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E-cigarettes linger despite legal threats


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As always, the truth can be found by just following the money


Trust me, as soon as these muppets figure out a way to tax e-cigarettes, they will be everywhere


They are probably in a quandary on whether or not they should tax based upon the amount of nicotine; less more expensive, higher, cheaper, just like their upside down  alcohol taxing policies 

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I see many people still walking around ‘ smoking ‘ them , I think personally they are unaware . 

Example I was standing outside a bar , only yesterday waiting for the rain the ease off , and a guy next to me started using one , I said they are illegal now aren’t they ?  He said not that he had heard , and why would they be ? ... I just shrugged, I dunno mate , just saying . 

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20 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Why are they illegal?   Because the Thai Tobacco Cartel has a monopoly and they don't want any competition.  Simple as that. 


Totally agree. The lawmakers are in the pockets of the tobacco industry who don't want competition. The most stupid law I ever heard of.

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1 hour ago, pjuk said:

It might only be vapour but it smells BAD.

I prefer the smell of normal cigarette's to the stench some of these vape oils produce.

Tobacco odor still is worse at least you smell it coming. 

With the vapers you turn a corner and suddenly in a cloud of sickly sweet vapor containing who knows what made in China. I don't think the Vape can be  called "safe" yet surely not as dangerous as Tobacco Cigarettes. Some people are weaning themselves off nicotine with low nicotine juices and it is being suggested as a less harmful alternative in some countries. The law banning it is purely protectionist.

Edited by Dipterocarp
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21 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Why are they illegal?   Because the Thai Tobacco Cartel has a monopoly and they don't want any competition.  Simple as that. 


The law at issue is a financial one: e-cigarettes, just like shisha tobacco, are sold before the government’s excise tax has been applied. If the government doesn’t get a cut of the goods, it makes them illegal.

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17 hours ago, MrTee said:

E-cigarette  is only steam.  I've heard lots of nonsense with folk say  one thing and another about it..

It is simply water vapour that may have a faint hint of fruit or whatever flavour - so unless you can smell the kettle boiling it is of little consequence. 

hey,  but  it looks big though - said the vicar to the choirboy 

not true - tests prove it contains 10X the normal safe levels of methane and propane which ARE carcinogenic! (want a link)?

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Cost of cigarettes way up, so our Quality Tourists are bring their own from home.

The smell is , well different but again Thailand has lost yet another revenue stream.

E-Cigarettes less dangerous, don't really know but popular in most countries, evidently less offensive.

illegal to sell or use here?


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5 minutes ago, bizboi said:

well honestly……you complain about smoke and then say you smoke yourself!!!

Yes I smoke but I smoke where I am allowed to in accordance with local/national/establishment rules and laws.

I don't see any use in sitting in a non-smoking area and wasting time discussing how terrible the rules are.

As I posted before if I want a cigarette I'll walk to a smoking area and have a cigarette, it's so easy to do.

Don't see the point in getting all bitter and twisted over it.

If I'm on a beach after the 1st and it's a no smoking beach I won't smoke.

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17 hours ago, nikotin said:

Its not water vapor!Its the same stuff that produces vape in a club or disco,dont know what its called in english.But its some chemical stuff thats used in many processed foods etc

It's Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin, with some food flavor added, but it's water vapor (steam) you see

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20 hours ago, overherebc said:

Walked behind one guy who had one stuck in his gob and had to stop to let him get further ahead so I could then see where I was going. It brought to mind the old Navy movies when the order ' make smoke' was issued. 

Why do the user love to produce those huge volumes of the 'smoke'?

Just askin'


They are just as vile as cigs or pipes or cigars. As with cigarettes people should be allowed to smoke them in at home or in special designated smoking dens.

Edited by The manic
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I smoked traditional cigarettes for close to 30 years of my adult life, and switched over completely to vaping nearly 4 years ago.  In those 4 years, I've probably smoked a grand total of 10 traditional cigarettes, and now find them disgusting.  I'll never go back, and I'm extremely thankful that this alternate technology now exists.  I've long known that traditional cigarettes were an eventual death sentence, but I just couldn't manage to quit until the advent of e-cigs.


