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How Are Certain Videos On U-Tube Such As 20 Seconds In Thailand Allowed To Be Made In Thailand?

Mitkof Island

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Seen numerous video series such as 20 Seconds In Thailand by a guy named Rob allowed to be made in Thailand promoting illegal prostitution not be banned from U-Tube or the Thai government. His loyal and brain dead followers send this guy money supporting this guys habits. His videos are often full of misinformation and stupidity . For example promoting back to back Tourist Visas. In one video even mentions and suggests if you wish to stay longer just avoid the borders.

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Prostitution is not illegal in Thailand, soliciting is. And you are also supporting him, like a brain dead whatever, by watching his videos, numerous videos, as he is paid per view by YouTube.  Back to back tourist visas are not banned they are restricted in number, no problem with promoting that and staying away from borders to stay even longer was obviously a joke, his vloggs are hardly serious, are they, so why are you taking them and expecting the authorities to take them seriously?

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I don,t watch his videos often the guy is sickening. yes restricted in number. maybe you should let him know since he has been using them for over three years. It is not a joke about avoiding borders he suggested that.  Are you one of his brain dead followers?

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3 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

I don,t watch his videos often the guy is sickening. yes restricted in number. maybe you should let him know since he has been using them for over three years. It is not a joke about avoiding borders he suggested that.  Are you one of his brain dead followers?


How do you know what visa the man is on?  Perhaps he buys the 60 day tourist visas, no restriction on how many of those you can have, it is just the visa exemptions that can't be exploited back to back.  And what visa do you think he should be on and why exactly do you care?

I had never heard of him before you promoted him here, but after taking a look if you can't tell that he is constantly joking then I am sorry but it is not his followers who are brain dead.

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Sure I have not seen all of "20 Seconds In Thailand" videos.

And I surely missed the ones about "avoiding border".

I agree though that he is not the best source for visa/law advice.

That he promotes himself as "not having a clue" should be warning enough :smile:

For me his videos are a source of fun/joke and not serious information (except from the weather in Kamala beach).


If you think that this guy promotes prostitution you haven't seen much of the Thailand blogs.

I have not even seen him actively approaching/mishandling the bar girls.

I never heard him talk about short/long, prices whatever.

He sometimes jokingly acts as a "marriage broker".

Come on, do you take this is as promoting prostitution???


And that the bars exist is a fact that can hardly be denied.

But again Kamala beach is far from a red light hot spot.


I disagree with your assessment and I am surprised that you focus on him.



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It seems to me he's precisely not promoting prostitution, and the like. Admittedly he is promoting a mistaken worldview - the idea that everybody finds the goofy, affable, "hail fellow well met" shtick endlessly charming - but he's definitely not giving succor to the sexpats. 


He mentioned he'll be fifty soon, so - if he can find 800,000 baht - that should sort his visa situation out permanently. But there's a Scottish expression, having something "ahin you", and that's the real worry with Rob. He's too young to (in effect) retire without "something behind him", and he's probably encouraging other sick-to-the-back-teeth farangs to make the same choice. He's a bit like Brett Dev, although appealing to a slightly different demographic. These vlogs make people think that there's a sunshine solution to the stress of life in the West, and there isn't for 99 people out of a 100, unless you've (say) 25,000 baht a month coming in from a pension or investments. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

He isn't on a tourist VISA (Visa exempt). I know this for a fact.

It all started for him when he lost his job and girlfriend. He was just planning on getting away for a few months, but he ended up staying (but find out the details from him). He constantly states in his videos his lifestyle isn't for everyone. Its all about prospective. If a big car and house is more important than happiness .... go for it.

He doesn't talk about the Sexpat lifestyle, and when someone asks about it he tells them to find out on their own.

I find them fun and funny. If you don't like them ..... then DON'T WATCH them.

Edited by reallybigken
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