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North Korea diplomat says take atmospheric nuclear test threat 'literally'

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5 minutes ago, Jdiddy said:

I made a bet today with an 19yo employee if any major military action against NK occurs i'll pay him $100/hour for a day, i laugh everytime people think something is going to happen



You might regret that wager...the US, in consort with its regional allies, may be forced to retaliate if Kim decides to launch his nuclear-tipped atmospheric test over the NorthPac area or dares to fire missiles that endanger any of its possessions such as Guam or the Aleutians.  Is Kim that foolhardy?  I pray not but it's definitely not worth gambling over.  I'm sure you've heard the old saying that "if you give a man a gun, you'd better watch him".  This nutcase merits close watching...

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On 10/27/2017 at 4:26 PM, craigt3365 said:

How is the US blackmailing NK?  They are working with the UNSC on this.  Some 50 nations are behind this.  This is NK using nuclear warfare to be left alone so they can continue their illegal activities on a global basis. And threaten their neighbors.

The US is the Biggest Trouble maker in that Lot.they  are the biggest Voice...Amen... 

16 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Into the South??... The Southern states?.... Texas?


No, into South Korea.


If the US wants to ally itself with the South, then it is only fair that they are open to attack by NK to the same degree that NK is from them.


Fair is fair. 


30,000 NK troops next to the US border, with bombers and fighter jets off the coast doing war games and war drills.



Would that be viewed as aggressive behavior?



You're trolling. Here's some links for your education. Though I doubt it will help.




As of 2016, with 5,889,000 paramilitary personnel, it is the largest paramilitary organization on Earth. This number represents 25% of the North Korean population.[7][8]


The largest paramilitary organization on earth.  Almost exclusively focused on the border with the south.  I'd call that aggression.  This might help you also.


2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

The largest paramilitary organization on earth.  Almost exclusively focused on the border with the south.  I'd call that aggression. 


In their own country.


A military.


In a country that is at war.



How dare they!!!!! How aggressive of them to have a military in their own country when their country is at war. 




That is being aggressive against the USA how exactly?  


6 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


In their own country.


A military.


In a country that is at war.



How dare they!!!!! How aggressive of them to have a military in their own country when their country is at war. 




That is being aggressive against the USA how exactly?  


And US troops are in the South.  Their own country. In a country that's at war.  Yet you say only the US is the aggressor.  Debating with you gets boring. 


Remember, it's an international coalition that's against NK and it's nuclear ambitions.  Not just the US.  But you don't seem to care about that.

6 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

You didn't answer this, Craig.



Would you view that as aggressive behavior?

Right up there with the North's military exercises. 


On 10/26/2017 at 4:38 PM, boomerangutang said:

People get fined for littering.  There should be fines for countries which pollute. 

On a side note:  there's a Texas-sized glob of plastic particles & goo, floating in the N.Pacific which is about 2 meters thick.  Arguably 90% of that goop comes from China.  



Maybe get Kim to drop a bomb on that glob.

One way of getting rid of it

5 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

By choice of the US.


Half way around the World from their own country.



Next to NK. Threatening them with annihilation......

'Ah, but it is different when it is us. It's always everybody else's fault no matter what. Always.'

11 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

By choice of the US.


Half way around the World from their own country.



Next to NK. Threatening them with annihilation......

NK should be threatened with annihilation.  They started it.  Not the US.  Not SK.  Not Japan.  Luckily, Kim knows he's toast if he fires off a nuke.  Even for test.


NK desperately needs a new leader.

1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

NK should be threatened with annihilation.  They started it.  Not the US.  Not SK.  Not Japan.  Luckily, Kim knows he's toast if he fires off a nuke.  Even for test.


NK desperately needs a new leader.

Why is there even a North Korea in the first place?

11 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Is it not more aggressive when it is right next to the country you are threatening with annihilation?

And who started the threats?  Please do some research before you post.  It gets old.






