right wing overwhelmingly stuck by Roger Ailes, O'Reilly et alii even after they were exposed. In fact I've seen right wingers in this forum defending Weinstein.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Nobody is justifying his lack of self control and he will surely be punished on several levels 


I would just say that it cuts both ways. Do women NOT use sexual allure for personal advancement. Have no other men here been offered "inducements" in exchange for other favours?

Using sexual allure for advancement is not in any way near the same as using power, influence and career threats to compel sexual surrender.


Far too many people not knowing the difference is one of the many, many reasons so many women are reluctant to come forward.

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21 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Nobody is justifying his lack of self control and he will surely be punished on several levels 


I would just say that it cuts both ways. Do women NOT use sexual allure for personal advancement. Have no other men here been offered "inducements" in exchange for other favours?

There is a difference between a come-on made by either gender and agreed to by the other.   That is consensual.   When one side doesn't want it or feels coerced, that's a whole different deal.


It's best that such sexual encounters remain out of the work environment.   

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2 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


oh do tell, i love to see a breakdown of trumps recent contributions to the democrats.


Your operative word here is “recent”

Nice cop out. Is it remotely possible e he would have ceased contributing to Democrats once he latched on to the racist odious Birther issue as a step up the GOP gravy train?

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

But at least they're condemning him now. Whereas the right wing overwhelmingly stuck by Roger Ailes, O'Reilly et alii even after they were exposed. In fact I've seen right wingers in this forum defending Weinstein.


It's not the left or right defending Weinstein, it's the grossly stupid.  The fact that they have a political leaning is irrelevant.

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2 hours ago, Credo said:

There is a difference between a come-on made by either gender and agreed to by the other.   That is consensual.   When one side doesn't want it or feels coerced, that's a whole different deal.


It's best that such sexual encounters remain out of the work environment.   


It's reported that one who is now complaining went on, after the incident about which she is complaining, to have a long term affair with him!!!


Agree with the second para.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It appears the London police are now investigating the conduct of this Democrat international sex perv for sexual assaults he may have comitted in that country.


“Democrat International sex perv”


As opposed to the Republican Domestic Sex Perv, Roger Ailes who was never investigated? Or the formerly Democrat then Republican accused and self professed Sex Perv who got elected president? Or the Republican Speaker of The House Sex Perv Hastert who went to Prison? Or Republican Domestic Sex Perv Congressman Mark Folly who only had to resign as punishment for sending sexually explicit emails to teenage boys? Or the Republican Senator (for 18 years!) Public Bathroom Sex Perv Larry Craig charged with disorderly conduct? Or convicted Democrat Sext Perv Anthony Weiner who sent dick pics to underage girls? 


In other words, what’s your point?

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48 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


“Democrat International sex perv”


As opposed to the Republican Domestic Sex Perv, Roger Ailes who was never investigated? Or the formerly Democrat then Republican accused and self professed Sex Perv who got elected president? Or the Republican Speaker of The House Sex Perv Hastert who went to Prison? Or Republican Domestic Sex Perv Congressman Mark Folly who only had to resign as punishment for sending sexually explicit emails to teenage boys? Or the Republican Senator (for 18 years!) Public Bathroom Sex Perv Larry Craig charged with disorderly conduct? Or convicted Democrat Sext Perv Anthony Weiner who sent dick pics to underage girls? 


In other words, what’s your point?

The point is none of the Republican sex pervs professed alliegence to the feminist movement , supported or hold fundraisers for the first major woman candidate for President, virtue signal their "Women's Cards" in said election, nor did any of them walk in the Women's March on Washington in a pink-pussy hat. In short, they may be pervy but they're not hypocrites!

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

The point is none of the Republican sex pervs professed alliegence to the feminist movement , supported or hold fundraisers for the first major woman candidate for President, virtue signal their "Women's Cards" in said election, nor did any of them walk in the Women's March on Washington in a pink-pussy hat. In short, they may be pervy but they're not hypocrites!


Serial Sexual harasser Roger Ailes Ran an entire TV station dedicated to promoting Conservative Values. Are you saying Conservative Values exempt sexual harassment?


Mark Folly was a conservative anti gay republican who, while being conservative and anti gay was sexting teenage boys. Is that being hypocritical, or just being naturally Conservative Republican?


Dennis Hastert was a self-described evangelical Christian who opposed gay rights and who later admitted to molesting four young boys. There may have been more, but four is what he admitted to. Is diddling young boys in one’s care part of being an evangelical Christian, or was he a hypocrite?


Conservative and closet homosexual Larry Craig who was charged with lewd behavior in a men’s bathroom, was severely critical and relentless in his persecution of openly gay representative Barney Frank over a gay prostitution scandal. Is that hypocrisy, or just normal conservatism? Is there a difference?

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21 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Perhaps Harvey should relocate to Pattaya  where he will be  at home with his kindred spirits.


Yes, I wonder if there is much difference between a fat, ugly, grubby Hollywood producer forcing himself on aspiring young actresses and fat, ugly, grubby old western men, who believe they're living the dream, forcing themselves on young Thai women?   


Perhaps not??

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On 10/13/2017 at 3:59 AM, Just Weird said:

Where do you get all this junk from? 


Donald Trump does not have any sexual predator cases against him, neither does he have thousands of lawsuits against him.


No politicians or news anchors ever insisted that his comments were "acceptable".



Where have you been hiding?


Its well documented he has over 3000 lawsuits over his career




Here is a wiki link which details all of Trumps sexual misconducts  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations


Majority of the politicians that side with him and news anchors such as those at Fox have said his comments were locker room talk and no biggie.... I don't think I even need to bring that up again. Many that support Trump did not condemn trumps comments, they claim he was just kidding and he was not serious. 

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