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Shepherd vs Pit-Bull, not always bad!

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I thought I would share an experience I just had tonight but before I start, I want to make clear that this is not a subject just against Thais but rather a global phenomenon about this sort of thing.


For those that are regular readers of this sub-forum, you will probably know that I am the owner of a Siberian husky and a German shepherd. I take these dogs out every night, always on a leash. Tonight (around 16:45) we went through the usual ritual and went out for our walk. At the bottom of our Soi there is a strip of approx. 2 km of grassland between the rail tracks and the road and this is where they usually go. So myself and my 2 dogs are walking one way and coming the opposite way is a Thai with an American pit-bull, also on a leash (yes, it does happen!). As we get closer, the pit is pulling on his choke chain and barking and my GSD has gone into stalk mode, lowered body, ears flat and walking slowly at my side. The Siberian is alert, tail up and curved.


Meanwhile at the roadside are two Thai men (not kids), both waiting for a doctor’s surgery to open. As the distance closes, both of them get their phones out and start videoing this ‘closing of the animals’ expecting I assume, some sort of fight.

Anyway, the anti-climax to this story is that as we came together, the GSD jumped on the pit-bull and the pit-bull licked the husky before licking the GSD and all 3 of them were playing like lunatics for the next 5 minutes or so. It is funny that both the pit and GSD knock each other with their paws and both of them keep their mouths shut (no teeth showing anywhere) when they are playing. They have always done this.


Kahlua (the GSD) is two months older than Tiger (the pit-bull) and they have known each other from when they were 8 and 6 weeks old respectively. Although it has been about 4 months since they have seen each other, they still remember.


The point of the thread though is the way the two guys got their phones out and were prepared to video this potential fight. What is wrong with people these days? I don’t know for sure but it looked that they were disappointed and went back to their waiting for the doctor to open up.


Here endeth my pet rant for the day………………….:wink:

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Well done to the Thai person for waking the dog on a leash. In almost 2 years of living in my city I have seen one dog on a leash, a Pug from memory. Rarely do they even put the dog on a leash when taking it to the vet. 


A good example of why these breeds are destroyed. Idiots get their rocks off, the media jump on board, and next thing you know the dog is either banned and goes underground or bred for all the wrong reasons. Creating both physically and mentally unhealthy blood lines. 

In a country where cock fighting is so big, I am surprised the locals aren't as big on dog fighting (I am assuming due to the cost - which is great news for the dogs). The same thing happens to me. If I walk past the market with the Caucasian and 10 temple, soi, or owned dogs come charging at it barking, all the men stop what they're doing to see what will happen. The dog just ignores them (even if biting at the ankles) and continues to walk...much to their disappointment. 

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My dog is an English bull terrier and I've had locals call him a pittbull and cross the road or walk away from him despite him being leashed, showing no aggression . I find the kids are more than happy to say hello where as the adults are as per above. 

Despite this they seem content to let their dogs come up to mine who is always leashed. This has on two occasions resulted in my well behaved dog being bitten twice with out retaliating despite him being able to probably destroy these mutts if he wanted to. 

This is why I walk with a big stick and will happily hit anything that wishes to come up off leashed looking for a fight bearing its teeth. 


On a side note, I have seen thais walking their dogs on a leash but far more who seem happy to let them run riot.... 


There are some stray pups which like to play with him but I would like a dog park or somewhere he can play with other well natured dogs. 

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5 hours ago, chrisinth said:

The point of the thread though is the way the two guys got their phones out and were prepared to video this potential fight. What is wrong with people these days?

I'm convinced that most (all?) these idiots who whip out their phones to record every event/altercation/etc. simply have nothing interesting going on in their own lives worth recording/sharing. Hence the need to record and share eveybody else's business. 

Nice story about the dogs. Just goes to show that they [the dogs ] aren't all bad/aggressive. 

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