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WP website, host

Number 6

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Given my IT background, I should be a genius at building websites by now but I know nothing. It's pretty much a bore and never really figured out how to actually make money from it all.


I'm looking to set up two websites with FREE WP themes. Note: Free. 


The first is a site about Thai education. I'm uncertain how I want it to look (ex magazine, etc). I'd like to maybe (!) later add a professional forum, much later.


The second is a niche travel site. The site will be very simple, hobby site.


I'd like to try to monetize both (AdWords, etc..)


1. Ease to set up and administer

2. Ease to work within the theme

3. HTML 5, shortcodes, responsive...

4. Somewhat unique


Next question. A host. I had a crap experience with HostGator. Leaning toward Bluehost. Simple package, 1 or 1-4 domains. Not UK host. US or EU.








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