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Russia, China call for restraint after Trump comment on North Korea


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Russia, China call for restraint after Trump comment on North Korea



U.S. President Donald Trump talks to the media on South Lawn of the White House in Washington before his departure to Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S., October 7, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia and China called for restraint on North Korea on Monday after U.S. President Donald Trump warned over the weekend that "only one thing will work" in dealing with Pyongyang, hinting that military action was on his mind.


When asked what Russia made of Trump's comments, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a reporters on a conference call:


"Moscow has called and continues to call on the parties involved in the conflict and on those who have anything to do with this issue to exercise restraint and to avoid any steps that would only worsen the situation."


Commenting on a Trump statement that the United States might withdraw from a nuclear deal with Iran, Peskov said such a move would have "negative consequences."


In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying repeated China's position that all parties exercise restraint, describing the situation as extremely complex and serious.


China hopes all sides do nothing to irritate each other or worsen the problem and speak and act cautiously, she told a daily news briefing.


In recent weeks, North Korea has launched two missiles over Japan and conducted its sixth nuclear test, all in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions, and may be fast advancing toward its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland.


Trump repeatedly has made clear his distaste for dialogue with North Korea. Last week, he dismissed the idea of talks as a waste of time, a day after Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Washington was maintaining open lines of communication with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's government.


"Our country has been unsuccessfully dealing with North Korea for 25 years, giving billions of dollars & getting nothing. Policy didn't work!" the U.S. president said in a Twitter post on Monday.


Trump's comments seemed to further suggest that military action was on his mind.


On Saturday, Trump made a similar comment on Twitter about how negotiations have failed for 25 years and said "only one thing will work" with North Korea.


U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Monday told the U.S. Army to be ready with military options on North Korea, but emphasized that efforts to deal with Pyongyang were being led diplomatically.


"There is one thing the U.S. Army can do and that is you have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our President can employ if needed," Mattis said in a speech at an annual U.S. Army conference.


"We currently are in a diplomatically led effort and how many times have you seen the U.N. Security Council vote unanimously, now twice in a row, to impose stronger sanctions on North Korea," Mattis said.


(Reporting by Dmitry Solovyov in Moscow, Doina Chiacu, Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali in Washington; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Editing by Nick Macfie and Grant McCool)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-10-10
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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Maybe China and Russia should have restrained their client state, North Korea, before things got to this point. They had decades to do it but chose not to and will now have to live with the consequences.

Here's what China's dealing with now.  I can't believe they are happy about this:



Nuclear test leaves Chinese city shaken

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23 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Here's what China's dealing with now.  I can't believe they are happy about this:



Nuclear test leaves Chinese city shaken

Trump is nothing but a little lost boy. He doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to foreign politics. I just hope there's someone in his entourage who will keep him in check. Tangerine 45 is a disgrace for America and the American presidency. What a joke that guy is, and all the people who keep supporting that boob. Please, impeach him. Or at least take the phone away from that twitter addict.

Edited by rudi49jr
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If 45 is aiming for war, what is his motive? Love of country? LOL lol AHHHH I crack myself up sometimes. :-) Maybe he has stock in munitions companies? Or perhaps he would do this,  even if it leads to WWIII,  to keep him from being impeached/imprisoned? Would he? IMO - yes definitely. With 45's mentality re: zero sum game. He intends to benefit at the cost of others loosing. He care nothing a/b Americans or America; he cares less a/b people of color e.g. Asians etc. Hell he doesn't even care a/b PR. Why? Because his is a despicable human being.

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4 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

If 45 is aiming for war, what is his motive? Love of country? LOL lol AHHHH I crack myself up sometimes. :-) Maybe he has stock in munitions companies? Or perhaps he would do this,  even if it leads to WWIII,  to keep him from being impeached/imprisoned? Would he? IMO - yes definitely. With 45's mentality re: zero sum game. He intends to benefit at the cost of others loosing. He care nothing a/b Americans or America; he cares less a/b people of color e.g. Asians etc. Hell he doesn't even care a/b PR. Why? Because his is a despicable human being.

Catering to his nut job supporters?  Or just insane.  LOL

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I think its obvious. China have recently had a free reign in the South China Sea, Russia in Ukraine and Syria. US have protested but they took no notice. The US was seen as weak and unable to do anything This is posturing, don't mess with us as we can play big too.

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The more Trump shits on himself, the more Russian and Chinese leaders look like the adults in the room.  I don't trust the Russkies or Chinese leaders any further than I can throw a sumo wrestler, but I give them more points for wisdom than I give to Trump.   That's like saying a pair of scorpion bites is better than a bite from a rattlesnake.   

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7 minutes ago, sungod said:

I think its obvious. China have recently had a free reign in the South China Sea, Russia in Ukraine and Syria. US have protested but they took no notice. The US was seen as weak and unable to do anything This is posturing, don't mess with us as we can play big too.

