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Thailand's "biggest spoiled brat" gets 300,000 baht from mum - but there are conditions


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2 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Can't do that, he like so many others are the apple of mom and dads eyes and can do no wrong. The little basket case will end up killing someone and still be the apple of his mothers eye, silly cow she is. Can;t make herself look more stupid if she tried doing this can she.


This spoiled brat is just a product of the actions and behaviors of his mother and father.


Their responsibility / their job to change him. 


The boy didn't create himself like this but now he will go through some pain and upset to generate the needed change. 

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On 10/19/2017 at 8:44 PM, darksidedog said:

300,000 more pieces of fuel on the fire I expect. Some people are just utter dicks and the more money you throw at them the bigger the headaches become. Smart move would have been to cut him off a way back, until he gets his brain functioning and his shit together.

Too late .... raising a child without limits during the early years will tend to lead to a whole lot of trouble down the line. You don't have to look very far to see the effects of general Thai parenting patterns,which knows no limits in their nonsensical "kindness" to their off-spring....."if it feels good do it,if it doesn't feel good,do it anyway"! ....about sums it up.


It would be interesting if this adult-child were to be sent to a "boot-camp" for discipline then out to a farm for a year to get his feet on the earth and hands dirty sweating it out in the fields planting rice et...I wonder what the outcome would be?

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