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What's up with the lies?!


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22 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Never listen to women, never confront women (Nationality and race not important).

Makes life so much  easier.


I've never met a woman that says anything I wanted to hear.

(apart from 'yes' now and again to keep it legal in some countries)

I just sit in amazement at your comments and the numbers of posters who liked it. What a vacuum you all must occupy. 

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3 hours ago, Pungdo said:

My wife couldn't lie straight in bed, she tells me so many lies, that I can't tell what is true and what is a lie, mostly about money I might add.

She hit me up last week for money to pay Land Taxes on her properties upcountry, I told her that I wouldn't give her anything until she told me exactly to the satang just how much it was, so she supposedly caught the bus up there and rang me the next morning to tell me how much, later that day she sent me a hand written receipt without anything official looking about it for that amount, looks like she wrote it out herself and she was back home that night.

I now suspect that she never even went upcountry at all as she has never been up there and back that quickly, around 30 hours, normally a 12 hour trip both ways and gone the best part of 2 days, but I can't shake her off her story which I normally can do.

Why would you have married, and worse yet, why would you stay with such a woman?

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9 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Yes very Buddhist  (not). Buddha taught Right Speech which basically is  "Say what you will do and do what you say"  not the twisted Thai version "I feel bad and will lie to save my face".


Lying, even 'white' is Un-Buddhist and the reason Thais do it is cultural. They are brought up that it's unimportant it's how you 'look' to society. I rarely trust a Thai it's like trusting a snake not to bite you.

Ooouuuch! . . . I'm gonna jump ship, here, before I do get bitten. Perhaps the good and less good sides of Buddhism - and other religions, whilst we're at it - would make for another well-contested thread.

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3 hours ago, Pungdo said:

I didn't know what she was like until a few years into the marriage, been together now for over 10 years, we also have a 6 year old daughter that I won't walk out on, so it is a case of I have made my bed and now I have to lie (sic) in it.

Aren't you just feeding the varmint? I can understand wanting to take care of your child, but stop propagating your wife's existence.  

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22 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Never listen to women, never confront women (Nationality and race not important).

Makes life so much  easier.


I've never met a woman that says anything I wanted to hear.

(apart from 'yes' now and again to keep it legal in some countries)


12 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I just sit in amazement at your comments and the numbers of posters who liked it. What a vacuum you all must occupy. 

He said easier; he didn't say anything about dignified. But yes, a vacuum that even Andrew Dice Clay would find enviable. Google him if necessary. This tribe actually has a "Chief." They've made an art out of being funny in a very unfunny sort of way. Oddly, the best humor usually cuts in a couple of different directions. Not my particular cup of tea, but I can appreciate the subtle irony involved, in this case. Clay, on the other hand, is much more difficult to justify.

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2 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Aren't you just feeding the varmint? I can understand wanting to take care of your child, but stop propagating your wife's existence.  

I must congratulate you on your excellent command of the English language , but would it be possible to dumb it down a bit , I keep having to make a reference to the on-line dictionary, thanks

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1 hour ago, whaleboneman said:

He happens to be the most famous pathological liar at the moment and the topic is about lying, so it seems natural that his name would come up. 

I am pretty sure that "Trump" is synonymous with "Lie" in both noun and verb forms, by now. However, it was a bit of a stretch to drag his sorry ass into this particular conversation. And for the record, I realize there are two Trumps and why they must each exist at this particular juncture. Duality is sort of my thing. However, we should all hope that the US's "elephant gun to get a mosquito" approach selected (by some rarified individual, no doubt) to correct a long-skewed global trajectory does not prove to be the gravest miscalculation in world history. Personally, I don't see it ending well, at this point. As for going off-topic, I suppose some conversational-trains derail before they even leave the station. This might be one of them.

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19 minutes ago, greenchair said:

In my personal opinion, this is a normal phenomenona in thai and even worse with philipino. 

I can't remember the word, but they do have a special word for it and for some reason it is not considered to be lies. 

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon (South Korean, I believe) of the Unification Church (Moonies) sanctioned "The Doctrine of Divine Deception," which loosely translated to mean, "Anything goes in the pursuit of a goal," or, in this case, say whatever you have to, to gain converts (and, of course, their money). Seems to be a universally applied phenomenon. Ever had to sell a car in a hurry? Obviously, some of us stepped on our pride some time ago. I am vaguely aware of there being a term for this sort of thing but "lying" works so well that I don't think I will lose any sleep over trying to remember it.