North Korea threatens war with U.S. in propaganda film

A newly released North Korean propaganda film portrays the nation engaging in a nuclear war with the United States.


These threats have been going on for years.

If you’re having a hard time keeping track of the multitude of threats issued by North Korea in the last few weeks, you’re not alone: Kim Jong Un’s young regime is on a seemingly endless tear of warnings and provocations. From threats of a nuclear holocaust to artillery strikes near disputed borders, here are the latest shots across the bow from the Hermit Kingdom, beginning with those that followed international sanctions over Pyongyang’s third nuclear test in February:


And you say the US is the aggressor.  Wow.

13 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:




They have never attacked America. 


It is America that has attacked them, their country, their people. 



They tried to unite the Korean people 3 generations ago. Long before most people on Earth today were alive.




Oh, they tried to unite the Korean people...that what it was. Can't recall all them other Koreans being enthusiastic about that. And of course, it wasn't just the USA, but why complicate things.

13 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:


I wonder why....


Anything to do with aggression of the US military just next to its border......



Wake up man.


What aggression would that be? Most of the direct aggression (as opposed to imagined one) is one directional - North to South.

1 hour ago, Happy Grumpy said:




They have never attacked America. 


It is America that has attacked them, their country, their people. 



They tried to unite the Korean people 3 generations ago. Long before most people on Earth today were alive.



You have selective memory or are just trolling.  You seem to have forgotten the Korean War.  Many Americans died in that war due to aggression by the North.


They tried to unite the Korean people?  By attacking and killing them?  Seriously?  I'm done.  You're just trolling.

2 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Stationing 30,000 battle ready troops along their border, flying nuclear bombers off their coast, and threatening them with annihilation. 


But not actually committing any direct aggression (as opposed to North Korea's actions over the years). And being there based on South Korea's invitation. The USA's actions do not breach the peace (or cease fire...whatever), North Korea's actions did. Spin away.

1 hour ago, Happy Grumpy said:


I wonder why....


Anything to do with aggression of the US military just next to its border......



Wake up man.

Stop the trolling.  Please.

1 minute ago, Happy Grumpy said:


That is defending their country from American soldiers, in their country.


NK has never attacked America.


America has attacked NK.



Stop your trolling. 

Back of the net!

2 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

During this war American soldiers have attacked and killed NK soldiers and civilians in NK.


Would you view NK having 30,000 soldiers stationed along the American border as aggressive? 


The war was initiated by the North. The side fighting the North wasn't just "America". That you do not wish to address these points and others, but focus on inane formulations is expected.


The USA's involvement was not without relation to NK's actions, SK's request or lacking wide international support. That you make it into a solely USA effort is expected as well.


If the USA was at war with one of its neighbors, a war initiated by the USA - then that other nation seeking ongoing military support to safeguard its security would be reasonable, no matter how the USA would have seen it. That this is a bogus example considering the USA's actual relations with its neighbors is understandable - not much else to go on when supporting Kim.

34 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

During this war American soldiers have attacked and killed NK soldiers and civilians in NK.


Would you view NK having 30,000 soldiers stationed along the American border as aggressive? 

During this war North Korean soldiers have attacked and killed American soldiers and man civilians in the South.


Would you view SK having soldiers stationed along the border with NK as aggressive?


I’d like to suggest that anybody on this forum topic dumb enough to stand up for nK ought to volunteer to move there and see firsthand just how idyllic their wonderful country really is.  Something tells me they might just change their tune when reality smacks them right in the kisser.  Hint: just look into the circumstances of how nicely they treated a young American man named Otto Warmbier.


So go ahead,  I dare you.


Some troll posts have been removed, the replies to the troll posts pointing out the trolling were not removed.  If the trolling continues, perhaps a posting holiday will be forthcoming. 

5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

And who started the threats?  Please do some research before you post.  It gets old.




These threats have been going on for years.


And you say the US is the aggressor.  Wow.


