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Started with one a few months back now 2 and they look well fed.


now seen on a daily basis.

can some one tell me if they are dangerous and what kind of snake.





Maybe a Kukri snake,need a better view of the head to be sure,

harmless,leave it alone and it will leave you alone.

regards worgeordie


Have to see its head, There are many Snakes, looks like a rat snake, Best bet leave alone they have a purpose and a job to do. Live and let live, Golden Rule treat ALL snakes as venomous.

3 hours ago, futurespeter said:

My wife was afraid, she and our friends told us this small yellow black snake is bilious. Can anybody identify this snake?

10-23-2017 7-44-38 AM.jpg


I think he's a harmless Laotian Wolf Snake https://www.thailandsnakes.com/non-venomous/laotian-wolf-snake-thailand/




Easily mistaken for the lethal Banded Krait https://www.thailandsnakes.com/venomous/banded-krait-venomous-deadly/




If you're not sure, treat any snake as lethal. No, that doesn't mean automatically cutting its head off!




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