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Mother and children have run-in with Thai soldiers

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Thai soldiers patrolling the border along Battambang’s Sampov Loun district arrested three Cambodians, including a mother and her two children, before allowing them to return home after determining their infraction was minor on Saturday. District police chief Pich Saren said the family was simply collecting firewood when they were spotted by Thai soldiers.


“They crossed into Thai territory while collecting firewood,” he said. “The soldiers feared they were illegal loggers, but sent them to us for education after realising they were innocent.” “They did not go far into Thailand,” he added.


The mother was identified as Nuth Phea, 38, who was briefly detained along with her 13-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter. “They crossed into Thai territory with a cart, machete and axe just to collect firewood, not knowing anything was amiss,” Mr Saren said. “It’s easy to cross into the territory accidentally. Some villagers even defecate there.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5087246/mother-children-run-thai-soldiers/


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Lucky they were not Cambodian soldiers Last war Thailand and Cambodia fought over the temples The Thais did not do so well I see they can handle women and kids good 

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