I dropped out of this debate when I felt it was going nowhere and, like others, had degenerated largely into personal point-scoring. On rejoining, I am more than ever convinced that arguing over who is to blame for the current crisis is a waste of time..


Historically, it is obvious both sides have missed opportunities for rapprochement. Right now, neither is doing much to defuse tensions.


The bottom line is that we are where we are.


Options for a way out of the standoff are narrowing. Some of us clearly believe it is worth pursuing peace at almost any price. Others favour military action enforced regime change in Pyongyang.


But what do the experts think? Four leading authorities on geopolitical affairs were asked their opinion. . . and proved to be as divided as we are!







1 hour ago, Fore Man said:

I’d like to suggest that anybody on this forum topic dumb enough to stand up for nK ought to volunteer to move there and see firsthand just how idyllic their wonderful country really is.  Something tells me they might just change their tune when reality smacks them right in the kisser.  Hint: just look into the circumstances of how nicely they treated a young American man named Otto Warmbier.


So go ahead,  I dare you.

People have / do lived there. Michael Harrold was one, as was Andrew Holloway. Both departed unscathed and went on to write books about their experiences. 

Holloway's book, 'A year in Pyongyang' is free to read here:


13 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

I dropped out of this debate when I felt it was going nowhere and, like others, had degenerated largely into personal point-scoring. On rejoining, I am more than ever convinced that arguing over who is to blame for the current crisis is a waste of time..


Historically, it is obvious both sides have missed opportunities for rapprochement. Right now, neither is doing much to defuse tensions.


The bottom line is that we are where we are.


Options for a way out of the standoff are narrowing. Some of us clearly believe it is worth pursuing peace at almost any price. Others favour military action enforced regime change in Pyongyang.


But what do the experts think? Four leading authorities on geopolitical affairs were asked their opinion. . . and proved to be as divided as we are!



Excellent post.  Excellent article.  A few here really need to read that article.  Lays it out quite nicely.


From the link:


The main reason we are where we are today is because North Korea has walked away from every denuclearization agreement ever reached. The regime clearly wants nuclear weapons more than any inducement. And it has not changed its behavior in the face of sanctions.


No easy answers.

1 minute ago, baboon said:

People have / do lived there. Michael Harrold was one, as was Andrew Holloway. Both departed unscathed and went on to write books about their experiences. 

Holloway's book, 'A year in Pyongyang' is here:


Agreed.  But they are few and far between.  First, it's very hard to live there.  Second.  It's just no fun! LOL

1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Excellent post.  Excellent article.  A few here really need to read that article.  Lays it out quite nicely.


From the link:


No easy answers.

Why the need to constantly post selective quotes from links? Why not just allow folk to do their own reading and judge for themselves? 

3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Agreed.  But they are few and far between.  First, it's very hard to live there.  Second.  It's just no fun! LOL

You know nothing about it. They do, or did, in Holloway's case.

12 minutes ago, baboon said:

You know nothing about it. They do, or did, in Holloway's case.

I know a lot about getting visas to NK.  Not easy.  Even tourist visas.  I am a traveler, after all.  It's what I do.


As I said. Who'd really want to live there.  Very, very, very few people.  But many would love to leave that country.  And die trying to do so.




North Korea imposes very strict migration controls on the entries and exits of foreigners and of its citizens. Despite being a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights since 1981, North Korea does not uphold Article 12(2) of the law, which states, "Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own."


To really understand a country, you need to do more than visit for 7 days and read a lot of books/articles. LOL

15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I know a lot about getting visas to NK.  Not easy.  Even tourist visas.  I am a traveler, after all.  It's what I do.


As I said. Who'd really want to live there.  Very, very, very few people.  But many would love to leave that country.  And die trying to do so.




To really understand a country, you need to do more than visit for 7 days and read a lot of books/articles. LOL

You haven't done either but it doesn't stop you from waxing lyrical on the subject. 


Visas are not particularly difficult to obtain either. Nobody I met there had any trouble whatsoever. Perhaps it is just difficult in certain individual cases...

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