Since switching:

  • I have greater physical endurance and now exercise 5 days per week on average (this was unthinkable prior to my switch)
  • My clothes and breath don't constantly stink of cigarette smoke
  • My frequency, duration, and severity of common colds has been greatly reduced
  • My teeth are no longer yellowed, and I no longer require an extra 30 minutes twice per year in the dentist's chair having all that black tar/crud blasted & scraped off
  • The doctor says my chest x-ray now looks like that of a non-smoker

I have no illusions that vaping is a harmless endeavor.  But I'm 100% sure vaping represents significant harm reduction compared to traditional cigarettes.  


People smoke cigarettes for the nicotine, but die from the tar (and the cocktail of carcinogens that the tar contains).  E-cig vapor contains no tar.


Here is a list of 33 known carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cigarette_smoke_carcinogens

...You'll notice that nicotine is not on that list, and is generally considered by doctors & scientists as no more hazardous than caffeine. 


Nearly all research conducted to date indicates that e-cigarette vapor is far safer than traditional cigarette smoke.  I can cite many examples, but here's one worth reading from the 'Cancer Research UK' website:



Obviously the best scenario is not smoking or vaping, and I do hope to get there at some point.  But to make vaping illegal, while it's completely legal to walk into any 7-11 at any time, and buy 100% proven, definitely-cancer-causing cigarettes...I mean, come on...that's just absurd.

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Despite the fact that in the UK most health professionals highly recommend the use of e- ciggs over and above tobacco for incredible health bennefits, they still bury their heads in the sand here, nothing to do with lost revenue on tobacco? If it is, im sure most people would not mind paying the extra tax if they could reclaim their health

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19 hours ago, fasteddie said:

I was just about to give you a like until your last inane statement, if you're not aware of the dangers of vaccinations and the very obvious climate scam you need to do some research.


OMG I go so crazy over idiotic climate denialism.  Off topic though.  Still, come on, really?  

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2 hours ago, MeHere said:

It's Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin, with some food flavor added, but it's water vapor (steam) you see

Finally after four pages somebody got it right.:smile: Apart from all the daft flavours they have, what you breathe out is no different from what you normally breathe out. Water vapour, CO2 and nitrogen.


Propylene Glycol and glycerin are used in toothpaste, makeup and loads of skincare products. It's not likely to be harmful is it?


I've been smoking them for almost seven years and I can easily swim a mile while barely breaking a sweat and I don't stink like a fag den. I couldn't do that when I was smoking fags. I ran out of juice a couple of months ago and my wife noticed the difference in the smell immediately.  She had never even commented prior to that. The liquid I buy comes from the US and it ls highly regulated. I wouldn’t take any chances with liquid that comes out of China.


While it was totally unregulated too many companies started to push it, making the things bigger and bigger and able to push out huge amounts of vapour. Not only does it look stupid, it irritates the hell out of pub owners and people near the person doing it. The reason that more and more places are starting to ban it.


If they'd stuck to selling the cigarette size ecig that I use that is odourless there would have never been a problem. Except in Thailand of course. I wonder how much was bunged in the right directions to make that happen.


The last time I came back from Thailand I was sitting having a coffee with the wife and puffing in the departure lounge of Nakhon Phanom airport and security came over to check. My wife told him it was electric and he wandered off. I bet they rub their hands in glee now.

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On 10/13/2017 at 3:53 PM, nikotin said:

Should make vaping legal at the beaches.One problem solved!555 This ban is the stupidest shit ever!!How can you put people in Jail for trying to live a healthier life??

Thai only care about money. They don't give a toss about people

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23 hours ago, overherebc said:

Walked behind one guy who had one stuck in his gob and had to stop to let him get further ahead so I could then see where I was going. It brought to mind the old Navy movies when the order ' make smoke' was issued. 

Why do the user love to produce those huge volumes of the 'smoke'?

Just askin'


Yes we need more info

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On Friday, October 13, 2017 at 6:57 PM, overherebc said:

Walked behind one guy who had one stuck in his gob and had to stop to let him get further ahead so I could then see where I was going. It brought to mind the old Navy movies when the order ' make smoke' was issued. 

Why do the user love to produce those huge volumes of the 'smoke'?

Just askin'


Its Not smoke its Vapour,steam.

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