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Apple Stuns World With Amazing New Iphone


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I just watched Steve Jobs' keynote. That phone is definitely sweet, but it's locked down to one carrier exclusively for two years.

If you could get an unlocked version for under $500 I might go for it.

I've had to spend the day listening to Apple fanboys drool over it. A whole day of "Steve this" and "Steve That". :o

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Locked down to Cingular in the States, yes, but they are planning to launch in Europe at the end of the year and i wouldnt be surprised to see it here around the same time.

Has Apple put a foot wrong since they introduced those coloured iMacs in the late 90s?

Edited by bendix
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Its just a bloody phone for gods sake!..................

And a Dell XPS is just a calculator. :o

No, its a well made convergence of music player, phone, camera, and PDA. If you just want a bloody phone you can go alot cheaper.

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It appears to be quite a bit bigger than my Nokia N80. The question is what will it do that the Nokia won't do? The Nokia is NOT locked to a provider. Time will tell. I hate those touch pads that you need a little stick to use. The N80 camera is 3 megapixels.

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I would be happy with a phone that is just that a phone and maybe text message but that's it. I don't need a camera, games and all the other crap. I want to be able to able to have good connections all the time.

Hey dude then don't buy one... Apple is not trying to be a low price high volume commodity. They are only planning on selling 10 million units in the next 18 months. That's only a 1% cell phone market penetration.

Same thing with their computers. They service a specific niche of users. Kind of like a mercedes or lexus. Not for the unclean kee nieow masses.

Also been noted that the phone will not be offered to Asia until 08 and I am guessing Thailand is not a large priority. I would imagine singapore, HK, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and Selected chinese cities like Shianghai would be the priority.

If I was living in the states now then I would definitely consider one when I was next going to buy an Ipod. For just $150 more than an Ipod you get a heck of a lot more capability and dazzle.

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Yup, looks the nuts in the demo, so long as it can store lots of things and not lag, and so long as it can access the internet as smoothly as it suggests, and so long as it can play video as faultlessly as it does on the demo, and so long as call merging(conferencing) is as clear as the demo(I think not) then it will be the best bored persons gadget ever! :D

If I needed to commute and I had a nice comfy chair and somewhere to prop it up against it would be the perfect (non-human)companion...

I'd have one for sure :D

Nikkijah :o

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I'm always amused because I find Apple fanatics the same as Toyota fanatics. If Toyota put wheels on a big turd people would still say it was great. That said, I was an anti Nokia guy. I thought Sony Ericsson was the best phone out there. I bragged them up and one of my friends bought a top of the line Sony Ericsson with the great camera and all the bells and whistles. His phone has spent two of the past four months in the shop. As for me I had two of them die on me. YEP, I now have a Nokia. If you can't beat them you have to join them. :o

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One downside is the famous Apple "non-replaceable" battery. :o

10 Things to Hate About the iPhone

its probably the same as the Ipod which means you can replace the battery in about 10 minutes with 2 plastic tools. Its a cinch on the Ipod. Also increasingly shops like the Apple place here in CM are doing battery replacements while you wait.

I have gotten 2 years plus from my Ipod batteries so I don't see it being a big deal at all.

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Yeah, but I'm lucky if I get 2 hours from a fully charged 18 month old i-pod.

They exaggerate the battery life somewhat!

you should replace with a higher capacity aftermarket battery. I now get get nearly 8 hours on my Gen 3 Ipod. After 2 years I was down to about 2.5 hours also. The battery only costs $20 plus shipping from the states.

Most of the aftermarket batteries are about 30% higher capacity.

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I'm always amused because I find Apple fanatics the same as Toyota fanatics. If Toyota put wheels on a big turd people would still say it was great. That said, I was an anti Nokia guy. I thought Sony Ericsson was the best phone out there. I bragged them up and one of my friends bought a top of the line Sony Ericsson with the great camera and all the bells and whistles. His phone has spent two of the past four months in the shop. As for me I had two of them die on me. YEP, I now have a Nokia. If you can't beat them you have to join them. :o


:D - Now that was funny (Toyota)!! :D

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I'm always amused because I find Apple fanatics the same as Toyota fanatics. If Toyota put wheels on a big turd people would still say it was great. That said, I was an anti Nokia guy. I thought Sony Ericsson was the best phone out there. I bragged them up and one of my friends bought a top of the line Sony Ericsson with the great camera and all the bells and whistles. His phone has spent two of the past four months in the shop. As for me I had two of them die on me. YEP, I now have a Nokia. If you can't beat them you have to join them. :o

I need to answer you because I am both a Toyota and an Apple fanboi! Imagine that! :D

Toyota I love for uncompromising dedication to quality. #2 in initial quality behind Lexus for the last 10 years, ahead of BWM, Mercedes, etc. Lately they even started to innovate...

Apple has the same sort of uncompromising focus on usability, user experience - Apple was a natural to do the iPod - much simpler than the inherently messy problem of computers. The iPod deserves all its hype as well - I got one when it first came out when there were lots of critics out there ("others with the same features cost less" never mind that they A don't work and B are 3 times the size) but when I used it I think it was the first time ever that I had a gadget where I could not think of a single thing to improve - it was perfect, or as perfect as it could be.

I hope iPhone will follow that, and I think it will but I reserve final judgement for when I am holding it in my hands.

I have always been a Nokia fan because way back when I got into cell phones they were by far the best - they were pure bliss to use, simple to start and with tons of nifty features later on. And unbreakable. Then the others caught up. And recently I see big trouble - Symbian, the smart phone OS Nokia likes to use in order to not get locked into the Microsoft trap, is crap. My 19,000 baht N73's Symbian is exactly the same as on my 4 year old 6600. It's even just as slow as the old one! The hardware is gorgeous, but Nokia really dropped the ball there on software - open the camera and wait 30 seconds. Do pretty much anything and wait xx seconds! This is 2007, hello? All they did in 4years was a shiny display and a 3MP camera?

So to conclude: The timing is not a co-incidence. Back when Apple first looked at phones, in the heydays of Nokia, they decided not to enter the market because the competition was too strong. They said so in an analyst meeting! Now, there are smart-phones, lots of them, and they all more or less suck. The iPhone will change that, or at least try. What people under-estimate is that the iPhone is running OS X - it will be able to do things others just simply can't do even if they wanted to.

Edited by nikster
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Yeah, but I'm lucky if I get 2 hours from a fully charged 18 month old i-pod.

They exaggerate the battery life somewhat!

It's a fact that these batteries tend to die. I had two - an original iPod purchased in 2001, which I returned 6 months later because its battery life was down to 2 hours. And the replacement which I got in 2002 which holds a 10 hour charge until this day.

There are many 3rd party solutions for this though, many shops that are specialized in replacing iPod batteries. It's about $50 or so.

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