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The time when America stopped being great

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10 hours ago, mikebike said:

You mean like the nordic countries, and possibly France? It is not as though democratic socialism is a theory. Why would any enlightened administration follow Stalin or Mao when there are much better concrete examples in the west?


If approached as a purely economic model then I don't think socialism, democratic or otherwise holds up in most instances.  Where it is useful is in making a society more cohesive.  It puts everyone in the same boat, pulling in the same direction. Where conflict arises, it is not citizen on citizen but on how the policy can be made better for all. That is the chief failure of US style democracy.  It intentionally pits people of every age, race, income level, etc against each other. The battles become so fierce that no one ever seems to notice it is the crony capitalist in the middle that is the only winner.

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USA and Canada have top as well as very expensive Universities.  America and Canada have faded from greatness over the last 10 to maybe even 20 years. We both now fight stuff like  politically correct speech, or catering to religious people  who have come over to North America and instead of trying to fit in, are stuffing their religions into our faces with nijab issues, and turban and those legal knives, issues, and such. How many years until we have legal Sharia laws in pockets of our countries? Something to think about!


3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

USA and Canada have top as well as very expensive Universities.  America and Canada have faded from greatness over the last 10 to maybe even 20 years. We both now fight stuff like  politically correct speech, or catering to religious people  who have come over to North America and instead of trying to fit in, are stuffing their religions into our faces with nijab issues, and turban and those legal knives, issues, and such. How many years until we have legal Sharia laws in pockets of our countries? Something to think about!



The pilgrims came over a lot longer than 20 years ago.  And now we export religious zealots around the world to spread American religions like Scientology and The latter Day Saints church.  What comes around goes around my friend.  Turbans and those legal knives are symbols of the sihk religion. Hajibs and sharia laws are muslim.  



Latter Day Saints do not try to get people around them to believe that Sharia Law is  a great law.  I do not agree with a Sihk security guard wth his ceremonial knife on his belt telling me that my swiss army

knife with an inch and one half length blade cannot be taken onto an aircraft. And my objection to any Muslim that builds a Mosque near where  I live then wakes me up each morning at 5 or 530 , as they do their daily call to prayers.

  I do not like Scientology and never have,  is it actually a religion or more like a cult?

Brand me as an Old Christian who is tired of seeing other religions trying to push their way into North America and then seeing Christian and other people recruited and brainwashed to go killing others in the name of Islam.


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