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30 minutes ago, Songlaw said:


He said easier; he didn't say anything about dignified. But yes, a vacuum that even Andrew Dice Clay would find enviable. Google him if necessary. This tribe actually has a "Chief." They've made an art out of being funny in a very unfunny sort of way. Oddly, the best humor usually cuts in a couple of different directions. Not my particular cup of tea, but I can appreciate the subtle irony involved, in this case. Clay, on the other hand, is much more difficult to justify.

I do not believe any humor was intended; it certainly wasn't on my part. I am constantly amazed at such an apparent lack of respect and knowledge of women in general and Thai women in particular. It seems the only Thai women most farangs know are bar girls and other lower-class inhabitants of Thailand. I understand bar girls are easier to meet, but to take one on as a wife and life companion seems inadvisable at best--not to say there are no exceptions, but they are exactly that, exceptions. Yet, that relationship between bar-girl and farang seems to be more the norm than the exception. No wonder so many tales of woe exist between farang and Thai. What amazes me even more are the farangs who claim their Western women were even worse than their Thai women. I doubt if the majority of Western women were ex-bar girls or had their "brothers" living with the farang, but they may have been similarly dependent upon the farang for money, frequently lied and were often unfaithful. However, doesn't that strike the note that these farang's selection criteria for women simply underlies their poor judgement, lack of respect, and lack of knowledge of women in general?

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52 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I must congratulate you on your excellent command of the English language , but would it be possible to dumb it down a bit , I keep having to make a reference to the on-line dictionary, thanks

Perchance you should endeavor to elucidate more eloquently.

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3 minutes ago, smotherb said:

I do not believe any humor was intended; it certainly wasn't on my part. I am constantly amazed at such an apparent lack of respect and knowledge of women in general and Thai women in particular. It seems the only Thai women most farangs know are bar girls and other lower-class inhabitants of Thailand. I understand bar girls are easier to meet, but to take one on as a wife and life companion seems inadvisable at best--not to say there are no exceptions, but they are exactly that, exceptions. Yet, that relationship between bar-girl and farang seems to be more the norm than the exception. No wonder so many tales of woe exist between farang and Thai. What amazes me even more are the farangs who claim their Western women were even worse than their Thai women. I doubt if the majority of Western women were ex-bar girls or had their "brothers" living with the farang, but they may have been similarly dependent upon the farang for money, frequently lied and were often unfaithful. However, doesn't that strike the note that these farang's selection criteria for women simply underlies their poor judgement, lack of respect, and lack of knowledge of women in general?


The humor was laced into the OP's mildly tongue-in-cheek (though covertly serious) manner of expression. Be of good cheer, I think most intelligent people would agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. Unfortunately, life requires that we either develop an appreciation for the negativity that equally permeates our universe, or be consumed by it. I have found that is best accomplished through humor, especially through the ability to find humor where perhaps none was intended. It softens the blow in both directions: when imparted and when received. However, suspension of judgment is not within everyone's reach so some topics are best left alone. Truthfully, this would be one of them. 

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:
5 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Perchance you should endeavor to elucidate more eloquently.


..............You are just showing off now :smile:


Not if he speaks and writes that way normally.  It is a pleasure to see someone with a good vocabulary and one who knows how to use it.

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8 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

The humor was laced into the OP's mildly tongue-in-cheek (though covertly serious) manner of expression. Be of good cheer, I think most intelligent people would agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. Unfortunately, life requires that we either develop an appreciation for the negativity that equally permeates our universe, or be consumed by it. I have found that is best accomplished through humor, especially through the ability to find humor where perhaps none was intended. It softens the blow in both directions: when imparted and when received. However, suspension of judgment is not within everyone's reach so some topics are best left alone. Truthfully, this would be one of them. 

Although I appreciate your opinion and champion your right to one. I do not agree. In some way, I hope my judgment, as you call it, will cause a light to shine in the minds of some.

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From what I can see Thais mostly lie for the following reasons

1. to avoid confrontation

2. because they assume others will not want to hear the truth (that gets a bit foggy especially when they have responsibility for creating the true situation).

3. to get something they want


although I know many Thais who don't lie, it does seem to be rather a national trait.

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6 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Although I appreciate your opinion and champion your right to one. I do not agree. In some way, I hope my judgment, as you call it, will cause a light to shine in the minds of some.

Fair enough. Best of luck to you. Just to be clear, I was responding to the location of the humor (the OP). Also, just to remind you, I agreed with your position, all the way around. Give some thought to what I said. It could prove to be a "lifesaver" someday. The reality is that the world is a pretty grim place, regardless of how much light you shine on it.

Edited by Songlaw
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