That's a good point, and was one of the chief reasons Putin was smart in putting Trump in the prez' seat.   The more Russia and China can weaken the US, the better things are for them.

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5 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Trump is nothing but a little lost boy. He doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to foreign politics. I just hope there's someone in his entourage who will keep him in check. Tangerine 45 is a disgrace for America and the American presidency. What a joke that guy is, and all the people who keep supporting that boob. Please, impeach him. Or at least take the phone away from that twitter addict.

Not sure what-all this has to do with the op but I hope it made you feel better and get on with your day.

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3 hours ago, selftaopath said:

If 45 is aiming for war, what is his motive? Love of country? LOL lol AHHHH I crack myself up sometimes. :-) Maybe he has stock in munitions companies? Or perhaps he would do this,  even if it leads to WWIII,  to keep him from being impeached/imprisoned? Would he? IMO - yes definitely. With 45's mentality re: zero sum game. He intends to benefit at the cost of others loosing. He care nothing a/b Americans or America; he cares less a/b people of color e.g. Asians etc. Hell he doesn't even care a/b PR. Why? Because his is a despicable human being.

This mess wasn't started by Twitterman. So far it's only a Scrabble game with Rocketman.The world showed it's disdain with Rocketman through the UN sanctions vote.The world is apparently backing Twitterman

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56 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

That's a good point, and was one of the chief reasons Putin was smart in putting Trump in the prez' seat.   The more Russia and China can weaken the US, the better things are for them.

Yea and 45 is doing his damndest to deliver our democracy to his puppet master. 

bully bully.jpg

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It seems like Kim has known about the intention to whack him since September of last year?:shock1:

No wonder he's angry:giggle:


North Korea 'hackers steal US-South Korea war plans'



Hackers from North Korea are reported to have stolen a large cache of military documents from South Korea, including a plan to assassinate North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un.

The hack took place in September last year. In May, South Korea said a large amount of data had been stolen and that North Korea may have instigated the cyber attack - but gave no details of what was taken.





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5 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Not sure what-all this has to do with the op but I hope it made you feel better and get on with your day.

Thanks, man! Glad I got that off my chest before taking my morning nap. And in case you hadn't noticed: the OP was about Russia and China calling for Trump to show a little restraint vis-a-vis North Korea, and my comment was that Trump is an ignorant boob who doesn't know the first thing about foreign policy or international affairs.

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13 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Thanks, man! Glad I got that off my chest before taking my morning nap. And in case you hadn't noticed: the OP was about Russia and China calling for Trump to show a little restraint vis-a-vis North Korea, and my comment was that Trump is an ignorant boob who doesn't know the first thing about foreign policy or international affairs.

Their "call" has been noted. I would be curious to know what they would be calling for if some nation was threatening to rain-down nuclear weapons on THEIR homelands. 

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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16 hours ago, midas said:

It seems like Kim has known about the intention to whack him since September of last year?:shock1:  No wonder he's angry:giggle:  North Korea 'hackers steal US-South Korea war plans'  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-41565281

It reminds me of Castro who, for the many decades he sat on top of the Cuban pyramid, knew he was a target of American assassins.  I doubt it's any surprise for Fat Boy that he's a target of foreign assassins.  It would be surprising if he wasn't.   


The bigger story is; S.Koreans, who are supposedly so tech-savvy (large % of S.Korean youngsters are addicted to computers) ....were hacked by N.Koreans.   This is an added wake-up call to US and other countries:   Beware of being vulnerable to N.Korean hackers.  They're darn good at what they do.


P.S. I met an American whose sole job is to try to maintain security for computers at a dam in Washington state.   He gets paid a hefty salary to work 40 hours a week at that one assignment.

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

It reminds me of Castro who, for the many decades he sat on top of the Cuban pyramid, knew he was a target of American assassins.  I doubt it's any surprise for Fat Boy that he's a target of foreign assassins.  It would be surprising if he wasn't.   


The bigger story is; S.Koreans, who are supposedly so tech-savvy (large % of S.Korean youngsters are addicted to computers) ....were hacked by N.Koreans.   This is an added wake-up call to US and other countries:   Beware of being vulnerable to N.Korean hackers.  They're darn good at what they do.


P.S. I met an American whose sole job is to try to maintain security for computers at a dam in Washington state.   He gets paid a hefty salary to work 40 hours a week at that one assignment.

Maybe it's time for the US to turn the tables and do some high visibility hacking also?  I'm sure they are darn good at what they do also. 

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I remember in grade school we'd have the 'duck and cover' drills. That was because of Russia. We won the cold war and now my grand children have to do 'duck and cover' exercises because of North Korea. I think it is time to get off the pot and actually use a few of these nuclear missiles. Stop North Korea now, let Russia and China practice 'duck and cover'.


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