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Police just taking "defensive measures" says chief after suspect kicked off motorcycle


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11 minutes ago, Jim walker said:

Did they not get the motorcycle number and book him later rather than chasing around the town like the keystone cops 

Obviously you missed the earlier posts that possibly the motorbike was stolen? Or the fact that because he had been chased by the police he would possibly have sold/got rid of/changed the plates on said motor bike?

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52 minutes ago, Rhys said:

Hard to tell... but it seems what they do in the states...


It's not a reasonable tactic- whether done in Thailand, USA, or on Mars, and most normal people will understand what I mean by reasonable.

Edited by mommysboy
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19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I wouldn't like to see their "attacking" policy !

Defensing measure is not an appropriate term but I agree the citizen must stop when the police ask him to stop. The driver find himself problem with police and the police does not have to be blamed. It is just an accident due to the driver mistake not want to conform with the law, this thing happens in USA and it is more spectacular than this, nobody blames policeman (except maybe with some black community).

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11 hours ago, Thian said:

I drive inbetween those motobikers on my own motobike and i just stop if they want me to. I have nothing to hide and do nothing wrong (except not keeping left which is far too dangerous).


Mostly they don't wear helmets and when they get stopped they just turn 180 degree's or don't stop at all even when the police grabs their arm or so.


I see motocycles without licenseplates all day long, without lights or helmet, far too young, with 5 on 1 bike, driving against traffic and so on....it's about time the police will do something to make traffic more safe.

That's one big problem.  The consequences of breaking the law are minimal.  50, 100, 200 Baht fine.  No record of the violation and you are free to do it again at your pleasure.  The police need to up their game.  Like you say, at many checkpoints, they just do 180's or try and go straight pass the shakedown coming ahead.


I was just in Sri Lanka.  I was amazed that EVERYBODY wore a helmet.  I asked a guy why.  He said the fine was huge.  So nobody risked it.  Makes sense.  Same with passing on a solid center line.  I forget the fine, but it was big.  I had 4 drivers over the course of 2 weeks.  Not one passed illegally.

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7 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Only those do-gooders on TVF who always complain about everything Thai, the flea certainly hasn't.:wai:

One suspects he hasn’t complained as no charges were laid against him for failing to stop at the checkpoint. 


Quid pro quo...

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On 10/24/2017 at 7:00 AM, Thian said:

No it wasn't!


You should see what the motocy's do in BKK when the police wants to stop them, they just do anything except stopping.


This guy might have been a bankrobber, murderer on the run or whatever....stop means stop, how hard can that be?

Yeah but it puts a lot of innocent  people in danger...


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A few years ago in Udon Thani I saw police stopping motorcyclists not wearing helmets.


There were two youths on one bike - neither had a helmet. First policeman signalled them to pull over. The driver weaved around the policeman and ignored him.

Fifty metres further on was a second policeman who saw what happened. He jumped out at the bike, grabbed the shirt of the passenger, and pulled.

The two youths fell to the ground still on the bike, which slid across the road towards oncoming traffic. Fortunately for them the bike stopped before it met anything.

You can't mess with the cops here.

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On 10/26/2017 at 9:53 AM, DM07 said:

IF my grandma had wheels?


My grandma had wheels,  but I'm sure she was the only one who used them. The nice men from the Council even even put a ramp up outside the house so that she could get in and out easily! 

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In truth it is not the fact that the Police Motorcyclist pushed the bike so that it fell over. Although that is wrong. IT IS WHAT THE POLICE CHIEF SAID.

Defensive it is not, but had he said , numerous attempts had been made to stop the motorcyclrsty so my76 officer used a tactic to cause the motorcycle to stop, the rider sustained minimal injures and the Police officer has my full support.

IO might not like the action but would agree with the Chief. Bloody lies I will never support Defensive, what a crock of Poo

.` o

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On 10/26/2017 at 2:01 PM, balo said:

Good job by the police. In the US he would have been shot dead.

Not sure - it is difficult to be sure given the video quality but I think that his brake lights were working....

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On 10/24/2017 at 3:30 PM, inquisitive said:





You actually BELIEVE that nonsense about the policeman chasing the victim for 30 minutes? ! Without radoing ahead? THIRTY minutes? When was the last time you even heard about a BIB showing that amount of dedication to duty? Or work?

Nobody believes that the officer acted in self-defense so why would they believe anything else in that report?






Both of them are Thai !!

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On 10/24/2017 at 1:23 AM, alfalfa19 said:

it seems to me the cop took down the guy in the least harmful way possible.  they could have shot him , or run him down with a car or pickup truck.   this character could easily have killed somebody or caused a terrible accident.  

The bike rider looks like he was on drugs by the way he was riding that bike.

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